
DragonsCrystal's avatar

Last Login: 06/12/2012 6:51 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Why do you care, It's my head.

Birthday: 03/12

Occupation: Umm... Does Obsesive Wolf/Dragon/Manga Freak count?


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Sad Isn't It? (Visitors)


Softer Rock...

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

Naruto, Whisper of the Beast


Here's Some Things About Me (Duh. See Title.) Shut up.
#1. I'm weird. Get used to it. I might be crazy, but at least I'm never bored! xd (And Don’t tell the happy Hotel that…) (Happy Hotel = mental institution)
Anyway, I'm a Book, Computer, DS, PS2, Wolf, and Dragon freak. Actually I'm that emo girl in the corner with very low self esteem. And I think I'm phycotic, but don't let that worry you. I am perfectly fine in my own very...VERY twisted way. I'm trying to be a Writer actually. And I love the movie Pirates of the Caribbean 3!!! heart (Actually all of them) I LOVE to read, and write. (MANGA!!!) Addicted would be a more suitable word actually. Along with many other things that you'll just have to ask to find out. (I get addicted to simple things very easily…) and I usually end up laughing till my lungs fall out with my friend, or at my simpleness. (Which happens a lot… You’d be surprised.)
Fruits Basket!!! (Sorry…) Okay, lets try again. Trinity Blood!! (I'm done.)
...And if you can stand to go on.... (get the popcorn)
Just kidding, I don't like popcorn.
Apparently I have a fetish for white hair guys in Animes, (Hatsuharu, Hitsugaya, Near… Abel) but don’t tell FullMetal-Shinobi I admit to that. (Hopefully he won’t read this himself, but with my luck he will.)
Okay, What else can I ramble on about? Ohh, Anyone can message me or request to be my friend, and I rarely turn down these requests, but please at least talk to me first. I’m always looking for more people to turn insane! We shall rule the world with our insanity!! (And our Root Beer)
Ohh! And I want to become a Writer. (If you couldn't guess that on your own, I'd say you need mental help, but I KNOW I do so it's okay.
I also can't spell.....At all. Just deal with it.
P.S. Comment! I don't care if the only thing you say is that you hate ice or something, I just like comments. And however takes the time to talk to me or something, I Will talk back. If I start talking to much, then tell me, but I get bored! I Like to talk to people. Actually, I love to just make people laugh. And according to many friends, and random people off the street, I'm pretty good at it. (I don't think I'm that great)
Okay, That’s Enough…
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Animal: Dragons, Wolfes.
Color: Silver, Blackish Gray, and Dark Green.
Bands/Music: I Gues Foo Fighters and Goo goo dolls at the moment.
Food: Beef Jerky!!!!, Ramen, Ravioli, Chicken Stir Fry, and Honey Barbqued Boneless Chicken Wings from KFC.
Element: Ice. (Yay Hitsugya!!)
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Ohh, Forgot to say, I'm pretty Lazy, Like Shikamaru!!! (Love him..)
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DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, had to put that in there. I give you fair warning, I'm weird. if you don't like it, either get over it or get out.
"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
"Scars are souvenirs you never lose."-Goo Goo Dolls
"You bleed just to know you’re alive."-Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
"Quitters never lose because they haven’t had the chance to try."-Joke from a friend.-Rachel

User Image Cute little L. O.o

Finally. Someone told me how to make a dream Avatar, and it's done. here you go.
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Alright, I took out the first one, and now I just have my second two. But of course, right now I think my Avvie looks better than these, so......

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Test Results from Personality test I took. It's pretty acurite.
Extraversion 26%
Stability 76%
Orderliness 33%
Accommodation 76%
Interdependence 70%
Intellectual 76%
Mystical 56%
Artistic 30%
Adventurousness 70%
Romantic 36%
Avoidant 70%
Anti-authority 53%
Dependency 10%
Change averse 30%
Cautiousness 46%
Individuality 90%
Paranoia 30%
Hypersensitivity 56%
Female cliche 16%

Trait Snapshot: relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic...
secretive, reclusive, messy, disorganized, introverted, unassertive, rarely worries, dislikes large parties, does not like to fit in, does not need to control others, solitary, ambivalent about chaos, tough, leisurely, does not respect authority, not aggressive, observer, abstract, impractical, daydreamer, bizarre, does not make friends easily, not a perfectionist, suspicious, rarely irritated, strong physical instincts, unsympathetic at times, risk taker, submissive, weird, sarcastic, strange

White List: Aka People I'm indebted to.
kmos~ Item for Wishlist. (Thank You!!)
Fullmetal-Shinobi~ For putting up with me and my rambling
Rachel... Uhh something or other~ For just being my Best Friend.
[.Chemical.Reaction.] ~ For...Understanding
Dragon Master DM ~ For contantly puting more comments on my profile. (I like talking to people)
And Many others... Thank You!!!

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Okay, so I'm going a little photobucket crazy. (A Little?) Okay, so I'm obsessed, Ya Happy? (Yup.)
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Way Too cute, don't you think? I Absolutley Adore Wolves
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And DragonsUser Image

Raves of the People Who've been here. (Comment!!! I won't kill you for it, I Promise)

View All Comments

Caitlin-chu Report | 08/08/2009 2:27 pm
Hey Random Comment :3
Viktr Shmoot Report | 10/11/2008 9:08 pm
Viktr Shmoot
Yeah. Oh cool! Well, thats kinda good I guess, cuz I'm sorta quitting gaia. I'm only gonna be coming on every two weeks, IF that. ^^U BUT YEAH, if, aor when you get it, add dragon_master_ks@hotmail.com ^_^

UM...you know, I can't even think of anythign right now! User Image There have been really amazing things, yes but I can't think of them right now. D;
Viktr Shmoot Report | 10/05/2008 10:32 am
Viktr Shmoot
Aww. Well, itsk then. D; No, I actually haven't forgotten my question (FOR ONCE). ;D

Aww. D: Acutally, I have. User Image User Image
Viktr Shmoot Report | 09/11/2008 9:46 am
Viktr Shmoot
YAY. KNow what? I don't blame you. I've been really bored with gaia. D: And, do you ahve msn or AIM? It'd be easier cuz, even I try to check my gaia stuff every day, msn and AIM are a lot easier for me, lol. =P Or even myspace...

ANYWAYS< I'm asuming you're been alright?? =]
Viktr Shmoot Report | 06/25/2008 6:20 pm
Viktr Shmoot
Lol. Ahh. I used to be the same way, but for some reason it changed this year...I got REALLY sick of the cold. ><
GeekinThepink200 Report | 06/24/2008 6:14 pm
Why thank you.

Itachi just makes me happy. User Image
immortalsoul001 Report | 06/23/2008 6:24 pm
lol there's no reason to be sorry! they're WWE wrestlers. It's hard to know who they are if you don't watch WWE wrestling ^_^

How are you?
Viktr Shmoot Report | 06/20/2008 4:42 pm
Viktr Shmoot
That's different. You're the first person I've met that feels that way. But it doesn't surprise me, strangely enough. User Image

LOL! You got your permit?
Alace Pandora Report | 06/20/2008 12:11 pm
Alace Pandora
All I really need is the blue magical girls uniform bow. Thanks a lot if you do help.
immortalsoul001 Report | 06/19/2008 7:57 pm
lol i luv ur profile especially the Itachi vs. Sesshomaru, and the FMA icons ^__^ "I swear to drunk I'm not God" LMAO!


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Visit my profile!...Unless you really, really value your sanity. (It's not that Bad!! )


I'm Not insane. (Hi) Ohh, Hi Nick. Okay maybe i am. But i have good reasons. Dragons!!!!!

If you can't guess what i'm saying by now, get an upgrade on your brain.(No offence.)

The Other one couldn't vote. He was Knocked unconscience by my insanity

...Or That Brick I accidently threw... Hey! It wasn't my Fault!! And he lived didn't he?!

Finally!! You Admit to it!! (I can see you know)