Dmitri Felven

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...Hmph. Hello. My name is Dmitri Felven from Tales of the Elements. (OOC: No, Tales of the Elements is not a real Tales game. It is one my Cousin, Kazea Tetsujen, created.) You would like know more about me? I am an Elementalist of great power and I have swordsmanship beyond that of most people. My affinity is Fire Elements, but I have adjusted my body to all of the Elements after much training. My first Gathering was with my childhood friend, Aurora Salvance... and a Demon, Alemose Tetsujen. I do not intend or desire to share my personal memories nor my past. All of that is behind me now. All you need to know is that Demons are never to be trusted, let alone loved by anyone. I currently travel around Ragnarok training and preparing Gatherers. Right now, I only have two apprentices: Ireth Fairmont of Vivain and Kazea Tetsujen of Tresgard. Ireth is an Elf and quite a talented Elementalist. I enjoy working with her and her progress is developing faster then most of my students from the past. My other student, Kazea, is completely opposite of that. She is constantly distracted and tires easily. I suppose it isn't her fault however, it's that little imp's. Kai Animus.. Curse the day he came to Tresgard. I have a good mind to kill the people who raided Forcina Peak just because they caused that brat to meet Kazea in the first place. *Tch* Being infatuated with someone out of your race is disgusting and disgraceful. I'm determined to fix the issue soon. Despite that, Kazea is very gifted with power. I can't deny that and that's why I cannot leave her without training. That is all I'm willing to share with you for now. I'm quite busy and have things I must do. If you'll excuse me...


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Kazea Tetsujen Report | 06/25/2008 12:24 pm
Kazea Tetsujen
*Kazea looked to the river then back to her teacher before unclasping her harp from her belt and playing her melody for controlling water Elements. Slowly, like a snake to a clarinet, a fairly thin but sizable stream of river water flowed out from the Kormett River and circled around both Kazea and Dmitri. Smiling proudly the Demi-human turned to Dmitri and gave a small bow.* I've gotten really good at water Elements! See, I've got complete control over them!

(OOC: Yeah, you haven't been on in forever! I bet you're taking a break from VG cause you began sucking as usual. Right baka? ^^
Kai Animus Report | 05/11/2008 2:04 am
Kai Animus
*Kai brushed his shoulder off in an aggrivated manner, his gaze still finding anywhere to land except directly on Dmitri as he issued his rebuttal.* W-who said I was infatuated with anyone!? And even if I was, I couldn't just decide I was going to like someone else because you said so. *Kai could tell Dmitri was becoming more irate every second by the way the man's eyebrow began to twitch and he'd learned his lesson over the years not to push it with him, so he quickly turned on his heel in an attempt to leave.* Anyway I've gotta go, Serafin is.. uh.. waiting for me at home!
Kazea Tetsujen Report | 05/09/2008 12:42 pm
Kazea Tetsujen
*Kazea flinches, taken aback by Dmitri's entreaty.* M-my progress? Well, you left me to study Earth enchantments last time so do you want me preform one of those. Or maybe... *Kazea mutters various lists of different options for her teacher, counting them off by her fingers.*
Kai Animus Report | 05/07/2008 4:15 pm
Kai Animus
*Doing his best to hide his surprise and look unphased by Dmitri's sudden appearance and accusations, Kai began.* W-whatever... I know! I didn't do anything so why are you harassing me!? *Kai turned his head away slightly and mumbled the rest of his words under his breath.* Besides.. shouldn't you actually be with Kazea trying to teach her something... some Sensei you are.

(OOC: That was fine for one of your first posts! Welcome to Gaia again, by the way. xD)
Kazea Tetsujen Report | 05/07/2008 2:12 pm
Kazea Tetsujen
OOC: So you are going to RP with me! I thought you hated my project! -^^-

S-sensei?! W-what are you-- I mean..n-no I haven't been! Really.. I've been practicing just like you told me too.. P-please tell me you're not going to try and hurt Kai again. I really haven't been near him! *Kazea turns her head to one side and out of Dmitri's glare.*



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