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The Awesome Me

dogluvr1's avatar

Last Login: 01/17/2009 11:15 am

Registered: 11/22/2007

Gender: Female

Location: On the soccer field or b-ball court

Occupation: Awesome soccer player(maybe)

Equipped List

about me!!!!

hey everybody here is a little about me...

have 2 dogs, jack and dakota
have one sister, skylar
love sports
hate raphip-hop

User Image
Total Value: 353,892,931 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Angelic Pendant
Winter Rose
Emo Glasses
Benny the Puppy
Angelic Halo
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Blushing Bride's Veil
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Skirt
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Bodice

User Image
Total Value: 159,912 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Tama's Basket
MoMo the Monkey
Elemental Wings
Fire Flower
Gwee the Dragon
Green Corallus Egg 2nd gen.
Caribbean Jade Slinky Split Dress

User Image
Total Value: 354,588,267 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Angelic Halo
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Mood Bubble
Angelic Pendant
Angelic Camisole
Angelic Boots

User Image
Total Value: 1,762,107 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,761,722 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Emo Glasses
Emo Bag
Sandy Cat Tail
Superior Form
Gwee the Dragon
Langer the Dragon Plush
Berry BubbleNum Bubble
XL Gaia Tshirt
Gaia Store PJ Pants


View All Comments

summerlove27 Report | 07/31/2008 11:44 am


thats good
summerlove27 Report | 07/24/2008 12:23 pm
u can buy a lot of stuff u kno that right?
summerlove27 Report | 07/23/2008 9:28 pm
heyy brinn how much money do u have
dogluvr1 Report | 07/01/2008 10:39 am
Hey everybody how is ur summer
summerlove27 Report | 06/13/2008 10:34 pm
hi brinn how is ur summer?
sky0369 Report | 06/13/2008 10:21 am
try this out!post this on 10 other profiles and then press F5 to get 10,000 gold
summerlove27 Report | 06/09/2008 3:29 pm
heck no!
summerlove27 Report | 06/09/2008 6:00 am
hey brinn i cant believe that school is almost over!
summerlove27 Report | 06/09/2008 5:59 am
hey brinn i cant believe that school is almost over!
summerlove27 Report | 06/07/2008 8:34 am
hi brinn its me emma whats up!!