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i’m alan.
i totally got this idea from cori
my ho
and my angel
drake and josh is a hilarious show
i wish i could be made of water like the capri sun kids
i’d drink myself
mm mm good
i hate automation
people are funnier
horoscopes are retarded
like feminists
gonna pay for that one later
do feminist snipers exist?
bread and butter should be a foodgroup
i’m a pirate
i was the first pirate
i’ve actually sailed and hijacked boats
so all you posers can back off
i can’t stand a cartoon series based on a disney movie
war movies are sweet
horror films?
not so much
i wake up screaming sometimes
so next time
tell me before you try that
im a carnivore
touch my steak
you’ll lose a finger
old black-&-white mystery flicks have hot chicks
if rita hayworth walked into my bar, i’d get a little greedy too
take take take!
it’s a word
get over it
if an uber computer devided the world into two groups
cool and un-cool
it’d malfunction when it hit me
i have complicated man feelings you couldn’t possibly understand
i want twelve fingers
and sharp teeth
and zippers
i dont know
but a gadget that will groom your pet
bathe your pet
dry bathe your pet
clean up pee from a carpet
AND unclog your kitchen sink
is suspicious
what are pandas hiding behind those masks?
are they in league with the racoons?
is a tazer for a doorbell is probably not a good idea
smoking jehova’s witnesses don’t smell good


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Artificial Melodies Report | 01/02/2009 1:48 pm
Happy New Years ALAN!!!

And Thanks again for fixing my computer!
DarkRybrin Report | 05/06/2008 11:25 pm
*luffed* Happier now?
[Incarnadine.Romance] Report | 03/01/2008 11:40 pm


Totally reread Three Of Spades.

I miss Sleeper.

Him and Kiko.

Kalaela, Mizuki, and Cipher, too. And Bug, ha!

Bebelial Report | 06/10/2007 2:39 pm
Heeeey I know you!

How's that you ask?

Well, simple; I stalk you m'dear.



I met you at that dinner party thingeh ma bober at TGIF


Amazing <3
N.A.L. Report | 04/04/2007 8:26 am
You are such a hoe bag Alan : P lol But hey listen(or read rather), I read your book, awesome stuff. I really want to get it to you a.s.a.p. so you can read it. You are gonna love it!!
[Incarnadine.Romance] Report | 02/05/2007 8:55 pm





You are my favorite.

Favorite what?

I dunno.

Just my favorite.

And I love you.


So there.
Kalaela Report | 01/24/2007 9:20 pm
<3 I love you. Troll. xD
Kalaela Report | 01/14/2007 8:07 am
That's a tight picture, Alan!
la_belle_dame_sans_merci Report | 12/12/2006 5:47 pm
Hey dove. I love the pic. You're pretty cute. You totally remind me of Sleeper, 'cept less cattish and more boyish. <3's!
Kalaela Report | 12/10/2006 2:01 pm
Let us be married!



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