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sassyblondechica5 Report | 12/04/2007 2:12 pm
hey! so, even though you never get on

anymore & you will prolly never read

this, I am going to put it on here anyway.

I decided to tell you that I don't know

what is up with you anymore & I feel

like I don't know you b/c you don't even

talk like you used to & it makes me sad

b/c if we ever live together at college we

will have to be around each other all the

time & I don't think I can be around you

all the time if you talk like you do now...

anywayz, just thought you should know...

sassyblondechica5 Report | 11/17/2007 10:16 am

You never get on anymore & it's soo sad!!!!!

lol! I can't believe you! you little meanie!!!!! lol!!!!!

well, I'll talk to you later! luv ya!

zeroSenshi12 Report | 10/05/2007 6:49 pm
Hey is this Elizabeth? (It's Emily.)
sassyblondechica5 Report | 09/30/2007 11:16 am
hey!!!!! I finally got my hair!!!!!

I'm sooo excited!!! do you like

it? well, I'll talk to you later!!!!!

sassyblondechica5 Report | 09/29/2007 10:54 am
hey! I can't wait to go to the party

with you tonight!!!!! It's going to be

soooooo much fun!!!!! well, I have

to go wash my outfit for tonight, so

I guess I'll talk to you later girly!!!!!

luv ya!

sassyblondechica5 Report | 09/23/2007 4:41 pm
hey girly! what's up?

well, you are LATE to

come see me today

you little h*****! lol!

you loved our fun &

beautiful routine to

"glamorous" on

friday, didn't you! lol!

I love that routine!!!!!

well, I'll talk to you later!

sassyblondechica5 Report | 09/19/2007 3:28 pm
well shoot! it didn't work!

oh well, I cover most of it!

sassyblondechica5 Report | 09/19/2007 3:26 pm
hey! what's up?

you never get

on anymore &

it's sooo sad!!!

my wrist hurts

sooooo bad!!!!

it's making me

really mad b/c

if it doesn't get

better in two

weeks I have to

go to another

doctor and I

may have to

have surgery

on it & it's so

sad b/c then I

won't be able

to twirl for a

while & I will

have to cry!!!

it will be sooo


anywayz, I

decided to

leave you a


long comment

so that when

you finally get

on your whole

page will just

be this one

comment & you

are going to be

rolling on the

floor laughing

at me b/c I'm


hyper right now,

but it's ok, b/c I

know you still

love me!!!!! lol!!!

well, so far not

that much drama

has happened at

school, but football

games & band

practices are a

different story...

but you knew that

already...well, I

have to tell you

later what went

on in band today...

I thought it was

funny & it gave

someone a

reason to talk to

me where people

couldn't say

anything about it,

but it was sooooo

funny!!!!! it was

kinda mean though...

but you will only

see the funny side

b/c you don't like

the person it

happened to


oh my gosh!!!!!

I didn't even

realize how long

this comment was!

I think I deserve


thousand gold for

this one! lol! I'll

prolly get about

40 or so...well,

I guess I'll call

you later & have

you all kinds of

worried about what

I put on here so you

will actually read

this silly thing!

haha! I just

thought of how

mad you will be

when you get all

excited and it's

just hints to what

has happened!!!!!

well, I love you &

I will talk to you


sassyblondechica5 Report | 07/14/2007 6:41 pm
I don't think I'm going...

unless I decide to go to

the dance & if I do that

I'll have to drive back

tonight & I don't want

to do that by myself...

b/c my lil bro isn't goin

& you can't, so I'm not

going...yet another fun

thing I don't get to do...

& to top it all off I made

my mom mad...I think

she was already mad &

decided to take it out on

me though, b/c I didn't

do anything this time!

Promise, it wasn't me!

anywayz, I guess I'll

talk to you later! call

if you wanna go riding

around! I saw you earlier!

Luv ya!

sassyblondechica5 Report | 07/13/2007 10:55 pm
hey! whatcha up to?

& you need to go to

sleep you lil silly!

luv ya!




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