My signs:
[ Sign Those Tits ]

My name is Lei. ♥

I'm 17 years old.

My gender is look down my pants and find out.

My Orientation is Straight as a Ruler, with a few bumps;

I'm Single.

I have a weird/abnormal/shy personality,
some say it's Kind, Gentle, and Caring.

I'm a lovable person once you get to know me;

I'm also considered to be Abnormal,
and random at most times; I have interests in art;

I love to draw.

I have likes

I have dislikes.

I like many things: Music, Cars, Boys, Friends, Family, Gaian family, Msn,
coloring, texting, talking on the phone, and The color(s) Purple, black, white, gray, and blue along with many other things.

My dislikes are: School, Life, Failing, Noobs.