
Aiight. So I'm updating this thing again, though in all honesty, I'm not sure why. Let's see if I can cover the basics without giving you anything too thought-provoking, or anything you can stalk me with.

Name: Just call me DK

Age: Twenty-seven

Occupation: Working as a mental health counselor for the seriously mentally ill.

Location: Washington state. Seattle-area. It's rainy, and sometimes dreary... but nice smile

Favorites: Sushi, Dexter, LOST, Fringe, Warehouse 13, TrueBlood, Reese's Cups, Supernatural, Mindy Project, zombies, writing, video games, roleplaying, bothering people, being oddly quiet.

Dislikes: Lethargy. Idiocy. Ignorance.

A little more: I swear a lot and usually make my opinion known. I don't get a long with a lot of people, simply because I just don't enjoy the company of a lot of people and don't mind making that known. I laugh a lot, and I love making jokes and generally being an a**. I give away a lot of my stuff, and if you talk to me on Gaia, I've likely given you something of at least decent, if not considerable value. I have an often-crazy life outside of Gaia, that consists of working ridiculous hours and spending weird amounts of time with my friends. I don't live on the internet, and I hate people who do.

I have multiple tattoos and piercings, and if you ever care enough to ask... just ask. Currently, my hair is bright red and fading orange. Looks a bit like fire. Makes me happy.


Viewing 12 of 64 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/20/2010 1:00 am


I'm good. Starting Grad school huh? I'll be starting my last year of grad studies come October.

Report | 07/26/2010 10:02 am


Hey cutes. How's it going?

Report | 12/20/2009 9:14 pm


Full of the awesomeness. 3 weeks of freedom. Man am I going to enjoy them.

Report | 12/20/2009 6:40 pm


Yo Kitty. How's it going?

Report | 09/26/2009 12:12 pm


No, no, no. I choked to death from laughter.

Report | 09/26/2009 12:10 pm


*chokes to death*

Report | 12/02/2008 10:01 pm


Well, I guess "I won't say no," hahaha. But the truth is we have a guild of our own for roleplaying, it just happens to be defunct because the only really active members happen to be two. I'm one of them, and I'm sure you can guess who the other is. Perhaps that guild of yours could be put to use for something else...but whatever it is I don't know at the moment.

It probably isn't there anymore, unfortunately. I do remember joining a huge group of roleplayers during that time where I was really inspired and I have to say that we both did a great job of carrying on the interaction between our characters well. We could perhaps try another like that unless you have any new ideas I might find interesting?

Oooooh psychology with a minor in anthropology? Very nice. I've only taken one psych class...twice, and that was psych 101 both in hs and first quarter of college but I enjoyed it a lot both times. I'm assuming it gets more serious (but still just as interesting) in more advanced classes. Oh though actually I also took an animal behavior class "filed" under psychology. Which I thought was also interesting.

Report | 12/02/2008 9:51 pm


It happens sometimes. But it definitely sounds like something we could both use and appreciate. Our old (and when I mean old I mean from years back almost...which is the last time you and I roleplayed too, right? Strange) crew has mostly either quit or faded out slowly and hasn't really come back. Perhaps a hiatus of some sort but I haven't heard from anyone but you and Zen since forever.

Yeah it was set in feudal Japan. That was so long ago, too. I don't think the thread still exists anymore, does it? It was in our original guild which I think got recycled and then we had to buy a new one. It'll be good to start one up with you again. : )

Well, actually, since I'm trying to major in Business (generally speaking right now, I haven't applied to the program) I would say that it's somewhat cool, somewhat not. Hahaha. There's a ton of work involved for the major I know but after taking even just one quarter of econ I find myself intrigued. Hopefully it works out. What did you major in?

Report | 12/02/2008 9:41 pm


Haha. On both those counts, that is a yes. Although a wussy...I guess I must be then...studying is imperative or else my grade will le die. Not just regular die. Le die.

Mmmmmmm you know what I think I will check that out. Does Zen know about it yet? If not I'll go ahead and spread the word so that way we can all join in on the fun. XP And yeah, sure, I'd definitely be up for a roleplay with you again sometime. I think I just gotta muster more manliness and stop being a wussy first... >.> Stupid studying. Hahaha.

Mm hm. For sure. Graduating college is a huge achievement...especially when it seems like a lot of my classmates might not.

Report | 12/02/2008 9:34 pm


btw: I seem to have posted this on my own profile at first...XD
