Name: Durskan Whitescales

Age: 200

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Marital Status: None

Occupation: ???

Sibling(s): None

Children: None

Temperament: Cheerful, Dry humored. Quick to anger.

Interests: Reading, Poetry, singing. Friendships and battle.

Dislikes: People who conciser themselves holier than thou. Orcs entirely. Being treated as an outcast.
Physical Traits

Race: Draconian

Main Hand: Right

Height: 6 ft 7 in

Weight: 240 lbs

Build: Durskan is built like one would expect. Huge, muscular, a long tail and 10 ft wingspan.

Skin: White (hence the name Whitescales)

Natural Eye Colour: Yellow

Natural Hair Colour: None

Hair Length: NA

Attributes: The most notable attributes for him are his senses of sight and smell.

Durskan Whitescales journey began when he was abandoned in the forest, Well not abandoned really more his clan was demolished by an orc raid party. Anyway, he was found by Humans and taken into the town raised by the towns barkeep and his wife. Most of his childhood was spent in the Tavern listening to peoples stories of adventure and battles. A life he wanted so desperately to have. on his twelfth birthday his father gave him a sword specially fitted for his size. Durksan used it and receive special training under one of the Kings champions. Durksan had a knack for swordsmanship and excelled quickly.

Some years passed and Durskan became an adult, now having special armor and given the rank of town guard. One fateful day in the fall the Orcs attacked and Durksan led the charge, mowing down many orcs in his way. But ultimately he had to get as many people out of the town as he could, But the Orcs were too many and Only he remains standing in the ashes of what used to be his home. Orphaned again, Durksan rummaged through the ashes of the Tavern and found his mother and fathers bands and a few pieces of gold. It was there he found their charred and mutilated bodies. After giving them a proper burial he went off on his own in seek of a new home.

It wasn't long before he came across a wandering party, An elf, a Dwarf, and a Wizard it seemed. He followed behind them for awhile, thinking he might find a new home. Staying a good distance behind them and out of sight. It wasn't until the third day of his journey that he got brave, and mostly hungry, and Joined the party by the campfire. They welcomed him, knowing full well he followed them and shared with him what food they had. He became quick friends with the party and raided many dungeons and orc camps with them. Sharing the spoils of battle with his new friends.

Time went on and Durksan and his friends came across a town, there they stayed for a few days. But a fight between the elf and the dwarf split the party into two. Durksan, was caught between two choices. But he decided to side with neither. The following day the Dwarf and the wizard left the town. His elven friend deciding to stay with Durksan, something a true friend would do. Durksan and his elven friend remain the that town still, going out and raiding dungeons or whatever suits their fancy for adventure. Durksan finally found his new family.