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Last Login: 07/02/2019 5:13 am

Birthday: 08/23

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Hello, my name is Amber. emotion_yatta
Thanks for taking a look at my awesome profile, and by doing so you've just became awesome.
I hope we can be friends, even though I don't know you yet~
More about me....
I have awesome curly hair, eyes so green people think their blue.
I love People, and lots of stuff. I'm good at many things, master of few.
I LOVE trying new things and I'll try just about anything once.
I have a rare heart condition called HCM, I also have a ICD.
( i plan on asking if i can keep it when they take it out! So keeping it in a jar!)
I love drawing, and love art, I've been like a fish since I was a child.
WATER ALL THE TIME! emotion_awesome
I love animals to~ Mainly birds and rats. I love Books, shows, movies. Well, that almost sums me up.

Hit me up in Gaia Messages!
Ps. i remembered something i could put biggrin
" any good child hood memories amber?"
Oh gosh.... Anything? anything at all? You asked for it mac! emotion_dowant
My name is Amber and I live in Alabama USA. As a child I loved making mud castles and mud pies as my German shepherd lady would run around a tree in circles I also loved running trough the woods with a nice stick and a dress thinking I was a princess being chased by the evil queen marilda and her evil henchman Claude D:< mothafuca was evil! emotion_donotwant I also loved making tons of wood huts ( kind of like man vs wild with the alabama episode with the vines) sometimes I would love to pretend my teddy was claude and would fight him with my stick! I won.... except one time he killed me! emotion_0A0
so I laid there but forgot to get up and fell asleep in the woods! emotion_zzz woke up and a baby deer and big bunny was all up in my face! surprised touched the deer a couple times and it ran off to its momma! so cute! emotion_kirakira I used to play in the creek in my back ward and pretend i was a mermaid chasing the river otters.... yea.... they did not like being chased xD fun times.... fun times...
Another thing is when i was a kid i had one of those little tykes house beds and had the lion king playing and a scar stuffed animal at the top i would climb up there and slide off to where i was dangling 15 inchs from the ground and i was all like " scaaaaar!!!! Help meeeeee!" and when the scene came up i let myself fall and i was like "AAAAAAAAAAH, Scaaaaaaaaar!" emotion_omnomnom I also used to fold all my blankets and stack them on top of each other and put my toybox lid on there and pretend i was on a hover bored! I didn't let my handicappedness stop my fun and imagination dammit i had a kick a** childhood!
LOL, i remember being a little kid and reading this book about aliens ( it was a teen book but i read it when i was like 7) and wanted to have an awesome adventure like the girl in the book with the alien friend who was trying to experience what humans were like so i put my little 1800s england reginald exploror cap on a flashlight and claude.... because by then i turned him nice and we killed the evil queen marilda and we got married and had 5 little toystory characters together.... we were so happy together.... and went outside around 10pm full moon walking through the woods, went in about half a mile? started asking if any aliens were there heard a stick breaking and freaked the funk out "AAAAAAAAAWAAAAWAA" poor claude didn't catch up with me.... :< went back the next morning and he was gone with a big odd foot print in the ground THE ALIENS TOOK MY "CLOUDE!!! NOO!!!!" emotion_facepalm so i looked for him for a week and found this huge alice in wonderland looking hole inbetween two trees it was a nice sized tunnel looking hole. i flashed my light and there and there it was with 6 baby bunnies looked a day old
i grabbed claude and ran out before the momma or daddy got out! emotion_jawdrop
Ohhhh i made my mom so mad, when i was around 7 i watched snow white 3 or 4 times a day and thus i swept when snow white did.... and guess what i did? i swept probably half a gallon of dirt under the carpet emotion_awesome I mean she didn't find out for months that it was me that did it.... aaaah memories.... sweet sweet funny awesome splendorous odd childhood memories. biggrin emotion_kirakira


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Genyusai Report | 02/15/2016 3:20 pm
Hi Amber..!
Metal TopHatBomb Report | 10/06/2013 10:47 am
Metal TopHatBomb
i have to go Amber, ttyl? have a great day cat_4laugh
Metal TopHatBomb Report | 10/06/2013 10:40 am
Metal TopHatBomb
you posted in a thread i was looking at. it was the one where the guy hated the other guy and they were gonna ninja fight to the death *le gasp*
Metal TopHatBomb Report | 10/06/2013 10:36 am
Metal TopHatBomb
i'm great, thanks! how are you?
Metal TopHatBomb Report | 10/06/2013 10:32 am
Metal TopHatBomb
everything about you is adorbs cat_4laugh love you Amber cat_4laugh
Lo Lieh Report | 09/30/2013 12:41 pm
Lo Lieh
:] Thats fun! What did you do!?
Lo Lieh Report | 09/29/2013 1:40 pm
Lo Lieh
I am fantastic how are you?
Genyusai Report | 09/28/2013 1:19 pm
Sexual Rabies Report | 05/27/2012 9:59 am
Sexual Rabies
I'm doing fine ^^ How about you?
Alisia Tessa Mayflower Report | 05/27/2012 8:24 am
Alisia Tessa Mayflower
Hahahha Great heart biggrin what kind of books do zou like?


I do quite love RP tea parties, please have one with me? classified_northkittenstar
Tea parties had so far --- 03 heart [/align:124b63085a]

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I can't help but feel a overwhelmingly gushy feel of happiness and love for everyone. Pm me, i love talking <3

I love apples, strawberry's, cuteness, and books. o:<