
Those who embrace the darkness long enough are eventually embraced by Darkness itself.

However, the faintest spark of light can illuminate even the darkest of souls.

Name: Randal
Age: 23
Birthday: May 26
Family: Oldest of 4 children, parents are together, but I live alone and away from them, and I love it!
Hobbies: Nerdy stuff, more nerdy stuff, seriously, lots of nerdy stuff. Okay, so I'm bored enough to put more detail into this finally.
~One of my biggest addictions at the moment is WoW, I fight for the glory of the Horde!!
~One of my biggest money sinks is, and has been for a while, DnD.. I have a collection of over 40 books now. sweatdrop However, with the release of 4e I haven't bought a book in a while.
~I used to play Magic, fell away from it, may get back into it.
~I collect WoW tcg cards too, I like the artwork.
~I'm a Final Fantasy whore, love them, all except 2 (which I can tolerate at least) and 11 (which is just a plain disgrace to FF as a whole). OMG I was sooo happy when they announced FFXIII for XBOX360, no need to buy a PS3 now!


Viewing 12 of 29 friends


If the world ignores you do you cease to be?

I'm trying pretty hard to keep up with this now, try to keep all my friends and acquantances up to date on my horrible life...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

XxSerenity HeartxX

Report | 02/19/2010 3:57 pm

XxSerenity HeartxX

Dude I've been thinking all day. And I realized I hadn't talked to you in... god months! I remember I used to talk to you like all the time and don't remember what made me stop...
However to catch up, I say how are you?

Report | 04/11/2009 1:24 am


Ever get a message from someone, and thought you would never hear from them again?
lifeless muse

Report | 12/20/2008 2:28 pm

lifeless muse

XxSerenity HeartxX

Report | 11/09/2008 5:56 pm

XxSerenity HeartxX

Hey long time no talk!

How are you?

Report | 11/02/2008 8:42 pm


5 years? Sheesh. GTFO Gaia already >__>. No. I kid.

The Game. >:]

Report | 11/02/2008 6:26 am


Just have a few things to say to you...

Just wanted to tell you that I love you...

Always know that I cherish you with all my heart...

As I lay here and wonder just how much I really mean to you...

The thought of when will the day come just keeps going through my mind...

I also want to say how sorry I am for all the wrong things I say...

As well as all the wrong things I do...

I sit here and keep telling myself that you dont deserve someone like me...

And as I keep telling myself that it makes me wonder worse...


Just why?

Exactly does he care?

What exactly could it be...

Why do I mean so much to him...

Then I smile and say I'm proud to be in Love with a man like you!!!

Love you baby,

your one and only


XxSerenity HeartxX

Report | 11/02/2008 5:03 am

XxSerenity HeartxX

*tackle hugs* HIYAS!!!

Report | 10/16/2008 9:52 am



Report | 10/16/2008 9:51 am


I still love u baby!! miss u
The Beautiful Sarah Li

Report | 10/16/2008 6:43 am

The Beautiful Sarah Li

thanks for the buy. nice profile and avi.