
Deydey4's avatar

Last Login: 02/01/2017 8:18 am

Registered: 07/15/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Why dont you just ask?

Birthday: 04/07/1993

Occupation: Relaxing and planning to dominate the world..i was supposed to say o well XD


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Hey....thats about it...i'll tell more if i like you



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Mitsurashi Report | 03/28/2022 3:31 pm
Ricardo: *Nonchalantly peeks at them, lowering his head down before double taking as he looks at their stares* Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking out loud.
Hebachi: I don't know, Brother. Perhaps we can leave it to him after all. Waddya say?
Levos: *Looks away* Whatever. Just give them the damn thing. Rest is their problem.
Ricardo: Huh? *looking at their hands* You have it?
Hebachi: Indeed. *Snaps his fingers, a black cloud forms behind him, as the silhouette of a large thin creature slithers out*
Julius: A snake conjuration...
Hebachi: Yes. *The snake begins opening its mouth as a large briefcase slowly creeps out, plopping on the floor* Take care of it now.
Ricardo: *Grossed out*
Levos: Let's go. *Leaves* And don't touch the mask directly.
Hebachi: *Waves before being off*
Ricardo: *Staring at the case in disgust*
Julius: That reminds me. I heard you speaking to yourself of hoping this year would be tame...Any chance that thought still lingers?
Ricardo: *A defeated sigh as he picks up the bag with two fingers* ....No...No, I am afraid not...
Mitsurashi Report | 03/28/2022 3:31 pm
-In a hallway, staring at a closed door-

Levos: Are you kidding me?
Hebachi: *Shrugs* I don’t know what you expected, Dear Brother.
Levos: What I Expected, was for someone, anyone to at least be here.
Hebachi: Perhaps there’s a spell or maybe even a secret contraption that use to get around. Try Open Sesame.
Levos: *Stares at his Brother* Why are you even here?
Hebachi: Because you’d be lost without me. You’re not someone that particularly has People skills.
Levos: How’d I even get put into this situation…
Hebachi: You lost in the simple game of “Not It”, I believe.
Levos: You believe? You were ******** there. *Eye twitching*
Hebachi: Ask stupid question get stupid an- Ah! *Spots something*
Levos: Huh? *Turns to the left, watching a small human-sized portal open up from a wall a few feet beside them*
???: *Walking out, a anxious expression on his face as he sighs* Hopefully this year could be sort of tame...
Twins: *Look at one another*
Hebachi: *Snarky grin*
Levos: *Snorts as he moves away, not wanting to attempt the situation* Yo. Magic Man.
???: Ah! *Jumps at the sudden call out, frantic as he searches for the voice* H-huh? You two...are...Journalist club?
Hebachi: Indeed. That's quite the scent of fear you're giving off...You're Ricardo, right?
Ricardo: A-...Ah...
Levos: Where's Amani? We need to give her something.
Ricardo: Master Hnabi? What do you need with her? *Slightly tightens the item in his hand*
Levos: We've got something important to give her. Something she can probably help us with.
Ricardo: *Slowly raises a finger* If it's a Magical Artifact you n-need help with, you should probably seek out Lady Makena or even ismail. It's their exp-
Levos: Elenore said Amani so that's what I'm doing.
Ricardo: But-
Hebachi: I don't remember her specifically saying Just Hnabi.
Levos: Finding her and putting the briefcase on her desk is the easiest way. *Stares at Ricardo* So are you going to help us or not?*
???: *Comes out of another portal near Ricardo's Position* Senpai...Everything alright. There's a lot of commotion.
Three: *Looks his way*
Ricardo: Julius? No. Everything's fine...
Levos: Hey you, you seem to be easier to talk to. Where's Amani? We've got an item she needs to see.
Julius: And you are?
Hebachi: Members of the Journalist club. It's a highly imperative request that we bring this case to her.
Julius: The Master's already gone. But if it's an item you want analyzed, I'd suggest Makena, ismail....Honestly, Ricardo is a great researcher too.
Ricardo: *Flinches*
Levos: Noted but no. *Looking at Hebachi* She's a senior right? We'll go there.
Julius: *Steps forward* If you're not going to give it to Ricardo then I'd suggest coming back after classes are over. We'd prefer you not disturb her during studies.
Levos: Oh? *Stares at him* You'd stop me?
Julius: Yes, actually. *Arcane symbols instant circle his hands*
Hebachi: *Shaking his head* Oh boy. I knew something like this would happen.
Ricardo: Please! No need for fighting! Julius, remember Master's Amani's words. Refrain from unnecessary combat.
Hebachi: You really wanna tell Elenore you batched this cause of your hubris?
Julius:...Very well...
Levos: *Growls*
Ricardo: If you don't mind me asking, what is it, you have?
Hebachi: *Taking over the conversation* We're not really too sure on the details ourselves but, we've got in our possessions a Black mask that we think has some kind of dark magic imbued in it.
Ricardo: *Worried* Dark Magic? Of what school?
Hebachi: School? *Shrugs* Beats me. I just know one of us touched it, along with someone from LHA and then they couldn't remember things*
Julius: Memory? Sounds like Alteration.
Ricardo: *Thinking, hand on chin* Alteration? Yes. That could be but...I wouldn't leave out the thought of illusion magic either...And considering this is dark magic then...
Twins: *Staring at him*
Ricardo: *Nonchalantly peeks at them, lowering his head down before d
dragonitef723 Report | 03/20/2022 10:35 pm
The Wilsons arrive at WC.

Nique: Alright, Jay, Reina, y'all two need to give ya best effort. Power placement is no joke and I dont want you to be put in a side-kick class. It makes us look weak and we ain't no weak clique.
Reina: So what'll you think of us if we get put in side-kick class?
Nique: We'll see. I just know you two have the potential to be put in advanced classes so that's what I want from you. Too many of us are sidekicks and it causes us to be a target.
Hak: And if we're targets we have no peace. With no peace our minds become disturbed; with disturbed minds we can't get better.
Nique: And if we can't get better, that's our asses.
Hak: I'd hate to put all this pressure on you guys but if you fail we fail.
Nique: And we ain't toleratin failure so do ya thing.
Reina: I'll try my best.
Hak: And remember, dont let people get to you.
Jay: We good over here. Nothing gets to me.
Hak: I meant Reina.
Reina: You dont have to worry about me. I have a strong enough mind.
Nique: Ya better. This place can get some people really low. It happened to me my first year. I was very overwhelmed and depressed my first year because I couldn't figure out who or what I wanted to be which made me doubt everything I did, everything I learned. Some of these bitches gave me a hard time and that was like an extra 10000 pounds on my shoulders.
Reina: How did you pull through? What did you take from all that?
Nique: We'll save that story for another day.
Reina: C'mon, Nique. I wanna know how you turned into the boss-tailed chick.
Nique: I'll tell you some other time. The story's a bit hard for me to tell because it makes me remember who I wasn't.
Reina: If I remember correctly, you were always the ish.
Nique: Yeah, because you're my little brothers and sister. I had and have a different vibe and relationship with you guys than the public. It was easy for me to act that way around you guys because we live in the same house.
Jay: Are you telling me that you were a NERD?!
Nique: Shut up, Jay. What I'm telling you was that I wasnt who I am now. That's all you need to know.
Reina: Right. So when are we all going to get together? The clique, I mean.
Nique: Lunch time. I just talked to Keon, Jaron, and Emitt. We all agreed that was the best time.
Jay: Cool. I wanted to see where they hands was at anyway.
Nique: Keep that energy. Just dont be mad when you find out So Sik ain't nothin to play wit.
Jay: Sorry not sorry but I just can't see anybody being stronger than me.
Nique: This school'll check that at the door. Be ready, Jay.
Jay: They ain't even ready for me. I'm on a different level.
Hak: Whatever, let's just start the day.
Mitsurashi Report | 03/14/2022 12:51 pm
Sasori: If that ends up being an issue, I came up with a plan around that anyways. In the sound of Insane Echo Nation. They're basically another Reverb but not so Goody two shoes about it.
Nero: So it would be a tag match. Falcons, Reverb vs Ikawhu and IEN. Interesting.
Krielle: And what? We just sit on the sidelines and "Observe"? Should we wear cheerleading outfits too?
Jin: Krielle in a cheerleading outfit? I'd like to-
Krielle: *Picks him up by the collar* die today? You'd like to die, right? That's what you were going to say?
Sasori: We'll be there to make sure all loose ends are taken care of. *Flicks the remaining nub out window* Alright, let's keep going. *walks ahead*
Krielle: *Drops Jin, huffing*
Nero: *Walks past Jin* You're too young for her anyways.
Jin: I guess I'm down with jokes today.
Mitsurashi Report | 03/14/2022 12:50 pm
(Sasori, Nero, Krielle, Jin walking down a hallway)

Krielle: *Staring forward as she licks her yogurt spoon*
Nero: *Glancing from a side eye*
Jin: *On the opposite side of her, doing the same but with an impish smile*
Krielle: *Finish licking the spoon before scooping out more* The hell you wussies gawking at?
Nero: You know, if you weren't a berserker, this display would be pretty out, Krielle. Then again, we could always overlook it. The way you handle that spoon doing things to me.
Krielle: How about I shove it up your a**? Would that do anything?
Nero: Who know, we haven't gotten that far into our relationship yet.
Jin: Woe is me, as to the thought that you might die single and alone, Krielle. I guess want the happiest for you.
Krielle: I'm only happy when my life is on the line and I'm cracking skulls. So unless someone can best me in a fight, I don't give a damn.
Jin: Oh? Sounds like there's no preference to gender.
Krielle: Don't care. *Eats some more*
Jin: *Chuckles* So progressive. Say, Sasori? Wanna try to tame the beast?
Sasori: Huh? Krielle? No way....Ain't tryna get my a** beat this early in the day.
Nero: And yet we're headed to find Ikawhu.
Sasori: Good thing I brought you three along, huh?
Nero: What? No trust for the others? Christin?
Sasori: Reliable, sure. Trustworthy...
Krielle: *Looks at him*
Nero: So what about Christin?
Sasori: I think he's become to caught up in the Music business. Not sure he's going to stick his hand in it when it comes to the s**t.
Jin: But his music helps fund us, yeah?
Sasori: *Takes out a bagging of pre-maid blunts, grabbing one before placing bag back* I know how much we used to make as a group with a couple more people. With him now being a solo act, the amount that he pulls into The Escapists doesn't add up.
Krielle: It's his money so who gives a ******** how much he gives us? We take people's toys anyways.
Sasori: *Thinking to himself* 'His parents died when we started and he's not dating anyone, so where's the money going?'
jin: Hmmm...*Watching him* In any case, why are we going to see the Disciples?
Sasori: Because many people hate them and one of those people happen to be close to the pillar, or I guess, the gate to the them.
Jin: Gate to the Four pillars?
Krielle: Just ******** say it. You scheming people and your dumb riddles.
Sasori: No subtlety...*Lights up, inhaling a bit before a quick exhale* If we want to get rid of anyone first, it'll be the gate to the 4 Pillars. The Falcons.
Nero: *Raises an Eyebrow* 4 trey?
Krielle: Why are we going against the weakest?
Sasori: Because they're the most complicated. *Stops walking to look out a window*
Jin: Complicated? Why, because not much is known about them?
Sasori: Maybe not complicated but, annoying. Looking at it this way. Endtra and Premiavera need to be pushed a little bit and then that cold war ignites into something better and that's two taken care of. Wolves and Cult? Christin should have spoke to Suzaku about their supposed peace treaty or whatever it is.
Nero: Wouldn't that be bad? A peaceful negotiation between them?
Sasori: *takes another drag* Nope. A hand shake on that meeting will put the Rich pansies on a limit and the Idiot wolves on a leash. That's why he was hoping Suzaku was there. At least with him, there'd be a chance it went well. Maybe some retaliation for whoever breaks their vows, I don't know.
Jin: I see, so the problem is there's no one up there that's beefing with The Falcons.
Sasori: And that's why we're going to find Ikawhu. I hear there's something brewing there.
Nero: Wait, aren't they friends with Reverb though? It'll be a 2 on 1 in 4 Trey ends up wanting back up.
Krielle: Reverb is just a bunch of fake wannabe Hall Monitors. What's the worse they can do?
Jin: They've done well fending off attacks in The Hub for years though.
Sasori: If that ends up being an issue, I came up with a plan around that anyways. In the sound of Insane Echo Nation. Th
dragonitef723 Report | 03/09/2022 2:57 pm

Aaron: *sitting by himself, eating*
Guy1297: Hey, why ya all alone?
Aaron: Just didn’t feel like sitting with the folks today. Why, did you want something?
Guy1297: Yeah, I did. I wanted to know why you thought you could sit at this table?
Aaron: I don’t see anyone’s name on it, bro.
Guy1297: *shoots a laser out of his eyes and onto the table, writing his name*
Aaron: Great. But ey, you misspelled d**k. *gets up and walks away*
Guy1297: *lasers Aaron in the calf*
Aaron: Augh! *falls down*
Guy1297: Watch your mouth, kid. This is Will-Cookiams. Anybody and everybody gets there a** kicked here at least once. Now’s your turn.
Aaron: *windmills back to his feet* Alright, we’ll see what’s up.
Guy1297: *shoots another laser*
Aaron: *sends it back with an energy mirror*
Guy1297: *tilts his head to the side to dodge*
Aaron: *fighting stance*
Guy1297: *fighting stance, throws two punches*
Aaron: *blocks both of them and front kicks him in the gut, followed by a rising backflip kick*
Guy1297: *spits blood out*
Aaron: Don’t feel to good, does it?
Guy1297: *shoots a a multitude of lasers*
Aaron: *dodging them effortlessly*
Guy1297: *charges his laser and shoots a big one*
Aaron: *jumps with his legs in a split to avoid the laser*
Guy1297: Crafty one, aren’t ya? Guys!

7 more people get up from the tables and start approaching.

Aaron: Woah, woah guys. Hold on. Hold on.
Guy32:You’re gonna regret showing your face today, yellow-boy.
Aaron: *back up*

The 7 guys get nearer

Aaron: This is not a good thing.
Guy1297: So, what’ve you learned?
Aaron: That you guys are cool and we should be friends?
Guy1297: No. You learn never to be alone in Will-Cookiams. Anything can happen at anytime. This is just the worst time for you, isn’t it?
Aaron: Dude, seriously, back up. I know martial arts as you can see.
Guy1297: There’s about 8 of us and one of you. What’re ya gonna do about it?
Aaron: I-I…
Guy1297: You gonna stand and fight like a man? Or are you gonna run and hide…like a coward?
Aaron: *backs into a wall*
???: Aaron!
Aaron: *recognizes the voice instantly* Oh, it is on. You guys got another thing coming to ya.
Guy1297: Who said that?
Travaris: I did.
Guy1297: And you are?
Travaris: Someone who’s gotta bone to pick with low class scum like yourself.
Guy1297: Hey, guys, look! It’s a hero! He’s gonna save the day!

The group of 8 start laughing

Guy1297: Look, p***y, we only want problems with that high yella mangina over there.
Trav: p***y? I should cut your tongue out for talking to me that way.
Guy1297: With what? Your gay katana?
Trav: Ignorance. Pathetic. Get out of here before I really hurt you.
Guy1297: We ain’t scared.
Trav: A hard head makes for a soft a**.

Mitsurashi Report | 03/07/2022 9:18 pm
Shikamaru: That's because they're never spoken about. Why play all your cards? Especially when everyone wants you taken out. The North, South, East and West. Because of those places that we have under our wings, we all have names, even you. *Looks at Reiko*
Reiko: Names?
Shikamaru: We're known as The Cardinals.
Irume: Like the football team?
Shikamaru: No.
Irume: *Slight blush as she scratches the back of her head* Sorry.
Shikamaru: If you ever somehow get a bird's eye view of Willi-Cookiams, you'll see that *Screen shows the school as the school becomes traced over by lines* it's actually shaped like a compass.
Reiko: Compass? So that means, those other 8 are the to be called The Incardinals then?
Shikamaru: *nods*
Reiko: Geez. Sounds like a bummer. I can see though why'd they be displeased. It's almost as if they're being looked down on. As if they're second strings.
Shikamaru: I guess that maybe it. Might be the reason as to why they dislike us.
Irume: But why? But you did nothing wrong. You had nothing to do with that.
Shikamaru: Irume...I don't want to put words in your mouth or act like I know you but, trying to be friendly with everyone you meet might prove costly.
Irume: ...*Casts her sights to the floor*
Reiko: That might be why they don't like you, huh?
Shikamaru: We're simply doing our job. That includes doing whatever it is to make sure people are safe.
Reiko: Ok there, Bucko. I heard that out of all the SC members, you're kinda one of the only ones people are ok with. though now, that's not saying much. Maybe though... *Shrugs before walking backwards* I'll place our little conversation on hold for now then. That last tidbit of information has settle my curiosity. Though...*Takes out the finished stick from her sucker, she holds her hand out, eyes glowing various shades as a new sucker spawns into her hand, placing that in her mouth* You've now sparked my interest, Cutie. *Walking away* Until we meet again, Shikamaru Tsura! And you too, Irume.
Shikamaru: *Gazing at Irume* Irume, just think it over-
Irume: I have.
Shikamaru: Huh? *Gives her his full attention*
Irume: I have given it a quick thought and I cannot just accept not doing anything.
Shikamaru: That's not what I meant. You should give it some more time.
Irume: Perhaps but I think if anyone must speak to those that are incardinal and even the student body, it has to be us. Even if it's just me.
Shikamaru: I know how it sounds but not everyone will listen and that has to be accepted.
Irume: Maybe. But that does not rule out those that will, yes? *Confident smile*
Shikamaru: *Gazing at her*
Irume: I originally came to find you to speak regarding last years war but...I can kind of sense what happened then thanks to now, and why the students at the front had the reactions they had upon me greeting them.
Shikamaru: I heard someone was greeting people at the front gate, so that was you, after all, huh?
Irume: *Affirming nod*
Shikamaru: Irume, really think this over.
Irume: Like you said, "We're simply doing our job". We're all in this together. All of the Student Council, the Teachers and the Students. That includes doing whatever it is to make sure people are safe.*Starts walking away* All I ask is for your blessing and to watch over me. *Looks back one more time* I'll make you and everyone else proud, I promise.
Shikamaru: *Watches her leave in silence, this moment bringing back old memories that he forgot* How exactly should I feel...
Mitsurashi Report | 03/07/2022 9:18 pm
Irume: *Casually making her way down an empty hallway, checking for students* This is very…unexpected…It's hard to believe there's animosity here. Everyone seems so well behaved... *Sees the side of a familiar person* Tsura? I can ask him about what happened last year. *Makes her way over*

Shikamaru: *Standing in the intersection of the Hallway, a fraught expression on his face while looking at something*
Irume: *Walking over* Tsura, Good Morning! I have a ques- *Moves pass a wall to spot Shikamaru face to face with someone*
Shikamaru: *Arms folded as he gazes down at the person staring at him, a bead of sweat apparent*
Reiko: Hmmm... *Fiddling with a sucker in her mouth as she stares intently, scanning him*
Shikamaru: *Exhales under his breath* Is tha-
Reiko: *Takes sucker out to speak* So why not? *Puts it back in*
Shikamaru: I told you already, I can't do that...
Irume: Tsura?
Shikamaru: Irume. Good timing.
Reiko: *Looks over to her* Irume? As in Asako Irume, correct?
Irume: Y-yes. *Recognizes her* Oh. You're Asamia Reiko. The one that sent the video letter. *Slight bow* It's a pleasure to meet you in person.
Reiko: *Smug yet cheeful grin* Righty-o! It wasn't one of the finest messages but I'd say it got the job done. And I'd be careful with these boys. It was super easy getting into their office. Like the door wasn't locked or something.
Shikamaru: It wasn't...
Reiko: *Baffled* Hold on. Seriously?! Aren't there like important docs and stuff?
Irume: *Giggling* It was quite the shock for me too.
Reiko: What's stopping you from locking it, anyways?
Shikamaru: It's a pet peeve of Lico's Apparently.
Reiko: Lico? That's the wackjob, right?
Irume: I already locked it once by mistake but I didn't think he was that upset about it.
Shikamaru: Well, I'd rather have an unlocked door than a destroyed one...
Irume: Destroyed?
Shikamaru: I guess it's more of a figure of speech now.
Irume: What were you two talking about anyways?
Reiko: WE, as in the newly crafted, East wing, think it would be wise and a great icebreaker to gather all of the Student council members together. A little get together.
Shikamaru: And as I said, something like that is impossible. A gathering like that requires more effort than it's worth. Too many stubborn people.
Irume: Is it because Genra's group?
Reiko: Probably. But With us, you guys and maybe the new ones to the West, we'd have the majority.
Shikamaru: *Sighs* I guess it can't be helped.
Reiko: See? Was that so hard.
Shikamaru: No...Not that. *Angles his head to Irume* We haven't necessarily given you all the details regarding the Student Council, have we?
Reiko: Oh? *interested*
Irume: *Slightly worried* Is something the matter?
Shikamaru: Maybe...You remember when we first found out about The Southern East and Northern West breaking into four?
Irume: Yes. Lico brought in a folder with all the newcomers.
Reiko: Huh? Lico? HE'S the one that had deets on us? Holy s**t...Maybe I'm underestimating him.
Shikamaru: *Stern* You are.
Reiko: Hmmm...
Shikamaru: But, aside from that, remember the amount of people that increased in the SC?
Irume: SC? You mean Student Council?
Shikamaru: *Nods*
Irume: *Pondering* It increased by 2 then 8 so altogether, It was 16 I believed. 4 members for each wing now.
Shikamaru: You have 16...Now add 8.
Irume: *Confused* E-eight?
Reiko: Whoa, hold on. There's 8 more?!
Shikamaru: I don't blame you both for not knowing of them.
Irume: I don't understand. If there's 8 other members of the Student Council then-But,...Who are they?
Shikamaru: The others...They're in control of the sections between our zones.
Irume: So what you were saying before. NW,NE, SW and SE.
Shikamaru: Ah.
Reiko: Jesus...*Slaps her forehead* That was so obvious, how'd I skip past that?
Shikamaru: That's because they're never spoken about. Why play all your cards? Especially when everyone wants you taken out. The North, South, East and West. Because of those
dragonitef723 Report | 03/03/2022 2:06 pm
Gen: So my relationship with one of my best friends can’t be because you’re afraid?
June: *looks her deep in the eyes* I ain’t scared of nothin.
Gen: Then why won’t you let me be?
June: Because you can get hurt again. Not gonna let it happen to one of mine. Not again.
Gen: Well, I’m still going to hang with him, laugh with him, eat lunch with him, anything i want.
June: And I’ll be there to check that s**t.
Gen: If you were in a relationship would you want me butting in at every turn?
June: If I were in a relationship, shoot me in the foot.
Gen: You say that now but if you were to find someone who understands you, who’ll learn you, and gives you comfort, and wasn’t a threat to your health, you’d be head over heels and we wouldn’t be able to to tell you anything. That’s kinda what Sebastian does for me. I’m a tough girl, but with him I don’t wanna be. I want to be open and vulnerable.
June: You don’t sound anything like a Regicidal Wolf, but whatever. Just don’t get too caught up. Remember what happened last time? Yeah, it could happen again.
Otto: *walks in* Everything alright?
June: No. I have to worry about how the Cult is gonna pick us apart when they find out Genevieve is vulnerable for their mad scientist.
Otto: You still think there’ll be beef after the mediation?
June: Of course. It’s just not going to be on school grounds. We’ll see them around town.
Otto: If it’s gonna be like that then Gen, you can’t be with Sebastian.
Gen: Why not?
June: It’s too dangerous. Sebastian doesn’t follow his own orders, he follows Sevyn’s. If Sevyn tells him to drop you, he’s going to drop you.
Otto: And it could be at any time. It could be tomorrow. Gen, tell me you’ve thought about it?
Gen: I haven’t. I know Sebastian’s truth. He’s a guy with morals, values and dignity. Sevyn can’t just tell him what to do either, he’s second in charge so he’s got a good amount of clout and I know he won’t use it against me.
Otto: Let’s not count our chickens before they hatch.
June: Right. They could still get you, too. What if they send it through another member? What if they were to spy on you and Sebastian, get the drop, come finish you?
Gen: I guess you haven’t been watching these past 8 years. I can take care of myself.
June: We’ll see.

Mitsurashi Report | 02/24/2022 7:50 pm
Senna: Just don't lose and whine, with all that bravado.
Isao: And you? *Stares at Kagisa*
Kagisa: *Takes a step back* I-...Can'-
Mikazuki: She accepts...
Isao: That so? And you're just going to speak in her stead?
Mikazuki: Why of course? As her ward, I will do all I can to make sure she succeeds. Is this fine, Kagisa?
Kagisa: ...If I must...
Yagami: Scared? How pathetic. When I win, I hope you tell Daiora.
Isao: Then it's settled. Do not disappoint me.
Aji: In the meantime. Shall we dig in?


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