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eJayPierre's avatar

Last Login: 04/27/2022 10:48 am

Registered: 01/31/2008

Gender: Male

Location: Southampton, UK

Birthday: 04/29/1981

Occupation: Creative

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This is me.

Hello everyone. I'm here on Gaia for two reasons - firstly, to satisfy my own curiosity, because I've been aware of Gaia for a while and never taken a look around myself, and secondly as some research for a website I am a contributor to - What They Play, which offers consumer guidance to parents about various topics pertaining to video games. If you'd like to discuss this or tell me about your experiences, please feel free to drop me a message!

When I'm not writing there, I like my video games, I like my music and I like my writing. Please feel free to check out my other sites here and say hello if you fancy a chat.

Ah yeah. I'm from the UK, and wish desperately that I wasn't. One day I'll escape!

Forum sig.

[img:25fb77eb59][/img:25fb77eb59] [img:25fb77eb59][/img:25fb77eb59]

Leave a message at the tone. Beep.

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sapphire_splendor Report | 04/21/2008 9:53 pm
I am so sorry that it has taken me absolutely ages to get back to you! Waaah. I haven't been on Gaia for about three weeks, terrible. Anyway, I'm glad that you've come back from the dead! How is the wedding stuff going? And the oblivious ponies?
sapphire_splendor Report | 03/30/2008 2:50 pm
Where did you go...? crying
sapphire_splendor Report | 03/04/2008 11:41 pm
((This is a triumph....))
Best game EVER.
Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you, but on top of being busy and whatnot, my comp has been trying its hardest to get me to throw it at a wall. It's reeeeeeally old, so once I get the money, I'm buying a new Pink Sony Vaio- this thing is very old, very heavy, and very unreliable; I cannot tell you the amount of times that keys have gotten stuck, spontaneously shut off, or decided that it didn't like the internet anymore, lol.
But how are things going with you?
User Image
However, I am very sad to inform that the cake, indeed, is a lie.
sapphire_splendor Report | 02/27/2008 1:15 pm
Long time no see! How goes the vacation/wedding planning? And how are you?
I was thinking about you today~ it was so funny, because I watched an episode of Dr. Who, lol. Although, I'm sure most telephone booths in the UK don't teleport you in the presence of psychotic robots and whatnot.
That would be awesome though. domokun
Otherwise, I'm in a majorly dreamy mood today- in history, we talked about the Taj Mahal, and how the king was so grieved when his beloved wife died and loved her so much, he built it as her mausoleum. Could you imagine? The detail, the etchings, everything is just absolutely gorgeous~ and it's all a testament of love heart
Anyway, enough rambling~ I hope eveything is going well on your end!
Geekproductions Report | 02/26/2008 7:04 am
Hey there, Pierre-san

I'm in London for this whole week for work experience.
I like it so far though the commute is a b***h.


Hope you're keeping well <3
kicking edgar allan poe Report | 02/25/2008 4:31 am
kicking edgar allan poe
hello, random commet for you.
sapphire_splendor Report | 02/21/2008 8:15 pm
Hello there! Sorry it's taken me a while to reply, but I've been having an absolutely hectic week, ARGH. On top of chaotic school and work stuff, I had to appeal a parking ticket today, and the office staff/ officers were of absolutely NO help. I wanted to kill and eat somebody.
And you're getting married!!!! Congratulations!!!
I am infinitely jealous. I can't wait for my BF to finish the Air Force Academy... he wants to prpose afterward. heart And your venue sounds absolutely gorgeous, especially the part about the oblivious ponies, lol. domokun
And yes! I found your site! Unfortunately, as stated before, I've been all over the place so I've no time to do anything, but I am going to jump on reading your work ASAP.
So, what else has been going on with you? And I wanted to ask you, if you are leaving the UK with your wife, where are you hoping to live?
Geekproductions Report | 02/18/2008 12:27 pm
Of course not.
The slippers represent fluffyness.

You are gangsta.
Geekproductions Report | 02/18/2008 11:57 am
Yeah, 'cause you obviously beat people up!

You hooligan D:

Its Gaia's 5th anniversary today.
Kiki slippers Yay!
Geekproductions Report | 02/18/2008 11:11 am
Do you like it??

I like my redness better though.
Its my favourite colour.

I'm actually wearing an outfit that is completely red! 0.0!

This is you.


Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

My clothes.

A Phoenix Wright tribute outfit will be mine.


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Ramblings in a Virtual World

An account of my experiences in the virtual community of Gaia Online.


I'm not French.

