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Constantly in beta. Will be updated as often as the main dev (me) can be bothered.


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coowings Report | 08/11/2021 3:00 am
Now that you said it, yeah, I remember the coconut trees. I placed at least 2 palms in my teapot, they're neat. I love how they purposely added that last bit, nice touch right there lol
To be fair all of them could use MORE content, though out of all existing 5* currently playable, I agree Qiqi has way too little content as it is.
I'm sure you will. It was merely a result of me not being able to sleep, AND simping for more Kaeya-esque interactions that drove me to max mine out. The simp for Kaeya is real emotion_kirakira
LMAO. She's such....a mom? I don't think that fits quite right, but I can't think of another figure more synonymous to nagging aside from grandma lol

Awesome. You go and live the dream, future Dr.! emotion_brofist

Of course, sadly I am Mistsplitter-less. You'll find a reason to use him sometime. I have never used my Diluc either but I've been told he's one of the stronger ones.
Geo is the only full family as of now, it's hilarious when I think about it. Pops Zhong, Momma Ning, Eldest Son Albedo and Eldest Daughter Noelle. Soon we'll even get family fox? Gorou. I've only built Zhongli and Albedo thus far myself.
That's what they say, though if you ask me, Sayu is the hardest one to pull. I've pulled 5x10 with no sign of Sayu. She pulled a ninja on me lol
Diona did come home THREE times though, and now I have her at C4! So all is not lost emotion_yatta
I really don't want Yoimiya (for fear of never using her), so I'll stop once I hit 60 pulls and wait for upcoming banners to get the chibi ninja.

Thank you! I'll have plenty of time to save up for her, I just need to win my 50/50 lol
coowings Report | 08/08/2021 6:23 am
Yay us! Now to sit back and chill. I've been playing too hard? My arms kinda hurt. These Inazuma puzzles are not just drills lol
I thought I had it bad with Sucrose and Jean, both whom I've gotten only to 80. Can't deal with another intense flower-farming right now.
Wait you can plant coconut trees? Is this truth or you just trolling me? surprised
I just caught up recently, myself. Couldn't sleep last night so I got it up to 20k and hit Fit for a King status. Silver linings, gotta love 'em emotion_awesome
The one voice line that remains denied to my ears. Perhaps standard banner in the new version may be nicer to me yet. She has to come home at one point. Kinda bummed with getting skywards when that golden streak comes, tbh emo
I have never listened to Keqing outside of JP, but that's...intriguing? She nags?? I would have never seen that one coming LMAO

Best of luck! Not to sound cliche but does that mean you're like, super into numbers?

Yeah, they do say Lion's Roar is better for Keqing in terms of overall damage. I have The Flute on her though. Aesthetics, gotta pay for it lol lol
I tend to pair Keqing up with Albedo when I do use her; they're just way too much fun as a combo.
As much as I simp for Tartaglia/Childe's JP voice....I just am horrible with his playstyle so nah. Japanese seiyuus tho, really be making me simp unknowingly. I hate it lol
I am so excited to pull for Sayu. I hope they're not gonna make it hard to get her, word is Rosaria and Yanfei were made harder to get, even being 4* so I dunno.
And dang, you pulled off Sara REALLY well. If that's not enough reason for her to come home to you, I don't know what is.
coowings Report | 08/06/2021 8:47 pm
I can't believe I maxed Ayaka tbh. Just glad I got it over and done with lol
Don't remind me of Dandelion farming...that was...terrible. I really like how we can grow certain plants in our teapots. Now I just need the item# limit increased again. I've recently been playing around my teapot more often, I'm crafting companion sets and unlocking their conversations and just...melting. I'm positive I have just developed a crush for Kaeya, I mean, I've always find him to be charming if not sly, but having unlocked his dialogues I just. End up being a simp for Kaeya. I also find his JP voice attractive so woe is me yes I play using JP feel free to call me a weeb lol

Can relate. Learning is fun. Well, most times it is. What are you majoring in btw, if you don't mind me asking?

I think I was talking about Ayaka here, right? Yes, got her to 90.
I'm cheap so I'll pair her with Amenemo the 4* and that too, is on its way towards level 5 Refinement. I just...need enough Amethyst Lumps... emotion_skull
It's OK. Sara looks pretty badass if I may say so myself, BUT I'm petty and dislike them putting Inazumans through a hard time so I'll pass their banners. Good luck getting her though!

Same. I thought the same but my pettiness overrules my rational mind at the moment and I suppose I'll let it be for the time being.
Thanksss. Mona and Qiqi are like the 2 elusive 5* who are hellbent on rejecting me so it's about time I move on to other prospects? lol
Forreals. Water bow when?? I feel like that'd be cool for some reason.

Congrats! MEANWHILE I am still. Qiqi-less it's not even funny at this point. I feel the pain of rejection numbing me all over.
Hope you'll pull one very soon, if one hasn't come home to you already.
coowings Report | 07/30/2021 6:51 am
Thanks! Can't say I disagree with you there - it's as if gathering materials for ascension has gotten a tad...trickier? More annoying? I pushed through and got my Ayaka to 80...where she'll probably remain for a while lol

I noticed that too. Seeing as how much fun it's been playing with elemental reactions, I won't resent their direction towards such a game play. Same. Low-key hoping Mihoyo will get to that level sometime, though I won't count on it xD

Ah nice. Have fun with school. I enjoyed school, but I'm also glad I'm done with it?
I remember being lost for a bit after graduation; I was so used to studying, it feels a lot like being pummeled into the workforce - blind.

LMAO congrats and best of luck with the sakura farming! I wasn't counting on getting her either, but I'm a sucker for sword users so it all turned out fine.
I finished Yoimiya's quest, and after the brief trial of using her, it's confirmed that I don't see any need to get Yoimiya for now. I'mma just pull for Sayu c0. Gotta have her in my collection ;v;

KeQueen, amirite? I wonder if they'll release Electro buff before the year ends hmmmmm. I'm not so much a loyalist, just the next 5* that's getting my primos will be Kokomi [besides Albedo and Xiao].
I'm terrible with Childe and Mona, so Kokomi is the only other Hydro unit I should be able to work with. Right now Xingqiu's my only hope as I run across Inazuma. I'm glad this game doesn't have some weird system where the characters can get tired and wants to quit the active party as they regain, uhhh, stamina? That'd be terrible emotion_skull

Likewise. They'll be upgrading the chat system in future release(s), can't say I know how soon/far into the future that's gonna be though.
No issue at all! Some days I'm up at ungodly hours myself, some days I'd be snoring before midnight. All good emotion_brofist

coowings Report | 07/26/2021 5:42 am
SAME. I paid attention to resonances, but once I picked up Sucrose after being blessed with a C6, gotta say those reactions can be fatal. I was fighting that boss in Inazuma (trying to farm drops for Ayaka), and throwing in Sucrose really helps to speed up the killing process. I imagine anyone using an Anemo user as a main will have to consider elemental reactions for optimal efficiency, one way or another lol
(wait for the Electro buff, it should come some time in the future).

I'm hyped for any event tbh so lol
BUT I do hope they'll consider running drop rate boost events...I'm not even asking for a weekly boost up rate, yanno? gonk
Also like...a month long login event, anyone? This is pretty friggin' standard for every other game out there. I'm stoked to see the Sakura tree has 50 levels for us to max though! [the grinding-to-end-game player in me is pleased]

How did your roll(s) go so far? Also, how are you enjoying Inazuma? whee

I see. I hope you'll hang in there till next year rolls around. There may be better opportunities yet 3nodding
This just goes on to prove that your rolls really depend on your luck. I won my 50/50 with Ayaka at 7x pulls, while pulling for Yanfei (I did get my Yanfei to C2). Unexpected, but Ayaka's pretty fun to play being a sword user so it's all good. Now I'm saving up for Sayu ninja

I'm playing on Asia server. On that note, I just added you in-game. Now I'm the type to log in, and also do other things while I'm online there, so my responses may be delayed.
coowings Report | 07/20/2021 3:59 am
Now now, no need to be overly humble lol
Jokes aside, I'd bet you're pretty sharp with elemental reactions and whatnot. I'm not sure if you've seen that genshin meme about the type of players. but I'm more the "random bullshit go" camp 80% of the time. ONLY recently did I start to more seriously explore elemental reacts - gotta thank Fischl for this awakening emotion_awesome
I heard! I gotta give it a go sometime tbh, and see if I can complete more floors, at least for the primos.

Cuz the rate's a killer! You'd think they'd entertain weekly drop rates as an event (like Maplestory did and probably still doing) but nope. I did drop it as a suggestion tho.
I'll have a decent set of VV SOMEDAY. I just know it. Well...can't have you going on a massacre across Teyvat with an OP Kazuha now, can we? xd
The Anemo ladies will make good use of it, as you said. 3nodding

AHAHAHAHA. Do update me, please. This is probably just me but why the heck would the 5* weapons all look so...anemo-coloured-ish?
I know, I'm one of those players who bother with aesthetics so that 5* great sword has actually been collecting dust in my inventory lol

That sounds rough, yo. Is working part-time a feasible option? Hopefully there's plenty where [whatever's not eaten by tuition and them fees] come from. ninja
I can't even. So like....C2 Kazuha??? I call haxxxxxx rofl

Thank you! I hope you get the Princess! She'll be a damn fine addition to your teams. I'm fine with winning or losing my 50/50, as long as I get a Yanfei. I only have my single account so yeah, I'm hoping to get Sayu as well. It's mainly Sayu, Xiao and Albedo at this point...oh and Gorou! He's supposed to be a Geo bow user. I don't even know his kit yet, all I know is I'm collecting the whole of GeoFam whee
Good luck usssss!
coowings Report | 07/19/2021 11:25 pm
LMAO you're one of those folks (literally have nothing against you Abyss Spiral goers, I'm actually more impressed at you lot). Lowest of mine are Amber and Diluc at 50-51, cuz I just don't use them yet. If I get bored enough of my existing team comps they might get a turn though. Switching up teams keeps the game fresh.
Forreals. I've seen a dude play with only the free characters, along with Xinyan + Diona from some free events as well and dude hit 31* for abyss so yep, there really isn't any wrong way to play the game. I stopped building Kaeya/Lisa for a while too, but when I get too bored of my existing team comp I will more than likely end up building at least 1 character from the switching. I'm doing that for Fischl now and she's so much fun to use, I was lecturing myself mentally a couple of times for not utilizing her sooner lol
We'll be seeing Yanfei in the next banner, so good luck! She's a lot of fun to use and you'll find yourself laughing in Yanfei while you deal with slimes (cryo and their breathing?? That puff of white smoke around them is but a thing from the past lol

Don't even remind me of my farming sessions for Crimson Witch...those are painful. My Klee is still sporting the generic artifacts; I'm just lucky the stats are workable enough to use. My pain level for Crimson and Viridescent are quite level so yeah, both are stuff nightmares are made of emo

I AM LOSING HOPE! Or I may have already lost it... I'm still hoping but I've learned to feel content with whatever the gold pull presents to me.
(I've nothing against Diluc except I don't use greatsword characters enough, but I do feel the game would rather give me C1 Diluc than a Qiqi.) Also did you pull your permanent 5* on your F2P yet? ninja

AH. Gotcha. How's the PhD business going? As smooth as it can get given current situation, I hope. You DO know you're lucky, aren't you? Wait, so you won your 50/50?
Kazuha IS fun. I do still prefer Xiao though. If I'm still playing by next year and there's Kazuha rerun I might roll for him next. If Diluc hasn't come home by then I hope Yoimiya will. I stick to sword and polearm about 80% of the time, and even if Yoimiya uses a bow, I gotta say she looks pretty interesting. I have a lot of Pyro units as it is now though, so we'll see. I'm more excited for the 4* units tbh, was able to get 2 dupes of Rosa this banner so I hope at least a copy of Yanfei from next banner will come home.
coowings Report | 07/15/2021 7:43 am
Woohooo congrats for Kazuha! He must be real fun to play <3
The only 5* Anemo I have right now is Jean, and I actually use Sucrose more often than I do Jean, somehow. I just find her kit more fun to play with, I guess. BUT the farming for Virisdescent is a whole different level of pain, I must say. It's been 1 week and a half now and still...shitty artifacts emo

Gosh, you really raise them all, huh? I keep them lowest at 50, but some folks will say it's a waste of resources.
I'm currently raising Ganyu, Rosaria, Fischl and Lisa, along with Sucrose on the side. Switching up my whole party usually works like a charm for me; after getting sucked in by the whole shenanigans in the archipelago, sniping my way across Teyvat with Ganyu is keeping me adequately entertained 3nodding
Maybe give the Rosa/Benny a go? :3

Yanfei has similar passive and I adore her, but Qiqi is Qiqi and I just. It feels terrible being rejected time and time again, y'know? gonk lol
Good luck to us!

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm....excited for Gorou. I'm looking to complete my GeoFam soooo yeah.
Right now I'm seeing a LOT of people gunning for either Ayaka/Yoimiya, and I say best of luck to them. I just hope I'll be blessed with Sayu. I still want Qiqi but yeah, I'D WELCOME SAYU WITH OPEN ARMS TOO. The little ones are just so cute, I gotta have the whole set 4laugh
Wait, so you have 2 accounts? I gotta say I am sufficiently amazed.
coowings Report | 07/15/2021 5:01 am
I think I have yet to respond but what do I gotta do to get Qiqi to come home???
Did you managed to get a Sucrose yet? :'D

OMG what more reason could you have?? Baedou's birthday is the closest to mine (mine is a day before) so I can really relate to her. I mean, save for the part where I get a Vision by slicing in half a giant monster but her demeanor's somewhat similar to mine (what is even hierarchy?)
Nice! Klee was my first 5* and I was SO excited to get her. Whole Archipelago business really got me getting back into the game ngl
I've been rolling cuz I want cons for my Rosa, so yeah. I'll still roll for Sayu though, for sure.

Also I am s-t-o-k-e-d for Inazuma! whee
ShoeboxWarrior Report | 07/09/2021 2:53 pm
I'm so glad you enjoy it! Please use it however you'd like ^_^


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Currently: Friday, Winds of Fortune. [4*] (with her cat, Beatrice)
A talented if somewhat eccentric healer. A prodigy whose score in the Ventifera entrance exam has stood as the record for almost a decade.

Art by ShoeboxWarrior. <3
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