
Well, my name is Shang. LOL, it's chinkalious!
I don't like alot of people,
Well rephrase: I hate alot of people.
Well, it's not my fault you have things to hate about you. (;
I'm a bxtch. A arse-hole. A t**t.
But oh wells.
I think alot, like.. 24/7.
I hold grudges, forever.
Meaning; I'll easily hate you.
My sexuality is none of your business.
If I say I'm straight don't argue back.
I like cute things.
I don't wear dresses unless it's a wedding,
and I'm getting forced.
Some people talke about what I wear and my hair,
but deep inside I know it's better than yours.
I hate being dark, meaning tanned..
it just doesn't suit meh.
I believe, it's okay for a male to be dark,
but when it comes to a female, you should be shot.
Unless, you're like latino or something,
but I still don't understand why people go
crazy for a latino. @________@;
Could you guess?
I like boys more than girls,
girls are waaaaaayyyy too bxtchy.
This is what I think;
If you said to a guy,
"You look nice today"
They'd answer back,
If you said to a girl,
"You look nice today"
They'd answer back with,
"So I didn't look nice yesterday" -hatesonyouuuu-
Girls are wayyy too complicated.
Sometimes I wish I was a male..
I could live life swishfully.. is that a word? D:
I like to ramble. [:
If you gave meh a subject, I could go on for hours.
Yes, I'm fxcking annoying.
I hate interwebs talk, wtf?
It's only fun, when I'm typing to take the pxss,
or when it's 7 am in the morning and I can't
even see what I'm typing. (:
I always nearly have my nails painted,
but sadly, the colour is alway black. D:<
Ooo, I like presents!
But no one gets meh any, everrrrr.
So sad. ;_______;
My friends think I like boys, who look like girls.
LOLOLOL, yumyumyumyum.
Atm, I have over 10 voodoo dolls,
don't pxss meh offfff. LOL.
I like shagbands, I've worn mine for 2 years,
without taking them off unless I have to.
I sleep and shower with them.
Atm, I have 48 of them, I give away alot, and
drop alot. D:
Tbh, I'm really clumsy. D:
Which is badd, and I don't really think about
things before I do them.
I'm a perfectionist, but I ca never be perfect.
I truthfully think I'm overweight.
The day I will be happy, size 4 in tops, and
size 6 in trousers.
I don't think I would aim to be a size 0,
but I wouldn't mind being it for a few weeks. [;
If I could choose any pet, I would choose;
a monkey (the cute ones), and a panda.. D:
I wanted to steal a panda this year from the zoo,
but it was in a cage. D:
I swear if anyone gives meh a panda, I'll take
good care of it, and feed it bamboo everyday.
-Bigggggsmile- Anyone? D:
I don't like, when you check out peoples pictures,
and all there poses are the same, but
the thing is, the pose makes them look shxt.
Oh, and when I wanna check out your pics,
but you're pics are private! WTF, shangwannasee.
I have a thing for pretty boys, becaus they're pretty.
Someone get meh those uhm things around your tummy so
you lose weight fast. [:
I'm not photogenic, I would do anything to be. D:
You know's thoughs people, where they'd smile
and still look good, and try to look scary
and look good, try to look ugly but look good. D:
Ihyyyyyyy. I would do anything, to be natually pretty,
LOLOL, neverrr gonna happen.
I don't let people take pictures of meh, even if I pose..
'cause I have a blank stare LOLOLOLOL.
Or my eyes cringe, LOLOLOL.
When I sign on MSN, my aim is to talk to one person,
and that'll make meh happy.
Ooo, I like getting comments, but
I love having bulletin coversations,
which no one understands but whomever I'm talking to.
But I only have it with one person, LOLOLOL. -lame-
I hate being blocked, so don't do it.
I talk on the phone EVERYDAY.
More than likely, I will NOT meet you if you come from
the interwebs, but if you're a cutie I'll speak to you. [:

"dear kids who call themselves 'ORGINAL',
You didn't come out of your moms v****a with septum piercings,
snake bites, stripped hair, straight legs, extentions,
ripped jeans && flip flops, or anything else.
You saw it on someone else."

The End. ♥


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/13/2024 3:53 pm


What did?

Report | 03/15/2009 5:24 pm


Thats what i meannnt! >->

God o-o

And Uh Im good and you?

Report | 03/15/2009 7:08 am


Thanks xD
scabies babies

Report | 03/15/2009 6:51 am

scabies babies

Oh no I don't, sorry! D:

The one in my profile is not by me.

Report | 03/15/2009 6:43 am


Oh wow, really? That's really cool ^_^ I'd love to travel to the UK some day

Report | 03/15/2009 6:38 am


I'm Canadian xD I like that name though, it's much more unique than Alex x3

Report | 03/15/2009 6:35 am


Alexander ^^; You?

Report | 03/15/2009 6:32 am


lol, thank you ^_^

I'm doing well, you?

Report | 03/15/2009 6:29 am


Oh snap!
Internet War

Report | 03/15/2009 6:27 am

Internet War

Oh me? redface