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People who stalk me D:

Eminem- Lose Yourself


All 'bout Ean c:

hello all 8D

Name: Ethan
Nickname(s): Bubba x3
Age: 1_ (2 digit number) c:
Birthday: March 23
Birthplace: Long Beach, CA
Current Location: D:< Stalkers!
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown XD
Height: Idk... but I'm short ._.
Weight: O: ... Idk
Lefty or Righty: Rightyy ;D
Zodiac Sign: :L Should I know this?
What Do You Drive: I dont...
Screenname: E h p ii c G a n g s t a

Color: Purple C:
Number: 6
Band: There's many! O:<
Music Genre: Everything! ;D (Yes, even Country)
TV Show: Family Guy
Movie: Scarface! c':
Actor: Jack Black XD
Actress: Angelina Jolie o;
Kind of Movie: Comedy and Action
Cartoon: Regular Show c:
Sport: Bowling
Fast Food Restaurant: Burger King O:
Food: Ribs (Nom! O:<)
Ice Cream: All ^^
Cereal: Fruity Pebbles
Candy: Butterscotch
Drink: Water
Alcoholic Beverage: I don't drink alcohol ._.
Quote: "Eaaann..." O.O

Alrighties! O;<

Thiss is Ethan's sissy, Scarlett 8D
(In real -.-)
Well... He is annoying D:
But you know what?! @ w@
I love him!
He is a brilliant brother!
And he makes me laugh till I peepee mah pants! O:<
xD Anyywhoo.
If you pickk on him in any way here's what I'll do...
I wil hunt you down and when I find you I will ring my hands around your neck then when you can't breathe I will hit yo' face with a frying pan! >:U
Then I will take you to the nearest Gas Station and I will lock you in the nashty bathrooms >;D
I will then take you out and throw you in a river. c:
Mwa-hah-haahh! O:<
My brother is important to me, it may not seem like it 'cos I don't express it to him face-to-face.
._. But anyways.
I love you Ethan, remember to keep your head held high and don't listen to other's critisizm towards you.
Scarr ish out! c:



Equipped List

E h p ii c Z o m b ii e-
E h p ii c A s a ii n

My sis n her friend in rl. (O: