
Oh hey, so it looks like you've come across my profile. *smiles and leans forward in his seat, resting his chin upon the curled knuckles of his left hand* So are you here because you have something to say or are you curious? Wait a minute, that's right. I should give you my stats. You always need to know the stats of your opponent or even a companion if you want to get anywhere in this place. Life's a game and in order to move on with it and overcome obstacles, you need to start at the basics. I suppose I could tell you some things about my character in order to help you with that. I'm a nice guy, right? No really, I don't mind! *laughs*

The name's Drake Tinehtele. Don't ask me about the origination of that. My parents 'died in a fire' when I was a kid and I ended up at an orphanage, only to be adopted by the neighbors of the guy who soon became my best friend and partner in crime. If only he'd loosen up a little. But hey, it's fun messing with him. *grins* The way he turns red when he's all hot and bothered is classic. I'd take a picture if I didn't know how to rile him up. I've taken an oath to bug him at least once a day about that. Two times on weekends. Back to the 'rents though. I still claim that those burns looked suspicious. A normal fire couldn't have hit them at that direct angle, practically charring them. It was too hot. The amount of time it hit them couldn't have been too long either. Hn... dragons... *waves a hand* That's going too in-depth. This is about me, not my parents. I was only two at the time so it's not like I can remember much anyway since that was seventeen years ago. If you can do math, you'd know that I'm nineteen.

Being nineteen means I have the perks of being an 'adult.' Ha... that word makes me laugh. Me, an adult? Pffft. Watch out world, here I come. I guess I'm not a true adult yet. It's not like I'm twenty-one or anything. So call me a 'mini-adult.' *twitches* No, really. Don't call me that. That's lamer than when my dog pissed on my Wii controller. On second thought... that ruined controller was pretty bad. Spike spent a good five hours in his cage that day. That Chihuahua's bad news, I'm telling you. Good thing it's back at Jake's place. The dorm's too small for the thing anyway. I know that sounds weird, but Jake and I don't need a little rat-dog running around ruining more of my precious game controllers and councils. Do you have any idea how expensive those things are?! I'm already dirt poor being a college student staying on campus. Between tuition, meals, and paying for the dorm, I hardly have anything left to spend on the new up and coming games. I feel out of the loop. Maybe... I should get a j-job... No, scratch that. It's not gonna happen.

Location... I've lived in Chicago my whole life, or at least for the life that I remember. But I do spend my summers in San Francisco thanks to a few people I know over there.My memory gets hazy the further you go back, but I can still remember that one event with my parents. *sighs* I honestly don't think I belong here and there's something waiting for me out there, but whatever. I'll just wait for the day when a wizard visits me, telling me that I have magical powers and am needed. No wait, that was Harry Potter. Crap... Then... a warrior. Yeah, that sounds more likely. There's no way I'll ever wear those robes. They're not my style. Leave me to my jeans and comfortable shirts. And video games. Don't forget video games. What?! *glares* I happen to like them. They're a great part of our culture and you can learn from them. I work video games into my everyday lifestyle. *lifts his head* Do don't even think about dissing them or else I'll have to release my button-mashing self on you. You better be scared...

Anyway, there's not really much more to say. I don't feel like going into my past and I'm sure you wouldn't believe me even if I did tell you what I think, no, what I know happened. I have schoolwork to do anyway. Being a freshman sucks, you know? I wonder what's planned for the future. I'm so excited about it. Great, now I'm cranky. It's these withdrawals. You know what? I'll start all that in fifteen minutes. My PS3's callin' me.


My Journal



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

flamethrower smile

Report | 12/13/2007 6:42 pm

flamethrower smile

mini-adult =D
xVampire Envyx

Report | 12/12/2007 2:17 pm

xVampire Envyx

Uh... Right... Eh... Can you remind me what it is I know again?

Make me b l e e d

Make me f e e l

Make me b e l i e v e

Report | 12/10/2007 10:35 pm


Yes. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Report | 12/10/2007 10:32 pm


Look, crazy man, I've got nothing to do with any kind of flower people. It's just a hat. Well, a really big rose, but it's a hat.
Vampire Edward Elric

Report | 12/10/2007 10:28 pm

Vampire Edward Elric

User Image

Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me


And you're truly mental, but you don't hear me complainin'...


Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

Report | 12/10/2007 10:27 pm


Stop dancing like a fairy and talk normal to me, boy.

Report | 12/10/2007 10:25 pm


You're kinda freaking me out....

Report | 12/10/2007 10:23 pm


Vampire Edward Elric

Report | 12/10/2007 10:21 pm

Vampire Edward Elric

User Image

Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me


You're still here? What the hell do I have to do to get away from this creep? He doesn't smell right... Go on. Go on your way. I'm sure your arse needs to be somewhere.


Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart
Vampire Edward Elric

Report | 12/10/2007 10:17 pm

Vampire Edward Elric

....Right, good job bloke. *makes an annoyed sound when he turns away*


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