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Hello! Welcome to my profile. People call me Lune or Luney here online. I am 22 years old and I am a pretty nice person once you get to know me. I happen to be a freelance artist. I love drawing whenever I get the chance to, and its something that I have been doing for years. I own two ferrets named Cookie and Kiki and they're practically my babies haha. This is my first time owning ferrets and all I can say is I absolutely love them! > w<

Thats pretty much it about me. Feel free to leave a comment and I just might comment back! If you're interested in Commissions feel free to go to my links section and choose between Gaia or Paypal Commissions since I accept both. Thanks again for stopping by!

Profile Song: 3rd Moon - Monsun (Original Mix)


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DJ Lune's avatar

Last Login: 11/28/2014 3:03 am

Registered: 02/16/2006


Posts per Day: 5.38

Total Posts: 36566

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1. Do you take commissions/bribes?
Yes I do, feel free to visit my shop R e m i x.

2. Can I have free artwork/graphics from you?
I dont give out freebies unless you've earned them or if Im feeling generous.

3. Can I use your art for Banners/Profiles?
Please ask me first before doing so, otherwise you'll be stealing from me.

4. I saw someone with your art/graphics and they say its theirs, what do I do?
Report them to a moderator immediately.

5. Can you donate to me?
I dont donate to users who ask, sorry.

6. Can we be friends?
Of course! Drop by my art shop and feel free to chat with me there.


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SallySkelington Report | 08/29/2021 6:50 pm
Nova Lust Report | 07/30/2012 7:47 am
nice avi
xxaii Report | 07/25/2012 9:54 pm
I love your profile! It's adorable! yum_puddi
witchcrafting fairy Report | 07/16/2012 9:41 am
You shouldn't be haha. You're honestly an artist of the new generation. This is the future and you're just taking off from Gaia. mrgreen
I believe I have made a previous comment like this probably two years ago haha I'm sooo weird. I followed you on tumblr tho emotion_dowant
i'm angel and I would love it to be friends with you. OK THIS IS SO WEIRD DON'T QUESTION ME WHY LOL
when I first found out about you you were with this guy for some reason I can only think of a name like wolf? No clue but you were with him for a while
are you still with him? ;o *I'm 17 so I was like YOUNGGG when I first started hehe razz
Princess-Fanoria-Pagan Report | 07/15/2012 11:25 pm
Faceless Terror Report | 07/14/2012 9:32 pm
I'll remember that!

Hmph. emotion_donotwant
Iemonshark Report | 07/11/2012 11:44 am
Awww thank you love love!
I need to make a badass DJ one to match you <3 heart
ririkkuma Report | 07/11/2012 12:07 am
Love your avi Lune!
Iemonshark Report | 07/09/2012 11:10 am
y r ur avis so awesomeeee
witchcrafting fairy Report | 07/01/2012 8:48 am
You're seriously an amazing artist. I remember your account ` l u n e and the one before aswell I believe. I've been here since 05 and I would see your early work and was always amazed. No clue how your work could improve from the last time I saw it. I now have enough gold to get art and I have never bought art before and I told myself my first time would be with you. Can't wait until you open up your shop I'll try to be one of the first ones! <3 You have no clue who I am but I have always been a gaia fan hehe