
El Pandemonio:

  • welcomes you to her profile
  • used to be 'Yours. Truly.'
  • is a mule
  • directs you to visit [fang]' profile for more info
  • thanks you for reading
  • wishes you a nice day

  • Friends

    Viewing 9 of 9 friends


    Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


    Report | 10/26/2007 10:12 am


    you have a very cute avi! [sorry random comment]
    [ Life ]

    Report | 09/09/2007 3:01 pm

    [ Life ]

    Thank you (:

    cool profile. (8
    Vanilla Caprilla

    Report | 07/25/2007 11:43 am

    Vanilla Caprilla

    Ahahahaha~ Your avatar is so amusing.

    It's like: HO NOEZ. RUN CHILD, RUN!
    Devjillija Sjade Kaiser

    Report | 07/10/2007 11:37 pm

    Devjillija Sjade Kaiser

    The hearts stand for " Joyous Love " xD
    hello people of earth 6

    Report | 07/02/2007 2:33 pm

    hello people of earth 6

    tahnks for your opinion on my avitar i would have done that but i didnt have enough money D:
    Vanilla Caprilla

    Report | 06/16/2007 6:26 pm

    Vanilla Caprilla

    Yesh! Teh awesomness~
    Vanilla Caprilla

    Report | 06/16/2007 10:43 am

    Vanilla Caprilla

    =O This profile is pretty.
    happy r i n g o

    Report | 06/04/2007 7:29 pm

    happy r i n g o

    xD what are you talking about xP washing machines are teh bomb xP
    happy r i n g o

    Report | 06/03/2007 9:07 pm

    happy r i n g o

    xDD ~cough is not the technique she uses cough~ xPP i tried once... i looked like something that came out of a washing machine >.>
    happy r i n g o

    Report | 06/03/2007 1:44 pm

    happy r i n g o

    xDD ums... put on everything O_O"" xD