
So I got nostalgic about Gaia and just sort of ended up signing on so I guess now I'm sort of back? Everyone from back in my day has either stopped using Gaia or changed their username like six times. So if you knew me back then and wanna talk again, shoot me a PM!

Also, please laugh at my video that's playing Everybody (Backstreet's Back) because I was too lazy to use a code to make it invisible. I put the video down to dimensions of 0.1x0.1 and I'm still laughing at this s**t because it's literally impossible to scroll your mouse over and select. I still haven't found it yet and I know where the media box actually is

c'mon please laugh it's really funny I promise


we're back, bitches

we didn't mean to come back, but
whoops here we are

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CoIonel Mustang
Ed EIric