Darkevilyoukai......I am down there

Ebil B u b b l e z's avatar

Gender: Male

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Hoody Hoody Hoo!
Back on Gaia,I see, I am.

Just so ya know, I am
╝◕ℜ☽♠и╯Ⓢ ☝ & ●∩┊λ

Starters, mawh name is Shake-Zula, the mic-rula x3
Nawh, you can call me Sally, Boston, Steve, Tyler, or even "what's his face?"
Even though my name can be "Austin" ^x^ (<--Probably that one).
& this would be me (non 2D awesomeness of anime either v.v)---->
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BY THE WAY---I do have eyes >.> They didn't leave me for a crocodile corpse just yet x3

As you may coulda guessed, being on Gaia n all, I love(in a non-sensual way) anime :3
My first anime I really go into big time, was Yu-Gi-Ho...I mean oh. Woops -.-
I summon you CHUCK NORRIS! I still prefer this lil fella--->
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I don't the newer shows cuz they suck kuriboh's cute lil a** ><"
I am also really into this show, Bobobo-Bo Bo-BoBo
It is as random as me ><" Just puttin stuff up on there that doesn't make a lick of sense xD
See, here is something I would do/make -
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I watch(ed) so many anime though..from things like card captor sakura to fruits basket to even shows who names I cant remember o.o" Woops.
But yea, long live the Japanese culture ^3^
Don't stop being weirder than a roller coaster, driven by the incredible hulk, goes on the freeway, so he could get to the train station, to get a ride back to the amusement park where he left with the roller coaster from.
F*ck, I don't know anymore...the unicorn weed has gotten to mawh head ><"

Music=Life 2.0
Now, I can listen to any genre, but I have low tolerance to country & rap -.-
I likey shome of em but ehhhkkk, not much :/
I much rather be rockin' out like thesh kittehz =^x^= :
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My favorite band is Aerosmith...you may know them for the singer has shome willy big lippas----
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I swear, the titanic got lost up in thar--screw the iceberg o.o*
I love their fashion,though...from their zebra outfits, to the million and one scarves Steve has on his mic stand xP I love it all xD
Their songs range from fun n excitin to lovin n emotional, n that kinda explains my two sides xD
Then,there's Nirvana as my second...I love em, even if Mr. Cobain shot himself D:
New guitar hero:User Image
Third is my gayish(lol,maybe just GAY) friend, Adam Lambert...damn,this man can sing biggrin n his appearance is so dark n cool or just so sparkly *_*
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I listen not to just Rawk from the USA, but too, some music from Japan :3
I lyk this band called GazettE cuz i just love metal :3 n their style is just SWEET!
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Then,there's my girlies fav band, LM.C--which im glad she showed me, cuz i love A LOT of their songs :O (fav would probably be.....88(?) not sure, i like too many to decide ><) n of course, their fashion is awesome as hekk.
I so badly want Maya's shirt n hoodie thingie :#
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Then, my fav outta the two, is the guitarist for LM.C-Aiji ^^
He is so awesome n i just <3 guitars,n i want his!!! even if it costs so much >.>
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I just gotta have mah musikk,ya kno?

Imma hippie at heart,yo.
I love animals n people (mostly the animal part)
My fav annie are kittehs:
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I love the sounds of the chirps(byrds r mah 3rd fav)
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I love nature, too
Not so many lyk em, but i for once LOVE thunderstorms ^3^
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Before I die, i wanna see so much
*Niagara Falls User Image
*Aurora Borealis User Image
Egggg!!!! Just so many sites, I wanna see!
When I grow older, I hope to move out to Calli or Hawaii xD

I am a game addict!
I wouldnt play video games if I had other people to hang with, but I am usually by myself, so i need something to occupy my time, so this does it!
My favorite game series is, without a doubt, the Kingdom Hearts series...i go the game in march 2002, cuz i love disney biggrin n i saw donald n goofy on there--so i just had to grab it biggrin (plus the commercial got to me xD)
Ever since, ive been lovin all the games...i havent finished the DS one(358/2 days) n i cannot wait to get the one for the PSP (birth by sleep) biggrin
The gameplay is amazing, the artwork is great, i love the humour, disney is as qhute as ever, i love FF people/anime n the plot/storyline is great,has twists as it should n it has romance <3
Ahhh, S K 4eva <3
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Even though playin real guitar is a WHOLE LOTT FUNNER, i still love the rock band/guitar hero series (mainly for party play n the drums)
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Resident Evil rox!! JUst cause Leon is amazing n killin zombies never gets old(plus that merchant is just an icon ^x^)
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CALL OF DUTY is my fav game so far...(world at war) is so fun cuz of the online play n i love Nazi Zombies (i think i play zombies far more than anything else i ever played before D smile
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Gwhaam, I love LOVE <3
I am one of "those people" who actually vision a perfect relationship, that cannot even be fully expressed by a novel or fantasy fairy tale....but hey! That's just me D:
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Well, have much more I could say about me, but I think i will wrap it up here.
I will be really mad,too, if I would have written more and it wouldnt have saved D:

Post Messages Here............Wahoo!

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evildeathdragon Report | 12/17/2010 11:48 am
hey try this out! Send this comment on ten profiles then prees f5 to get 10,000 gold
sami_rulez123 Report | 11/24/2010 6:40 am
ebil bubbles (: its been a long time (: biggrin
0 SunshineStorm 0 Report | 08/02/2010 9:22 am
0 SunshineStorm 0
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I see that you are a fan of Danny Phantom.
Would you mind signing a petition to revive the series? Thank you!
Link: http://www.petitiononline.com/stgwltm/petition.html

Also, please join/like the Facebook group Revive Danny Phantom.

Contact me if you want to do more than just sign the petition.
Punky_Heartless Report | 05/29/2010 10:42 pm
Aiji is mine, back off! D<
Brithus Report | 04/19/2010 6:43 pm
Heya haha haven't talked to you in ages.
Punky_Heartless Report | 04/18/2010 10:27 am
Eller :B
sami_rulez123 Report | 04/24/2009 10:53 am
well i don't i love seth!!!
sami_rulez123 Report | 04/19/2009 4:49 pm
he's in the twilight books and in my stories
evildeathdragon Report | 04/06/2009 5:54 pm
hi astin
sami_rulez123 Report | 03/12/2009 9:14 am
i'm doin cooilio

My Phrase


-[M e t a l l i c]-
Ebil B u b b l e z