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Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 06/27/2009 6:52 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

readd me on myspace, or tell me to kill myself, bc apparently i have no idea wtf u want from me. so wat the hell do u want? call me for ******** sake, im losing my god damn mind, and death doesnt sound like a bad escape. so call me, i gave u my #, u have 3 days, or my blood can have a nice home on ur hands.....
Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 06/22/2009 12:40 am

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

10317 in towns, greta....
Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 06/22/2009 12:39 am

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 05/01/2009 8:23 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

Dear Devora,....

I know by now these words mean nothing to you, i know that because of what i am, i mpst likely mean the same..... i know im not someone
u can easily forgive... i know im a ******** up, and im sorry you met me, i didn't mean 2 hurt you.... it seems that's all i do to anyone, so i will
finish up here and in a few days time, end the suffering im known to cause.... i thought that by giving up everything else, maybe we could
work... It seems i was mistaken.... i will wait for a reply, then i will let you be if that is as you wish....

The one night i needed you i couldn't find you, and as is my fate... i love you, and so i will part from you, if you ask me to. You have
been nothing but good to me devora, and i know you have always ment well.... i never ment anyone any harm, but im a disease apparently, and it
seems i always was... i just wanted to say i was sorry, i ******** up, i know, and i ******** things up for you... i had no right to do anything to
interfere with your life, and i know i can't be forgiven.... if I'd have stayed a brother to you, maybe it would have been better, i have outlived
my welcome it seems.... i like to think ur family keeps you from talking to me, but deep down inside i know i blame them for what i did.... I know
you probably don't want to see me or hear my wretched voice ever again.... ill leave and go away and let you be if you want.... maybe then your hate
for me, can be used to help you tople valen and anderson, and maybe someday kill me for ruining your life, if that is what you want... i am going to
dissapear in a week or so. so u may not here from me anymore if you haven't replied by then... If i die someday this year, ill watch over you and be
here for you, as well as I can be... No, i am not going to commit suicide, im just going to go to sleep. seeing as no one wants or needs me around
i suppose that would be best... in the end this is all for the best, isn't it... I won't be able to hurt anyone again and can have the peace i wanted
and you can use your hate for me to get rid of your enemies..... I really did love you, and so did Momiji, and godchild, and everyone, but i guess it
was all a lie, and wasn't made to last.... i just wish i would have been able to be happy. if you would like, i can have valen kill me... if that would
give you the strength you need to fight him, just say the word, and ill do whatever it is you want. ill grant you my final wish, to make you happy before
its my time to sleep....

In the end this is better for you, you no longer have to deal with me or anyone that im made of again... im sorry i called, and im sorry i didn't
leave you alone sooner, i just... i wanted us to work..... the one night i was just about ready to die, and wanted to hear your voice you weren't there...
I loved you, and i think you loved me too, but if we weren't ment to be, thats simply how it is. if i do do what is on my mind, ill have the ashes sent to
you,or scattered in the wind if you dont want them. i won't kill myself, but it is time i went to sleep if you don't want me around anymore... i'll just
sleep my life away, won't have to worry about eating or being in love, just sleep til im nothing but a distant dream myself... be at peace and home again...
it'd be so wonderful.... i would finally be able to rest and not have to bother anyone, just stayin the basement and sleep, i won't even know if i ever died.
it'd simply be a never ending dream, maybe i could get my wish and start over from the beginning, creat my own family and a life with you, even if its just
a dream... then again, maybe thats all it ever was... if you still love me, thank you for your forgiveness... if you ever need me, wake me up, and ill listen,
and stay until I find once again that i am useless.... i hope ull come visit me someday, in the future, if u ever get a chance... id like to see you, even if
i can't be there to enjoy it, at least be able to say im sorry...
Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 04/01/2009 6:06 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

baby, y is u sad? plz call me soon, i miss u a lot, and i havent seen u in 4 ever. ily, plz dont b sad.
Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 03/27/2009 7:13 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 03/27/2009 7:10 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

lets try 13666 maybe thatll work, and mijis mom is rly sad..... can i invite her?
Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 03/27/2009 7:01 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

*holds u and smiles at you, gently rubbing my nose against yours* ilysvm, devora, i never want to lose u
Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 03/27/2009 6:49 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

im not at all mad at you baby, ilysvm, y would i b mad? *cuddles lovingly*
Alucard  Vladimer Tepes

Report | 03/27/2009 6:39 pm

Alucard Vladimer Tepes

i know hun, im not mad, just dont want evry1 seeing it. *kisses u lovingly* its fine, love