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Hello there! My name is Dil Took; I am a Hobbit of the Shire.
I am 37 in Hobbit years, (33 = about 18 in man years)
If you must know, I am 4 foot tall, and very proud of it.
I have great passion for food, as any Hobbit does, especially pies, baked beans, vegetables, Baked sweets, and scones with fresh butter and jam!
Oh my! I do love fresh jam...
The list does go on I can assure you, but I rather not bore you with my food tales.

OH! I love just about any kind of pie. Except the pies my Uncle Nob Took makes, they're always bitter and a bit dreadful to look at.
I believe my cousin Myrtle Took once claimed that something in her pie moved! Haha, that was quiet a story.
Anyway, I digress,
I also have a love for adventure and mystery stories. If you know of a good tale, please don't hesitate to share with me! It would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe we could do a trade, a pie for a tale....
Though I have known to pick up a romance novel here and there... Nothing wrong with that!

Also, as any good Hobbit, I enjoy gardening and baking sweets. Though I do love roaming the land and going on adventures, which isn't common at all among us Hobbits.
The Tooks and Brandybucks are known for their adventurous habits, and we're very proud of that... trait.
I believe that about sums it up so far, I could possibly go on but I don't want to bore you with these little facts about me.

How about you tell me something about you?

My companions:


**You can find me in the Word Games Forum


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Gone from WG guyz Report | 06/14/2014 12:01 am
Gone from WG guyz
Hmph. /At least he's inclined to listen/

I suppose you're right. That's because I am not a full blooded dragon. Only half.

I am half human as well. That is why it is a little easier for me to take human form at my age.

Though people think I'm just like any dragon, so I suppose it doesn't really matter.
Gone from WG guyz Report | 06/13/2014 10:57 pm
Gone from WG guyz
((*pats* Mkay~ =3= Oh sorry, feel free to delete that other post. Accidentally clicked yellow. DX ))


*she snorts, blinking sleepily, before her gold eyes fix into his.*

That's a strange notion, considering most scream in terror upon my approach or try to slay me on sight.

Ah, perhaps it is because I am a...."normal" form. But I will indulge you little hobbit, since you have yet to irritate me.

What are you curious about?
Gone from WG guyz Report | 06/13/2014 10:13 pm
Gone from WG guyz
Hello, little hobbit.

Any reason why you desire my companionship?

*tilts head.*

((Hello. c: Just wanted to talk before adding. I'm a little picky when it comes to my FL. x3 ))
Khursan Report | 06/09/2014 3:57 pm
Fairly pleasant. I have been mostly traveling alone through the forests.
Khursan Report | 06/09/2014 12:14 am
Hunting in the forest. I do not speak any elven, but we learned to communicate. It seems like you have done a lot of traveling again.
Khursan Report | 06/08/2014 10:49 pm
An elf king? I do not think I have ever met one. Well, I suppose I am friends with an elven ruler. Though he is not really a king, more a chief or tribal leader.

How did you meet this elf king?
Khursan Report | 06/08/2014 10:42 pm
Unfortunately not, hehe. How about you?
Khursan Report | 06/08/2014 10:35 pm
I've been doing pretty good. biggrin
Khursan Report | 06/08/2014 10:24 pm
Hello, Dil. It has been awhile! How have you been?
Thrandy Report | 06/18/2013 4:37 pm
Yes I am awesome.
Thank you.

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