diego 200

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I Must Move
by Diego Solorio on Sunday, March 25, 2012 at 4:19pm ·

Sitting down, alone in the cold rain. I watch the water fall, as I raise me face, looking at the sky, drops of water fall on my face, making a little stream on my face and fall to the ground. The oh so very cold air. Water continues to falls on me. Am pretty much alone. As I sit, the cold wet sidewalk, nothing better to be alone. Why can’t my life be like this? I just some boy with problem that I don’t want anyone to know, but I’m struggling to get away. I’m alone in the sands of time. Its every minute that I ask "Why?" I fall to the floor, drops of the rain fall on me, dripping off from me face. "Why can't I sleep in the rain? Why can't I live alone, from this place which is called a city? Why can't I see the light already?" I’m alone from my dreams, my hopes; my heart has been thrown across the other side of the world. "No.... I must..... Get it back." Why can't I move? I can't move at all, but why? Can some help me? Anyone? I beg for someone to help. Help me get up, retrieve my heart. Before something happens to it. Please I beg you to help me. But why must you leave me. "You’re just another human that doesn't know better, just like the rest of us." it’s true I know nothing. I do good deeds, but for what? I don’t ask anything in return, I ask no reward. But what is it that I need to be free? "Why must I take everything as a joke?" what is wrong with the things I do? "You’re not alone!" is what I heard. "Why are you laying on the floor?" She was beautiful, her skin was tan, maybe the voice deep, but can keep a sweet girls voice, her hair long. The smile I see on her makes me want to smile. "Please, help me find my heart" I spoke in her mind. She hold my hand, picks me up. "Hurry before it’s too late." "Don’t worry. We’ll get you heart." She holds me as we travel, oh the travel made me feel without a heart. Miles and miles, we walk for. I must move.... not because I need to get my heart, because she is tired of walking. "No.... stop" "What is it?" I move every bone of my body. "Stop you'll hurt yourself" "I don’t care; you’re tired, now it’s my turn to do the rest, please let me carry you." "No, you in no shape to move" "I don’t take no for an answer" I carry her, carrying her with my full secure. More and more mile we head out. We reach our destination. "Is that your heart?" "Yes, hurry I don’t how much longer I can live" she goes to get it but bird fly catching my heart and flying with it away."No....." "Please don’t die." "What the point now? We pretty much wasted all this time trying to get my heart back, and now I gone forever." She shut me up with a kiss. She reaches out to her heart and rips it in half. She keeps one half with her, the piece that she chooses, found back to a full heart once again; her bone and skin cover her up. She rips open my heart and placed the other half in me. It turns to a full heart; she heals me, making sure my bone was back and my skin to cover it all up. I move normally. "Why did you save me?" "Because when you love some u been for a long time, you do everything to keep him alive" I got up reach me hand to her. She takes it. I pick her up. I, no, we must move. We need the least bit of help, but when love occurs, it a whole different story now.



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dude the girl next to me alone man X(

leave the girl next to me alone

leave her alone

people that r awesome