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:) read it and find out..if you dare...MWAHAHAH! :) Just kidding! Its not scary...well.. its MAY be..but not on purpose. :)


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K Byron Report | 12/09/2016 1:12 pm
your avi is badass
F3RaL Report | 05/25/2016 12:55 am
Sneekey postbye
troubled-pasta Report | 12/08/2015 1:16 am
Yeah, Telstra has never changed. As for Google Fibre I think it's essentially the American equivalent of the NBN in Australia, except not s**t and actually done properly. They're basically replacing the old copper cables with fibre optic cables right up to the residencies. The NBN was meant to be the same thing, except we got stupid old "hburr duur fire is bad technology is scary Thomas Edison was a witch" men in charge of the country and they don't see the point in having fibre all the way to the user premises, so they downgraded to only going halfway to the premises, and now they're basically not doing it at all, BUT they're wasting money by re-installing copper. My friend has the prototype NBN (because they tested the soil types down there) which is complete fibre and it's ******** incredible. It's just a shame the rest of the country will never see it.
troubled-pasta Report | 12/06/2015 5:50 am
That sucks. I remember my friend's company tried to charge her three separate fees for moving apartments within the same building complex. They can be pretty nasty sometimes.

Do you at least get Google Fibre or whatever it's called where you are? (I'm stuck with ADSL1 because of the infrastructure in my area + the Government and Telstra being a piece of s**t as per usual. :') )
troubled-pasta Report | 12/03/2015 9:11 pm
Sure thing. Good luck with the move.
troubled-pasta Report | 11/30/2015 9:15 pm
Damn. That's never a fun thing to deal with.
troubled-pasta Report | 11/29/2015 1:17 am
Yeah, I definitely feel that. Being an introvert certainly doesn't make things any better either.
troubled-pasta Report | 11/25/2015 6:18 pm
I wouldn't say I'm better yet... 'Functional' is a better term. I just need to distance myself from the world a little. Get a place of my own, have a space to myself that isn't constantly being invaded by other people without my consent. Something like that. I'll be better when I can recollect myself and start wanting to interact with people IRL again.
troubled-pasta Report | 11/25/2015 12:59 pm
I'm starting to. Things have been pretty tense between my partner and I, and my mother is making things worse by pulling a bunch of abusive bullshit on me and then putting down/disapproving of my partner to act like the Caring Parent™ in the same breath, so between that and starting up my own business, I've been at the end of my tether a lot recently. I needed to take some time to focus on myself, and now that I have, I've got a better handle on it.
troubled-pasta Report | 11/20/2015 2:42 am
Hey, just letting you know I'm not doing great at the moment and I can't think straight so I'm not going to be able to reply to your plot thing right away. Just need some time to get my head straight is all. Anyway talk later.



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