
User Image
Total Value: 2,229,360 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Demonic Anklets
Black Drome Egg
Ninja Sword
Summoning Tome
Dark Star
Dark Star
Edmund's Underwear
Red Green Dragon Torso Tattoo
Red Green Dragon Bottom Tattoo
Ninja Hood
Steel-plated Ninja Band

Which Star Wars Character Are You?
Your Result: Boba Fett

You are a quiet loner who is not to be messed with. You are a serious person that likes to get down to business, that business often being death or disintegrations You are loyal to two things; yourself and money.

Jabba the Hutt
Darth Vader
Han Solo
Luke SkyWalker
Princess Leia
Jar Jar Binks
Which Star Wars Character Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


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