Dracen the Hoarder

Dracen the Hoarder's avatar

Last Login: 11/27/2010 2:42 pm

Registered: 07/30/2007

Gender: Female


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She sits, back hunched, on a box in the alley. A giant pile of crumpled paper is on her left, and a much smaller pile of somewhat smoothed papers is stacked on her right. A crumpled piece is in her hand, and she appears to be smoothing this one as well as you approach. She ignores you for a moment, but then notes your presence with a bit of a start.
Hrm, what? What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy here?
She mutters darkly and returns to her decrumpling.

A quick thanks to my donators~
Lawrence Timeo

Speak if you must.

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Epic Epoch Report | 03/03/2009 9:16 am
Epic Epoch
According to Gaia.. Happy birthday? >.>

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Snowbird Rhovaniel Report | 04/17/2008 8:50 pm
Snowbird Rhovaniel
Nods, Indeed I do.

But not just for feathery hats, but for Red Mages as well. Points to her name and description of herself~

Of course, I have changed outfits for the moment and take on a different look for now.

Grins, That outfit of yours suits you, too!
Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 6:55 pm
Epic Epoch
*Nods* n.n So.. Is my hair alright? *Pokes it up*


Ah.. I must be off, then. >.< Sorry to have bothered you.. *Covers self with a piece of paper and exits* >.>

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Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 5:32 pm
Epic Epoch
Right, then. Two Root beers, please. n.n User Image

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..Alright. >.> So.. .///. Do you have any clothes I could borrow?

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Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 5:08 pm
Epic Epoch
*Smiles* n.n Thank you, Shirley. We'll have two root beers, actually. User Image That's good with you, isn't it? <3

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Mm.. hmm... When you say this, do you mean.. Dozens..? >.>

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Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 4:42 pm
Epic Epoch
Sounds delicious. n.n Is that our waitress coming around? :3

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*Falls to ground, and regains composure* n.n Thanks.. And does it, now..? How many people do you tie up and release fangirls upon? >.> *Rubs wrists*

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Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 4:23 pm
Epic Epoch
How odd.. xD That's exactly what I was going to have, too. :3 With a soda~


*Watches, satisfied* Heh.. Thank you.. But.. They made off with my clothes.. And now I'm stuck, like this.. Could you lend me a hand here? <3

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Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 3:56 pm
Epic Epoch
*Sits down and picks up a menu* n.n So.. What do you think we'll have, then? <3

Well.. True. xD True.

Heh.. Heh... <333 E-..Eva... He-..Help.. *Hangs head down, shadowing what's left visible of his eyes, and hangs limply by his hands*

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Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 3:41 pm
Epic Epoch
I feel sorry for them.. .///.

Interesting in a good way. User Image

Gah! Dx Off! Get off! Stop th-..Please.. Sto-..*Shudders and stops his struggling, blushing..*

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Epic Epoch Report | 02/09/2008 3:25 pm
Epic Epoch
"Very well. This way please"

*Looks back* ..My. The people behind us look rather angry.. Are they having trouble with the waitress? Everyone else seems to be laughing, though.. Why do you suppose that is? o.o

..>.> Life is funny sometimes, ain't it?

*My bad :3* ..Curse you. Dx OFF! OFF, I SAY! *Flail*

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One man's junk is another man's treasure...

