
This game is rated Teen
for fantasy violence and comedy thats pretty much stupidity

players and enemies


Welcome newcomer

[[{{((Welcome To The Skies Of Rune!))}}]]

first off

your probobly wondering why your here.
Im the creator of Rune.
A beutiful and vast world of human fantasy.
But now it's being corupted. I need your help in saving Rune!

The way it works

First you need to pm me if you wanna play.
second there are some controls and rules...
rule one: to play you must pm me.
rule two:this game is run by me so anything can happen...so dont start to whine!
rule three: read rules one and two again... smile
ok now...controls.
If you wanna play you need to be sure that im online.
Im usually on early in the morning and late at night on weekends...
I will pm you if: your attacked by a monster,news,or a duel happens to cross by...
If you wanna visit other places I need to aprove of where you go....also in battles if the enemy you run into is stronger than you,than ill send a message that asks if you still wanna fight it.

leveling up

The way you level up is if you defeat a certain amount of enemies or if you gain enough exp (experience)
I will tell when you level up and a congratz will apear on my signature.


your character is your identity on Rune.
I will randomly creat one for you after I approve your pm.
But it's not online.
But I do Tell everyones stats on the left of this page. I also will tell what your status is in ranked where I will have a dueling system and you can duel the same ranked character!


In Rune there are ruthless beings. little is known....
Im still investigating Rune.
Every time I find a monster I will post it on the left as well...

The world

Ok now its time you get to know Rune.
there are 5 areas so far...
The mountains,The desert,The duengon,Cloud city,
and Gurhal. You will start in gurhal.(just a heads up for when you play.)


If You Die your character will be covered in a splat for a day or so...then it will record your deaths...
Nick V. Grim

Kale ishumaya
lvl 6
attack damage 20-40
abillities: Storm,cunfuse,study
race: semidead
rank: 4

Nick V. Grim
lvl 1
attack damage: 1-5
abillities: Poison cloud

Reia Oyamashi
lvl 1
attack damage:1-10