
Domenic's avatar

Last Login: 07/22/2013 7:55 pm

Registered: 01/10/2007

Gender: Male


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Rowaan Report | 03/09/2009 1:22 pm
*random "I love your siggy." comment with cookies...or pistachio muffins. Whichever.* User Image
SparklyDoughnut Report | 02/27/2008 11:19 am
Haha. Why, does she have an incredibly hairy face?
SparklyDoughnut Report | 02/24/2008 8:26 am
Hahaha thankyou veyr much. And maybe the back of your head IS that cute. Have you ever seen it? Looked at it properly with your eyes???
dentarthurdent42 Report | 02/18/2008 9:34 pm
Hitchhiker's kicks a**!!!
brenda769f1985 Report | 01/21/2008 6:27 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Raptured Night Report | 08/18/2007 9:02 pm
Raptured Night
Very awesome, I hope you had a fun time on your vacation. Sadly my summer has for lack of a better word, blown. But I have had ample opportunity to work on my novel, and short stories. It's good you've got some new ideas; I always love when my brain works smoothly, and your ideas flow easily with your writing.
Raptured Night Report | 08/16/2007 11:07 pm
Raptured Night
Hey, I haven't commented on your profile in a while, and I felt like dropping by. I've been reading this excellent book lately by Diana Gabaldon entitled Outlander. If you love time-travel stories, or books based upon Scottish history --heck even if you don't-- you won't be able to put it down. I've absolutely fallen in love with her series, and felt like spreading the word. But I had better go, I've discovered the role-play threads here (Beware!) and now I've joined perhaps more of them than I should have. Haha!

Hope to talk with you later,

~Raptured Night
noctepm Report | 07/29/2007 12:49 pm
Thanks for adding me.

I hope I can keep up with in conversations.
Raptured Night Report | 07/23/2007 7:51 pm
Raptured Night
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I wish I could figure out how to convert it to the new gaia profiles. I can't use pictures, or quotes like before. But I figured it was worth the trade, because I liked that better myself.
Raptured Night Report | 07/23/2007 1:49 am
Raptured Night
Well I finally broke down and tried making a layout for myself. It's nothing professional, and it's in the classic style so I can't use quotes, but it's better than before.

This is more than completely hilarious...


My book is still in the "think about it really hard without writing" phase...
Best quote ever? Indeed.

About Me / Ponderous Thoughts / Excerpts / Pistachio Muffins

Three Important things to Note when Dealing with Dom:

1) The Pistachio Muffins are mine, and really I do apologize because I would love to share their deliciousness, but there are only so many to go around...

2) Meditation is better than you. Jesus was a dumbass; Buddha was the real genius. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm a Buddhist, though. Also, Buddha existed.

3) My two good friends and I have a band named The Crayz, which has sold over zero CDs, and we are currently on our fifth album. We're highly experimental, and I, myself, would advise you to listen with caution, but we ARE very hilarious. Or hilaripus.


Charlie Bartlett: "Well, the universe is a pretty big place."

Kip: "Yeah, it's infinite, theoretically."

Charlie Bartlett: "Right, which means there's probably life on other planets."

Kip: "Not life like we think, but yeah, probably at least single celled organisms."

Charlie Bartlett: "Well see that's my whole point. I mean, you could've been born a single cell organism on the planet... Zortex... In fact given the odds it's probably more likely--but you weren't! You were born a human being, and not just any human being in the history of human beings, but a human being that gets to be alive today, that gets to listen to all kinds of music, that gets to eat food from every culture... that gets to download porn off the internet. So really, you have everything to live for.
...You feel better?"


"I wish my first word was quote so that my last word could be unquote."

"Hi Town." -Sophia

"Oh, you are just ALL up in my grriihhhlll..." -- Erin

Matt, "So, god hates you still?"
Me," Yeah, probably."

"I'm the kind of guy that laughs at his own jokes, while everyone stares confused." -- Phil DeFranco

Me, "L. L. Bean is such a wintery store."
Dad, "It screams mittens."

"I love things that can't be described, they're the only things worth writing about." - Molly Herold

Me, "I like Anton Yelchin way more than girls."

"With anyone else, I would ask if they were delirious. But with you, I just know."-- Hannah

"I love the sound of multiple black women singing."

About Me

About Me

About Me

About Me

God is foolish. The real Almighty Overlord is a gigantic T-Rex named Sorna who talks like an angry woman. Seriously.