Poem: Random Poem (Need help naming it.)

I say what I mean, and trust me I mean what I say. For some reason my words can't be seen, no matter what time of day. Not even seen by night, so listen. Try with all your might. You never know what you'll be missin', just listen. Don't be judgin', don't be dissin'. I'm sittin, watchin' as my pen flows. I go through so many too fast; everyone wonders where the ink goes. Sometimes it seems like I ain't heard, well ain't that just my luck. People always talk behind my back, but we both know I don't give a ********. Some people have 20/20 vision, but thy always refuse to see. They don't realize that there's a darker half to me. Always just beneath the surface, dying to get out. Stay on my good side, 'cause I might not break your face. I'll hold my breath so I can hear your every shout. Never said I had God's grace. However, I cherish each breath. I never take 'em for granted. Some people do, some people even demand it. It's hard for me to stand it. Watch everyone else succeed, while I'm here in the dark. My heart unable to bleed, Pain had to leave its mark. Yeah it's true. I ain't famous yet, and just for all you haters. Feel free to place your bet. 'Cause unfortunately for you, all this s**t ain't over yet. Still got plenty left to say, it may not mean much to you but it's what I feel like every day. Do with it what you will; you don't know what I be feelin'. Didn't know my words could kill, so I felt I should be kneelin'. It's never too late to pray, hope my soul can be redeemed from all that I gotta say. Hopin' that God answers back, hopin' that one day, I'll make up for everything that I lack. People don't have a clue what I've lost. They don't know what I've been through, they don't realize the cost. I could tell 'em, but they'd refuse to see. They don't understand that I've locked away my heart, and I can't seem to find the key. After everything I've been through, I've lost myself in the process. I've traveled this rocky path with one shoe, and it's the other I obsess. It seems no matter what I do, my efforts seem to matter less and less. It's like I'm stuck and can't progress. One day I'll be makin' big bucks, 'cause I didn't give up when you said my writing sucks. It doesn't suck, obviously not. Open your eyes; you'll see this verse is steamin' 'cause it's so hot. I can only imagine how hard this is for people like you to digest, but I gotta let out all this emotion that I've got compressed in my chest. If bein' perfect is what your lookin' for, I've already failed your test. All I can do is try my best, I just hate how my best always seems to be second guessed. See, I don't play that game. When some people fail, they look for other people to blame. Some people call me pessimistic, but to me it's called keepin' my feet on the ground. I'm just bein' realistic. It seems like I keep goin' around and around. Through the trees, up and over this mount too. It's like success is just a tease 'cause of this lyrical chain that I'm bound to.


dreamwarrior09's avatar

Birthday: 06/29

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hey,my name is heather..i know..what a boring name.haha.well..i dont really have much to say about myself that would interest any of u.my best friend jon is like a brother to me.he has a gaia but he's barely on.i have mad respect for him.i enjoy writing.it's really all i'm good at..i'm okay at drawing but my 'master pieces' really aren't anthing special..XP...my favorite color's red.i love horror movies but i absolutely love comedies.jim carrey is the best!anyone who knows me will tell u that i'm absolutely nuts(they're not completely wrong..XD...) i'm a pretty honest person,or i try to be.i'm trustworthy and loyal..although,i'm too loyal (depending on the person).i see through fake people,and frankly..i dont like 'em..i have a tendancy to feel the need to protect anyone i think is weaker than me or the people that are really close to me.i will defend them with my life.i'm weird in the sense that i'm able to get along with different 'cliques'(types of people).i've always been like a bridge in the sense that i bring people together that wouldn't usually hangout.i love hanging out with my best friends.XD..gotta love 'em.i can be the nicest person on this planet but anyone that knows me knows not to mess with me.i'm fairly laid back,but don't push me..i push back..i hate drama and i don't talk behind people's backs.i think it's really stupid.i speak my mind,so a lot of peple don't like me.if i did say anything to someone about a person i've already said it to their faces or am planning to.i have more respect for people who tell me what they think to my face,i still get pissed sometimes but at least i can't say you were to scared to say it to my face.i'm the type of person who would take on 4 people who wanna kick my a** when i already know i'd lose.at least i could say i tried.i'm not the type of person who runs from fights,but i do try to defuse the situation before it gets to that point.ok so,i'm writing a book here.lmao.ima stop writing now.uhm..the end?...0.o...


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CapraCrow Report | 03/11/2011 6:29 pm
Thou art never on!
CapraCrow Report | 03/01/2011 5:42 pm
Disturbed, Godsmack and Evanescence, just plain awesome.
PRlNCESS DAlSY Report | 08/13/2010 6:59 pm
I picked you as a winner regardless of you getting it wrong, but you tried. The answer to the riddle was 'To eat.' as in 'tweet' 'cause it was a bird.
heartbrokenheroine Report | 04/11/2010 8:15 pm
OMG MY RUNAWAY BUDDEEHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-im under a bridge-
Jinx577 Report | 03/21/2010 2:41 pm
Lmao its amazing huh?
dreamwarrior09 Report | 03/19/2010 12:44 am
wow.i can add a comment to my own profile!.XD...lmao!
I-xO-vAniLLa_iCe-Ox-I Report | 03/18/2010 6:21 pm
Heyy :]
Jinx577 Report | 03/13/2010 11:30 am
lmao nice pro xD
forgotten_babe Report | 02/04/2010 4:18 pm
it's the energy that surrounds you. I have royal purple, but it usually changes colors when my mood goes round. anyways, i chose u as the winner, sorry it tk so long.


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look at me and my bad self.look it!..oh.i'm awesome and u know it!

check out my pink a** car!haha.

i'm awesome!

ok.so.basically. i'm kickass at Zomg.XP...


me n' Jon