Elder Maxson

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Wears his Mk VII Spec Ops Unifrom customized to fit his own style, underneath that he wears the Shadow Armor. He wears the balaclava over his face to hide his appearance out in the field. Trident wears and advanced Vision Visor, that gives him many different modes to see, they are made of an advanced ballistic non-reflective material. Attached to his uniform there is a hood that he does use to help hide his appearance when it is needed. Trident can also wear and extra ballistic assault vest over his uniform for more protection. He always wears his Dog Tags, with silencers, around his neck; tucked in to his uniform. Because of his Special Operations background, he keeps an extra dog tag laced into one of his boots. He is rarely seen out of his combat fatigues or battledress uniforms.

John D. Trident



Zushi, Kanagawa, Japan

23 March 1985


White - Caucasian

Blood Type:
O Positive


187 lbs.

Lean and Muscular

Distinguishing Features:
Scar across his right eye

Hair Color:

High and Tight

Eye Color:

"Let Vigilance Be My Sword"

"Move with the wind, and you will never be heard."

Special Operations Agent


Seal Team 6

Blade Specialist - Close Quarters - Hand to Hand - Recon - Marksman

Military Occupational Specialty:
Special Operations

Pre-Service History:
Military Brat: Both of His parents were in the Military. Trident's childhood was spent on base, in Japan where he grew up over seas as an American Citizen. He was born and raised over seas in Japan till he was able to join the Military. Following in his family's footsteps, he enlisted at the age of seventeen, with there consent.

United States Naval Academy

Service History:
War Hero: Early in his military career he found himself facing an overwhelming enemy force. John risked his own life to save his fellow Sailor's lives and defeat the enemy despite the impossible odds. His bravery and heroism have earned him medals and recognition from the United States of America.

A combat veteran of over a hundred silent wars, John Trident is one of the most experienced and highly respected covert operators in the U.S. intelligence community. Before his NSA career, Trident was a CIA Operative within the Special Activities Division, a member of the Special Operations Group, a highly decorated sailor in the U.S. Navy, where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant while serving in the Navy SEALs as an operator of SEAL Team 3, and a Tier One operator within United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (Seal Team 6) of the Joint Special Operations Command.

John had come from a very long line of soldiers, every male Member of his family has served in the military since before the founding of the United States. Every member has been the best that they can be, it was a family tradition and a hard name to live up to. Trident was born and raised in Japan, when his parents were stationed there. John grew up on base, making many friends and learning Martial Arts with other kids his age.. At that young age he knew what he wanted to do, he could be seen training and preparing for his life in the Military, getting physically and mentally tough. When it was time to do his part for his country he enlisted and joined the Navy, at 18, going to the United States Naval Academy. He graduated at the top of his class, excelling in all subjects and not only participating in sports but leading teams to victory.

After he graduated he went to Navy SEAL selection and training. He had prepared his whole life for this moment and nothing was going to stop him from getting the title of SEAL. It was the toughest thing he had ever been through up to that point and they were unable to break him. During training he made sure to not let his fellow Sailors quit and give up, he pushed them to do better. When the training came to an end, he passed at the top of his class earning the title and Trident of a Navy SEAL. He was selected for Seal Team 3, stationed at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado.Trident went on many operations, down range, with the Seals and leading the his own small team.

While on leave from the front lines, John was at a village, near a small military base, that came under attack from a large hostile force. He quickly relieved one of the hostiles from his weapon and began to engage and fight off the rest of the enemy. He was single handedly able to hold off the large enemy assault on a the village, using only the rifle, his bladed weapons, and bare hands, until reinforcements could arrive. He saved countless lives in the process of risking his own life on more then one occasion. For heroism in the line of duty, he was decorated with medals for his Valor, going above and beyond the Call of Duty, but he refused to take the prestigious honor.

Trident had caught the eye of the Tier One Operators, Seal Team 6, they wanted him to join their unit and had a need for his special set of skills. With his new Unit he was called in for a high risk mission, to strike at the enemy and cripple them. He went on many missions with them, all over the world, and with no one knowing they were there. During the mission he was captured so that his team could escape safely, he was held as a prisoner of war. He was able to escape from his cell using only a Bobby pin and his bare hands, the bobby pin was not only used to pick the cell's lock but as a weapon to kill the guards silently. He eliminated most of the enemy and set the other POW's free and led them all to their freedom, not loosing a single one of them. When he got back to the states he was presented with another medal for his Act of Valor, for risking his life to save his team and leading the prisoners to their freedom and families. John did not want to take the medal again and refused to take it.

He was recruited by the CIA Special Activities Division because of his certain skill set, and abilities. He was selected for the Special Observation Group and put through more rigorous training. He would no longer be working with a team, he would be alone during his missions, he would be able to get the job down that a larger team would fail at. He passed the CIA training and was ready to begin his missions in the Black Ops. He was sent all over the world, even on the own soil of the United States, putting down people and groups who directly want to harm and kill Americans. During these level of mission know one knew where he was or what exactly what he was doing. Trident was the best Agent and Operative that they had, they gave him a mission he would get it done. Though fully aware and confident of his abilities, John understands that his survival has often been a gift of chance. He knows he is human and fallible, and he does not want to die.

Trident has been involved in numerous armed conflicts throughout the world, many of them unconventional. Over the course of his extensive service career, he has served in hot spots such as the Persian Gulf (Iraq, Kuwait, etc.), Iran, Colombia, Senegal, and Afghanistan as well as taking covert assignments in North Korea, South Korea, Russia, Panama, Germany, Myanmar, China, Japan, the Republic of Georgia, and even the United States amongst several others. He has not only survived, but has also excelled in the field of covert operations through hard work, insatiable curiosity and brutal honesty. Combat, espionage and constant training have defined his adult life; his tactical experience has become part of his instinct. He is quiet, instinctive, and observant: somebody who watches from the outside. Even outside of work he is most comfortable on the fringes of society, keenly observant but still removed.

Trident was needed in the NSA for a new program, the program produced and deployed Units of highly-trained forward operators as the ultimate intelligence gathering force, with the support of a cutting edge technological team to retrieve information through traditional espionage techniques, but with 21st century technology. For these mission, he was sent to The Farm, where we would undergo the last bit of technology training that he would need, and to go through evaluations to see if he was the right man for the job. He became one of the first field Agents of this new group, Becoming one of the best if not the best out there.

Disciplined, Brave, Vengeful, caring, just, a lover and a fighter, assertive, active and energized. He is clear-minded, strategic, and alert. He uses both body and mind in harmony and co-operation. He is highly disciplined. He assesses both his own skills and resources and those of his opponent. He is a servant, helping anyone he can - guiding, protecting, and passing on information and wisdom. He is highly devoted to causes he judges as more important than himself or any personal relationships or gain. Having confronted death, he knows how precious life is and does not abuse or profane it.

Disciplined: After years learning Martial Arts, and being in the military, Trident possesses a very high level of self discipline. Not only does he have a high degree of self discipline, but military discipline as well.

Smart: He has the ability to learn fast and think on his feet, being able to adapt to any situation, and overcome it.

Brave: He will jump right into the think of something to save someone, risking his own life to ensure, theirs. This trait has got him to some every tight spots, but he has always got himself and other out of it using his special set of skills.

Protective: He is extremely devoted to those he cares about, and, whether it’s necessary or not, he has a tendency to care for those he serves with, either over him or under him. He will give his life to protect those around him.

Dedicated: Once Trident has committed himself to an idea, he is unshakable. He will never back down and give up on anything or anyone. He will get up every time he is knocked down, making sure that the goal is accomplished.

Idealistic: He has a very strong moral compass, and he holds very closely to it. Between this and his tendency to try and believe the best of people, He has gained a reputation for his supposed naivety, though the man has seen far too much of the darkness in humanity to be truly naive.

Sincere: Trident tends to be very genuine and straightforward. He speaks his mind, and is a pretty awful liar.

Humble: Jon is not very prideful, he does not like to take credit for anything that he does, he is simply "Doing his Job". He knows that he his good, one of the best but he is not arrogant about it. The only thing that he does take pride in his relatives' military service.

Honorable: Honor is more important than life itself. First and foremost, honor is tied to his battlefield conduct. Adversaries should be treated with courtesy and respect, even if they are bitter enemies. Caution and discretion are key to a his survival, but fear is a disease and cowardice is a moral failing. The drive to behave honorably extends into the rest of his life: Breaking an oath is the height of dishonor, and attention to honesty extends to every word. A commitment made must be carried out. Ultimately, Trident takes responsibility for his actions and his consequences.

Leader: John possesses tactical prowess and tends to be a fair and competent motivator. These things usually make it easier for others to trust and follow him without question. He has "that fire that makes someone willing to follow you into hell itself" He uses the all of the key traits of a great leader; Justice, Judgment, Dependability, Initiative, Decisiveness, Tact, Integrity, Enthusiasm, Bearing, Unselfishness, Courage, Knowledge, Loyalty, and Endurance.

Code of Life:
He follows the code of Bushido ((Except for the suicide part.)) Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Respect, Honesty, Honor, Loyalty, Filial piety, Wisdom, and Care for the aged

Trident's Mind-Set, requires extreme concentration and focus. It is perhaps the most powerful and dangerous of his abilities. It grants him an unshakable resolve and tenacity. The Mind-Set will causes him to ignore pain and fear, and has proven capable of casting off the effects of brainwashing


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Loud House Report | 02/13/2016 2:45 pm
Interesting avatar.
Immundus Spiritus Report | 07/22/2013 10:55 am
Thank you for the sale, sir.
wanniee Report | 06/01/2013 8:56 pm
No problem ^q^
iCass Cain Report | 04/09/2013 9:59 am
Very well, Mr. Grayson. And yourself?
Shinalien Report | 02/14/2013 10:05 pm
Props on account, yo.
Midoriwa Report | 07/27/2012 3:49 pm
Awwwww. That was so cute! Thank you. heart



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