What everybody should know bout me, myself and I

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey everyone whats up welcome to my profile as you kan c i am a fun and enrgetic blonde im ditzy some times but its fine youll get use to it just ask my family or punk puppy she my best buddie anyways............... I dont mind random comments or messages and i take anyone as a friend but please to not leave me nast comments I dont care who you are its not your job to say somthing mean or inapropriate to me. well since i got that out of the way have fun looking at my profile if it made you laugh leave a comment or if it didnt leave a comment say it didnt and ill try to make it betta so yeah...........Oh yeah my fav color is purple and i love most animals but mostly dogs my fav. I LOVE GOD AND JESUS and if you have a problem with that than keep your words to yourself k cus i dont wana hear it. my fav icecream is vannilla and i play softball for the tittans and Im pretty good and no one can tel me other wise so dont try to. I love the band breathe carolina amd tokyo hotel and if you dont thats your problem not mine. Im a drama queen but i dont start crap for no reason and if you say something bad to me i will get on your butt so dont say anything that you wouldnt say to your own mother im nice to people who are nice to me i love to dance and have fun and make jokes and i like to talk to tons of people i talk alot though but its not a bad thing... I love my friends and would do anything for them big or small and if you mess with my bff punk puppy i will get all up in your grill and make it my bitness that you dont mess with her again or any of my other friends so have fun and play nice lol byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smile
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