Behind Teh Smexy Pixels

Why don't we start it simple.
For starters my name is Angel AKA Saby, I am 21 yrs old, live in Ohio.
I barely use Gaia anymore so im sorry if im not on to talk to you when you need me the most ;~; I like to drink and while some might call me an alcoholic I prefer the term "Competitive Drinker". I like anime, manga and can't stop listening to music! I like Rock or most of it's sub genres. Im not a man of many words and I like to be alone but thats only until you get to know me. I enjoy smart or childishly random conversations as long as im not given really short responses like "lol" or "cool" or "thats whats up"... kinda hard to have a one sided conversation.

Avi Art:

User Image
By: Sunshine love

User Image
By: Me

User Image
By: `suicide~mistake`

User Image
By: SynthPop-Sicle

This is mhe
User Image