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Hmm....I don't know what to put here....BUT, I'm really cool!
~is a dork~

Lol, so I'm not that cool at all. But whatever, I don't care--being popular is no fun: people know all of your business, and random people you don't know hate you...

I'm also a band nerd. And before you ask me, I DON'T play clarinet. :/

About my backround: Yes, I love Twilight, sue me. It was one of the only series that kept me hooked like it did. :l

My little sister is jumping around, and acting like she's a peacock? ...

Ugh. She has this thing going on where she's a diff. animal every day {Damn you Diego, damn you} and it's getting on my nerves. DX

My friends are...interesting...

I bet if my house were to catch on fire, they'd be roasting marshmallows AND hitting on the firemen.

I'm done.

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Friends {A.K.A Some of The People Who Actually Put Up With Meh} DDD:

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Fook Ledouche Li Report | 03/04/2010 1:40 pm
Fook Ledouche Li
lol It's me (Jarae). XD I'm sorry about moving to different accounts all the time! This is the last one, I swear!!! ^__^;
pinkpokegal Report | 01/15/2010 2:25 pm
LOL here comes the sun do do do do !
Gale the Wizard Report | 01/09/2010 12:21 pm
Gale the Wizard
lol hows it going? C;
Gale the Wizard Report | 01/02/2010 5:06 pm
Gale the Wizard

We havent talked since last year! T crying T

btw, Its me, Karen : D
R i p e - A p p l e s Report | 09/15/2009 8:09 pm
R i p e - A p p l e s
xDDDD Awesome LOL
pinkpokegal Report | 09/15/2009 7:59 pm
yo steph X3
R i p e - A p p l e s Report | 09/15/2009 7:55 pm
R i p e - A p p l e s

Now I love school again for some reason. xD bwahahaha If you see Tyler anywhere....tell him I just said: "hi!" Because I don't wanna be rude and stuff for not saying anything in like a million years. xDD
R i p e - A p p l e s Report | 09/11/2009 1:54 pm
R i p e - A p p l e s
I went in the band hall this morning because I had to give my brother his book....but it turned out he was in the percussion room. It was embarrassing having to go in the band hall for no reason. xD
R i p e - A p p l e s Report | 08/27/2009 1:39 pm
R i p e - A p p l e s
YES!! You have C lunch with me on Thursdays!!!! > w <
R i p e - A p p l e s Report | 08/25/2009 6:45 pm
R i p e - A p p l e s
Hello, Steph~!! > w <

OMG I hate the hallways at Spring....they're so crowded!!! D:
Gale the Wizard
Loli Princess Near

If you say any word with the letter "e" in it, YOU WILL ACCIDENTALY BURN OFF YOUR EYEBROW IN LESS THAN 7 DAYS. -^_^-