
I currently reside in Arizona and work as a C.N.A.I am just trying to have fun with the people I love. I love Gaia and have been on here quite awhile and love to help people. I am a nice guy, although I tend to be conservative. I enjoy random PM's and also randomly PM from time to time depending on certain things that called my attention. I love music. I am learning how to play the keyboard and really enjoy the piano. Please feel free to contact me. También se español.

It is just me.


Viewing 12 of 23 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/17/2016 7:19 am


No, sorry.

Report | 10/18/2014 2:42 pm


Thanks for buying

Report | 10/09/2014 1:47 pm


you are very welcome <3

Report | 10/09/2014 1:36 pm


Awesome avi smile
Eternal SaiIor Uranus

Report | 09/26/2014 5:43 pm

Eternal SaiIor Uranus

Thanks for buying my stuff ^ ^ pirate

Report | 09/08/2014 8:20 pm


thanks. ya but it helps a lot when staff are nice to ya afterwards. when i woke up from anesthesia i felt miserable in chicago hospital and i still had a sticker from the heart monitor on me when i got home and my throat felt like i had a bad case of bronchitis, but when i woke up in cali i felt really good! i was there for less than 20 hours cuz of my dad's insurance and i walked out. the nurses were like "wow! look at u! ur strong" a haha i felt like a champ but man when those painkillers wore off it was a diff story. my family doctor suggested to file for disability. its really hard for people with IC to get it. would take a lot of fighting in the courts. idk if people with ankylosing spondylitis can get disability too. but my mom thinks i can get better over time. thankfully i am on my dad's insurance and he has paid for all of my procedures and medicines. my parents understand i haven't been feeling the best for a while. and before i was diagnosed with anything they would yell at me to get a job and not be lazy. lol but once i had doctors telling me and them what i had they all felt really bad. it was nice to have a professional tell them i wasn't being lazy. i was legitimately in tons of pain. i been trying to look up what kinds of jobs i could do at home. family and friends want me to do a art career or a makeup artist.

i can only imagine what u see at ur job. i scared my mom cuz i literally looked like i had no color to my face and lips like i was dead, but i wasn't getting enough oxygen breathing on my own so i had the nostril tubes to help me out for the few hours.

Report | 09/07/2014 10:58 pm


nice new look. i will write ya here instead of the forum lol. i flew all the way to california from indiana to see a specialist because my 1st surgery in dec 2011 for removing endometriosis and pelvic adhesions, i felt worse again after 6 months. so then this past halloween he performed a laparascopy to cut up a bunch of endo, pelvic adhesions, and scar tissue from my first surgery and he repaired a right groin hernia and did a hysterectomy removing my uterus and cervix since i also had adenomyosis so that uterus was EVIL scream had to fly home 4 days after surgery and man that was the worst flight ever! gonk

but that isn't the only stuff wrong with me. i have hypothyroidism which makes me so tired all the time, interstitial cystitis, pelvic adhesive disease, pelvic floor dysfunction, and recently diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitits and have bone heel spurs in both feet and one foot i have a 2nd bone spur growing up into my achilis tendon. I'm going to see a 2nd foot doctor for an opinion. i hope i won't need another surgery to fix it or it will be a 4th yr in a row being knocked out for surgery emotion_zombie

so summary short the past few years have really sucked and I'm slowwwwly trying to fix the stuff that causes me daily pains

Report | 08/18/2014 10:26 pm


Thank you for buying
 Fumio xo

Report | 08/16/2014 12:27 pm

Fumio xo

Thank you for buying ♥

Report | 08/07/2014 7:38 pm


sounds like fun!


Achieved Lv 10 in Alchemy as of Friday June 27, 2014. If you ever want me to craft something for you just send me a P.M. and a trade with all the items including the gold needed to craft it. It is free of charge; I will gladly accept tips.

Questing Art & Disgrace of Hubris.
