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Name: Kaze, of course.
Gender: Female.
Interests: Writing, Drawing, Reading.. Listening to the rain drum on the windows.. that's fun.. Storms, pretty much.. I /really/ like canines, felines, and equines.. Reptiles interest me, but they can scare me. I don't exactly like insects, either, except for fireflies and spiders... ^^


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and welcome to "Deprive's Dog Of The Month".
Here, we feature my characters-- drawn, on MS Paint,
and reasons why we picked them
are typed here. December's Dog Of The Month is Zahenji.

The brittany spaniel that aided Aveugle in killing Marin.
If you notice, the book says (a lot) that Zahenji hates himself and the world.
That's true, and if his mother had known that, she would've named him,
"The question" instead of "The answer" in japanese.
Zahenji is a questionable character, and whether he's good or not has
not be noted or seen. (Because Kaze is a lazy bum. xD.)
In the way he kills more than three dogs in one of the wars, some would say
he's evil,
in another chapter, he helped one of the halfbreeds.
Could this possibly mean Zahenji doesn't care about half breeds?
Zahenji had siblings, who died from poisoning, and a mother whom his father
dispatched (killed)
with a single blow when she was too weak to do anything.
Mostly, Zahenji's past is not known.

The reason for Dog Of The Month:
He's hawt.
<33 And Brittany dogs are amazing canines..
^^ Okay, those two aren't reasons..
The real reason is because he's a good/evil character, or, a questionable one,
if you will.