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TRippSYD Report | 01/11/2010 7:45 am
Wow that made my whole ******** morning, thats like straight out of a Larry Clarke film or something (Mind if i incorporate some of that into a film, i hope to get made sometime in this light year?) sex and abstract art and bathtubs is like a combination made in psychedelic euphoria hell, wow i just realized how rude it was of me to assume it was abstract art (What would you call it?).

my life story huh.... *Ponders where to start* well i was born by the soul of a mountain wolf impregnating my mother, (hence all the facial hair) and i was raised in a small religious fascism based town, i always hated it but i found ways to beat it like utilizing my imagination to create new planes of existence that i would spend most my time in, so i began translating them to paper and sounds and whatnot, and around 11 i finally got out of there and then lived in some form of civilization, there i was able to find people with similar interest and later formed various bands and such, since then ive been trying to capture the sounds thats been floating in my mind forever but i still feel as though i haven't been entirely successful, then i discovered how amazing electronic music can be (Ive listened to it since i can remember but just recently have i immersed myself in the sub culture) so instead of trying with a band im currently trying to do so as a solo artist, um what else?.... Im pretty much in love with metaphysics, anthropology, Shamanism and psychology, one day i wish to start a commune (Preferably somewhere in mountains) that erases all traces of capitalism and other things that i feel limits freedom of existence, i'm fascinated by the obscene and obscure and could give a ******** less whats happening in the mainstream, also i aspire to make films as well as music (I'm a total media junkie) thats the main stuff i suppose, and how about you Andi? (Please correct me if i'm wrong) whats your life story?

oh and i love your sn, Is it referring to Drag culture? i love that sub culture, several of my friends do drag shows.
TRippSYD Report | 01/03/2010 4:46 pm
I'm glad you like it, i like your art in the background its abstract and chaotic looking as hell, you have any titles for any of those pieces?
Wolfishly Sheepish Report | 12/29/2009 12:15 pm
Not too much, went to Humboldt a few weeks ago
Dropped some acid, did some shrooms, drank a s**t ton,
but other than that it's been pretty boring.
I'm so tired of this place, I need a change of scenery -_-
Wolfishly Sheepish Report | 11/26/2009 11:39 am
Just a few, I wanted to take it easy for a year.
I'm sick of working all the time User Image
What classes you taking?
Wolfishly Sheepish Report | 11/11/2009 7:50 am
Heyyy sex pandaaa
I haven't seen you in ages,
how's school been? surprised
Zegoth Report | 10/11/2009 11:25 pm
Nom... Nom... NOM NOM NOM!
Wolfishly Sheepish Report | 07/27/2009 4:41 pm
I told you, she was already like that when I found her mad
Little Miss Killshine Report | 06/15/2009 10:57 am does an iron maiden sound to you? Unless you have something better in mind :3
Tobias of Raivn Report | 06/10/2009 9:43 pm
Haha, true true. I do feel a slight disagreement with some of the things on there, so I may have to take it down. Thanks for the heads up mrgreen
Little Miss Killshine Report | 06/10/2009 10:17 am
Ooh, hooray! Welcome aboard :3 A swamp sounds quite wonderful <3
Hmm, next target...Does a certain Mr. Cullen sound agreeable to you?

Yup...Ill post more later!