
Ahh...the never-ending riddle...trying to find ones self. How do we know who we really are? Do we look in a mirror one day, and finally realize, I am this person? I believe it takes several life-times to actually find who we are. Many life-times, with many different people. People make me who I am. The love of other people. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am. And who am I? Well, not even I know that. The people I love know me more than I know myself...and for that, I'm grateful...that somebody knows who I am.

Seto Kaiba

You have forever changed my life. Since the first day I saw you upon my television screen some number of years ago, I've never been able to look away from you. You are a shiny beacon in my dreary heart. I love your voice, your laugh, and mostly, your smile. That rare smile that reaches the depths of my soul. You've inspired me to follow my dreams and let no one get in the way, and to care for those closest to me. I love you, Kaiba! And I know you are real, and I will find you one day, and we shall be together forever more!
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I'm 19
And yes, I'm a girl. If you can't tell by all the Kaiba-love....
I was born in the year of the Snake(AYAME!!)
I am a Freshman at NGCSU and majoring in Criminal Justice.
That means I live in Dahlonega, GA.
I like my town, but it doesn't have any opportunities for me.
I like music.
Especially J-rock
Especially Gackt!
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He's super hot!!!
I like movies.
Favorite movie is Moon Child.
It's a Japanese movie, but it's really REALLY great!
I like...stuff.
In case you can't tell.
I love anime and manga.
I adore Fruits Basket!!
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I love to read.
Twilight is my favorite!
Edward is just so adorable!!
I adore vampires!
And Elves!
That's why I RP as either a vampire or and elf.
I'm a simple person with complex ideas.
I remind myself of Rinoa from FFVIII a lot.
I'm a hopeless romantic, and I try a little too hard at times.
Me and her are very much alike.
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But if you have any questions or just want to get to know me, comment my profile or leave me a message.
Oh yeah, and I have the bestest friends ever.
They are my life.
I would be nothing without them.
I love you all.
~Durza Niteshade~

This is me:
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Trying to Unscramble my mixed up thoughts....

Well...I write stuff. About me and what I'm feeling. Na da?


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Odessa Silverberg07

Report | 02/28/2009 10:01 pm

Odessa Silverberg07

Well, Thank you, M'lord.

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Your avvi is quite spiffy, as well.


Report | 02/22/2009 4:06 pm


thank you for buying an item ^^

Report | 11/13/2008 3:02 pm


Holy s**t, seems like college isn't how you thought it would be at all, huh? I'm sorry about that, cause it really sucks when you're just piled with tons of work you can't get away from.

Also sucks about your roommate, did you try to ask her if she could leave every now in then, so you could have some alone time? She can't hog up the room, it isn't just hers. Maybe you should try asking whenever you feel like it, so you can have time for yourself. You shouldn't be forced to go home just because somebody wont leave.

I'd probably go crazy if I was living your life, I need alone time and whatnot. I would seriously freak the ******** out if I always had somebody in a room with me. Oh, and don't kill yourself or other people, it's illegal don't cha' know? User Image I just vent by punching small babies or toddlers. Sometimes I'll just grab a random one out of a parents stroller and toss it across the room. For your health. User Image

You're not burdening me, we all get pissed every now and then. It's better to tell people how you feel, so you don't have bottled up rage, that you will eventually release on your annoying roommate. Besides, everybody needs to do a good rant every now and then.

If you need to rant, feel free to rant on my page, I don't mind at all. And if you'd ever like to watch D.Gray Man(Or if that person ever leaves your room so you can get the chance to), I can give you a pimpin' site with the episodes.

Report | 11/11/2008 4:00 pm


DURZY!!! El oh el, I'm such a wit.

My new avatar is all cosplay'd yo, D.Gray Man is the sex. User Image

Life has been alright so far, computer troubles have been keeping me from coming to Gaia as much as I used to. D: So sadly, I'm not at that much either.

So how has your journeying of the college and learning experiences been going?

Report | 11/10/2008 8:27 pm


Ive seen this somewhere before...

Report | 10/23/2008 11:41 am


El-Oh-El, bad pun time.

Well, I have an EYE for that kind of detail! lolololololololol teehee. User Image

Yea, I think I need to kill a baby now. But life has been pretty good. I saw You Don't Mess with the Zohan, and it was amazinggg. Just got the Silent Hill dvd, and the week before that, we got Iron Man. Now I'm just waiting for The Dark Knight. User Image I lub movies. You seen any good ones lately?

Report | 10/21/2008 5:33 pm


Then be him, Goddammit! Doooooo it...

Just wondering, do you have an oculus under the scarf? If look like a red eye, but I can't tell. D:

Report | 10/19/2008 7:48 pm


Yeah def! I remember you saying you wanted to learn French from before, is it something your degree just requires?

I want to get the Chinese one too, but I don't think I could handle learning two complex languages O_O especially since Chinese is tonal, thus making it even harder O_O

Report | 10/18/2008 1:52 pm


Haha I know, I think I said everything I want to. I hate people who wont listen, it makes them look more stupid then it does the person they are trying to insult.

And it's actually not that expensive at all, it's only 30 dollars for a new copy. You could always rent it first though to make sure you'd like it lol. I think it's a lot more useful then learning from books thou because it's interactive ^^

Report | 10/18/2008 1:37 pm


Agreed.... I regret making the damn thread XD XD


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<3 Matsumoto Jun <3
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