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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/19/2007 7:00 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Kankuro: *Doubles over in pain* OW!! ITAI!!! *Hopping up and down on the spot, clutching foot and yelling in pain*

Gaara: *Whacking Kankuro upside the head* Knock it off! I'm trying to finish this stack of paperwork! User Image

*Just sitting on the couch, head bowed* ...

Temari: Yo~. *Sees me acting unresponsive* Whaddup? No sugar today?


Temari: *Nodding* Yep, something's definitely up. What's up?

*Mouthing silently*

Temari: Hmm? I don't really get it, sorry. User Image

*Sniffling* User Image

I tried telling my mom that I only went to the counselor because I had a really bad day yesterday, but my mom didn't take it seriously. The counselor tried making it sound like she was really concerned and that I wasn't in trouble or anything, but my mom didn't listen. She told the counselor that nothing was wrong with me and that I only had a bad day. She even had the gall to tell me to stop acting so abnormally because it wasn't mature! She doesn't care that I'm suffering from depression and self-esteem issues! *Buries face in hands*

*Muffled* Temari says I should yell at the counselor for telling my mom that I'm having so many problems because it's only made them worse. Oh, I don't know what to do!!! *Starts crying again*

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/18/2007 6:40 pm

Ame no Yanagi

[COLOR=red][SIZE=9][IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG]

Erm...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/IMG] *Shifting uncomfortably under Emily's gaze* ...?

Kankuro: *Shifty* Er, Emily, why are you looking at me like that...?


Kankuro: *Face [i]completely[/i] covered in pie and whipped cream* ...!!! Wha?! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG]

*Weak smile* Hahaha...ahahaha...haha...ha...*Suddenly breaks down crying* UWAAAAAAAAAH!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG]

*Covering face with hands and sobbing wildly* [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_cry.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG]

Gaara, Kankuro: ???! Wha? What happened? What's going on?!?!?! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/IMG]

Temari: Oh dear...what's the matter?

*Sobbing* The...c-counselor called...my m-mom today...and my m-mom's...r-r-really...angry...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG]

Temari: Is that why? Why would your mom be angry, though?

*Sobbing* B-Because...she thinks...I-I'm m-m-misbehaving...in s-school...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG]

Temari: But you're [i]not[/i], right? I mean, you're just going to the counselor because you want to vent your spleen somewhere, right?

*Sniffling* N-No...I-I'm g-going...because I'm u-upset...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_cry.gif[/IMG]

Temari: Then there you have it, your mom probably doesn't know that yet. Try to explain that to her when you can.

*Whimpering* B-But...what i-if s-s-she's [i]a-a-a-angry[/i]...? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_cry.gif[/IMG]

Temari: Then tell the counselor. Remember, the counselor didn't [i]mean[/i] to anger your mom, it's just that you've been visiting her pretty often and things have gotten worse between each visit, so she's concerned and just trying to help you. Your mother's reaction is not the counselor's responsibility, just like how I don't have the right to tell you to be surprised when I show you a new card trick. I hope that things might not go that far, but you really need to do something.

*Sniffling* [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_cry.gif[/IMG]

Temari: *Confidently* Don't worry! You've got your trusty friends at your side, don't you? They'll provide a safety net for you when your family deliberately tears holes in theirs. All you need to do is just be patient and open.


Temari: Well, don't you have finals tomorrow? You should study...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/IMG]

*Breaking down [i]again[/i]* Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_cry.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/s
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/17/2007 8:06 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Are you sure? After all, I haven't given people anything in all my two years on Gaia, really, and I'd like to give my friends something just to show how awesome and cool and kick-a** they are...User Image

Well, it's not like I'm planning something, really...honest...*glancing around shifty-eyed*

*Snickers* And who just said that they're "not sensitive"? *Trips over a rock* ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!! *Jumps back up and kicks rock, cursing it* DAMN IT! @#$%^&*!!! User Image

Kankuro: *Chucking a piping-hot menchikatsu at my face* Oh, shut up.

*Whooping and hopping up and down painfully on the spot, menchikatsu still on face* WHOOOOOOOOOOOOP!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOP WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP WHOOOOOOOOOOP!!! User Image

Gaara: Dumbass! User Image

*Peeling off menchikatsu and taking a bite out of it* Mmmmmmmmmmm, ume! Oishii!!! *Hopping up and down excitedly*

Gaara, Kankuro: *Facepalm* ...

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/16/2007 5:18 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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(Oh, uh, by the way...nice outfit? User Image Sorry I can't buy you anything for Xmas...User Image)

Yay! User Image Tell me if you like it, okay? User Image

Gaara: *Simply appalled* What! What did I do?! User Image

*Smugly* Insulted my friend, who, may I so very kindly remind you, is a very fragile, sensitive, and easily hurt young lady. X}

Gaara: *DOOOOOOOOOOM...* User Image|l||ll|l

And yes, you guessed correctly. User Image The "tall guy" standing a ways off from me is my "cousin", though I try not to act like I actually know him. I don't know why. I simply don't like him. User Image And usually he stands closer to my personal "bubble" than I'd like, so this is a real improvement. User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/15/2007 1:07 pm

Ame no Yanagi

[COLOR=red][SIZE=9][IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG]

Oh, that? Well, don't go worrying your pretty lil' head over it! It was merely a temporary lapse in concentration! I got over it pretty quickly! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_3nodding.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: *Muttering* Yeah right...

HEY! Don't you dare deny it! It [i]was[/i] the truth, dammit! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_scream.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: Nuuuuuuuuh, no it isn't!

HEY! Only [i]I[/i] can say "nuuuuuuuuuh"! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_scream.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: Oh, burn in hell.

Shaddup! Urusendayo! *Punches Gaara and sends him into space*

Whew, got [i]that[/i] taken care of. *Brushes hair out of eyes* Anyway...

You don't mind me not commenting as often as I used to? [i]Really[/i]? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/IMG] But I promised to comment more often...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sweatdrop.gif[/IMG]

And yes, Gaara said you suck. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_xd.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: *Speechless with shock and fury* ...!!!! >O

Gaara: *Spluttering* N-No I didn't!!!

Yes you did! You said she sucks, didn't you? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_xd.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: ...!!!!!!!! *Lunges forward, trying to strangle me*

Uh oh, looks like [i]somebody[/i] here needs to take his [i]nappie[/i]...! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_xd.gif[/IMG] *Dodges and retaliates with a roundhouse kick*

Gaara: ...! *Tumbles to ground*

*Howling with laughter* BWAHAHA!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU FELL FOR THAT! BWAHAHA!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: *Growling* ...!!!

Temari: *Appears out of nowhere and drags Gaara away by the ear* That's enough, you! Now get to work on your paperwork!

Gaara: *Protesting* But Temari--

Temari: *Death-glaring at Gaara* [i]Yes...?[/i] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_evil.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: *Grumbling* Nothing.

Temari: *Smugly* Good. Now get to work! *Dragging Gaara away*

Gaara: *Screaming and waving fist at me* I'LL BE BACK FOR YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU...!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_scream.gif[/IMG]

*Rolling eyes* Yeah, yeah, whatever, Gaara. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif[/IMG]


Timekeeper? What's [i]that[/i]??? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/IMG]

Kankuro: *Facepalm* Aw great, now it looks like the responsibility of the Timekeeper has moved on to someone else...

*Frustrated* Y'know, I can [i]kinda[/i] [i]sorta[/i] remember it...but at the same time I don't know what it was...*Straining to remember*

Kankuro: I'd tell you, but I can't, since it's Forbidden.

*Confused* Huh? *Realization* Oh! Are you talking about the *beep* from the *beep* series? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/IMG]

Kankuro: *Wincing* Yes, but not so loud! Our Enemies may hear that!

*Sighing and rolling eyes* Oh, [i]fine[/i]...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG]

Hey, Kankuro, who constitutes as our Enemies, anyway? I'm still not really clear on it...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/IMG]

Kankuro: *Rolling eyes* That's anyone who [i]isn't[/i] in your Party or [i]isn't[/i] your Ally. No duh.

Ohhhhhhh, I get it now! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_biggrin.g
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/14/2007 6:25 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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*Watching a gigantic hourglass fill with sand* ...

Gaara: And what are you doing?

*Absently* I'm not supposed to tell you...*Lazily reaches out and flips hourglass over*

Gaara: And why aren't you supposed to tell me?

*Absently* Because...

Gaara: *Impatiently* Because...?

*Falling silent* ...

Gaara: ...


Gaara: ...?

Temari: *Dryly* Y'know, your brain's gonna rot if you just sit there in front of the hourglass all day, never moving unless you have to flip the hourglass over or answer the call of nature or eat something. Besides, don't you think that's kind of pointless?

Kankuro: *Sighs* Oh great. Now she thinks she's the Timekeeper or something...

Temari: *Confused* ...the what?

Kankuro: *Sighs* Never mind, Temari. You wouldn't get it. It has to do with video games, so...

Temari: *Understanding* ...Oh. I see...I get it now. Never mind, then. I'll leave you alone.

Gaara: *Annoyed, shaking my shoulder roughly* Oi! Snap outta it! That's getting annoying, dammit! User Image

Kankuro: *Sighing* Leave her be, little brother. It's not like it's going to do any good...

Gaara: Hmph! *Stomps away, grumbling to himself under his breath* User Image...

Kankuro: *Turns to stare at me, eye twitching slightly* ...and then again, just how long do you expect to sit here anyway? User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/14/2007 6:11 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Well, I've already commented you once today (and this makes my second comment to you today), but...

Argh! User Image

I'm so sorry, Emily!!! User Image

I promised to comment more often, but I forgot...again...User Image

I'm so sorry! The truth is, I had so much homework last night that I couldn't comment you...I'm really sorry! Gomen nasai!!! User Image

Gaara: *Staring* ...what the hell...?

User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/14/2007 4:33 pm

Ame no Yanagi

[COLOR=red][SIZE=9][IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG]

*Wakes up from my "slumber", yawns, and stretches* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...I had a good sleep...*Looks at watch and nearly falls over in shock* WHAT?! It's already 4:27 PM in the afternoon?! And it's already the next [i]day[/i]?! Just how long was I asleep?! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_eek.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG]

Temari: *(Un)helpfully* I'd say about twenty hours of sleep...

*Falls over anime-style* D:!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG]

Temari: *Sweatdrop* ...

*Just lies there face-down on the floor, twitching* [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG]...

Temari: *Sweatdropping, walks over and pokes me* Hey...are you okay?

*Turns face painfully to look at Temari* Huh?

Temari: *MAJOR sweatdrop* ...

*Jumps back up* Well, whatever, let's get over that, shall we? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_3nodding.gif[/IMG]

Temari: ...o_o;;;...

Wait, what's "really that bad"??? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/IMG]

I'm thinking that you meant my temporary lapse in concentration was super-bad, but were you talking about that [i]long[/i] list of bad traits commonly found in most Chinese people? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/IMG]

I have no clue what you were talking about, sorry...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/IMG]

And [i]Gaara[/i] has issues? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_xd.gif[/IMG] Man, wait till he hears this...*Shouting at Gaara* OI! GAARA! GUESS WHAT? EMIILY SAYS THAT YOU'VE GOT ISSUES!

Gaara: *Ignoring me COMPLETELY* ...

Heeeeeeeeeeeello? You there? *Waves a hand in Gaara's face*

Gaara: *Not looking up, his sand bats my hand away*

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaara? *Waving hand in his face furiously*

Gaara: *[i]Finally[/i] looking up and screaming like crazy* NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT, GOD DAMN IT!!!? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_scream.gif[/IMG]

*Scowling and shuffling away* Nandemonai...

Gaara: *Furious* Then what was [u]that[/u] for, huh?!?!

Nothing! Oh, and Emily agrees with me that it [i]sucks[/i] that one can't hold up ten billion fingers up at once. She says you suck. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_stare.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: *Bristling* She said [i]that[/i] sucks, not [i]I[/i] suck!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_scream.gif[/IMG]

*Rolling my eyes* Oh, so [i]now[/i] you claim that Emily said she "sucks"? How cruel. I never knew that you had such a deep and rich vein of cruelty, Gaara. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_stare.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: Oh, shut up! Urusai! Damare!

No! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_scream.gif[/IMG] *Chucks an eggroll at Gaara's face*

Gaara: WTF?!?!?!

*Picks up eggroll and eats it*

Gaara: What the hell?! You [i]threw[/i] that at my [i]face[/i], then it fell on the bloody [i]ground[/i], and now you're picking it up and [i]eating[/i] it?! For Pete's sake, what the bloody ******** [i]hell[/i] are you doing?! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_scream.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http:
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/12/2007 8:22 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Argh! User Image

Emily, help me!!! User Image

I'm so out of focus that I can't even think straight! User Image (No, I'm not stoned. User Image)

It all started when I went to Jay is Games to look up Bon Voyage (a new room-escape game from IDAC, a renowned online room-escape game creator), then one thing led to another and I ended up reading about all sorts of games and bookmarking them! God, I'm not stoned, but I feel like it, my brain's so outta whack...User Image

Heck, I don't even know what 0+0 is anymore...User Image

Gaara: Okay, let's do a quick test. *Holds up two fingers* How many fingers am I holding up?

*Leaning in and staring intently at Gaara's fingers, face screwed up in concentration* ...

Gaara: *Impatiently* Well?!

*Leans back proudly* Ten billion! User Image

Gaara: *Facepalm* !

Gaara: *Jumping up with an exasperated expression, Love Hina style* NOBODY CAN HOLD UP TEN BILLION FINGERS AT ONCE!!! User Image

*Shocked* What?! No way! That sucks! User Image

Gaara: *Rolling his eyes and speaking in a sarcastic tone* Yes, it does. Now snap out of it! User Image

*Flatly* No. User Image

Gaara: *Impatiently* And why not?!

Because. It's...urrrrrrrrrrrr...purpleeeyyyyyyyyyyy...69! *Passes out and falls face-flat onto floor, snoring loudly* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Gaara: *Jumping back Ranma 1/2 style* WHAT THE ********?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! O_O;;;?!

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/11/2007 8:22 pm

Ame no Yanagi

[COLOR=red][SIZE=9][IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG]

It's really nice of you to celebrate my 600th comment! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_blaugh.gif[/IMG] No one's ever done that for me before! Thanks! Domo arigato gozaimashita! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_4laugh.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_whee.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_blaugh.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_3nodding.gif[/IMG]

Oh, what do you mean? I'm not as smart as you! If I [i]was[/i] even remotely intelligent at the very least I'd have enough confidence to stupidly choose Pre-AP or AP classes, but of course I'm not. I won't even [i]consider[/i] choosing an AP class.

I don't see how it'd help, I've this strange habit of speaking in Cantonese only with others that speak Cantonese, and that doesn't include people I know and am friends with. But I'm one to talk, since you've suffered the same humiliation in Cambodia! Luckily you didn't have to stick around them 24/7, I think you would've come back with your sanity on the line. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sweatdrop.gif[/IMG] I can tell you that being laughed at and mocked is [i]not[/i] a pleasant feeling, no sir. It doesn't help that there's this nagging feeling in the back of my mind every time I try to start a [i]normal[/i] conversation, like I'm going to be laughed at again. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_xp.gif[/IMG] I suppose I can always tell them that it hurts my feelings and that I don't find the joke funny in the least, and stick my tongue out at them when their backs are turned...Maybe.

But it's not like I'm just getting this from home, I've had people at school make racial comments directed right at me about two or three times (as far as I can remember, anyway) and I've heard worse statements being made about the Chinese. *Shrugs indifferently* It [i]does[/i] piss me the ******** hell off, but it's not like I can always go whining and bawling and screaming to an adult every time I hear someone badmouthing the Chinese, anyway. I'm already very much disliked among my peers; I don't need any more reasons for people to dislike me even more. And besides, the Chinese deserve it. As far as I know, the people are [i]really[/i] rude, manipulative, greedy, stingy, disrespectful, foul-mouthed, indifferent to others' feelings, dim-witted in some respects, asskissers to the white and anyone who has more money than them, disloyal, loud, disgusting, superstitious to an excess, and overly competitive. I'm not being a hypocrite; it's the truth. I know this purely from experience.

Gaara: You hypocrite. Here you are, complaining that others are making rude comments about the Chinese, and yet you, too, are insulting them! I may not like the Chinese (or any other ethnicity, for [i]that[/i] matter), but at least I know not to make rude comments about them! And besides, you're insulting your own ethnicity, which means you're merely insulting yourself and everyone you know who is Chinese! Don't you have any [i]shame[/i]?! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG]

Helloooooo? Since when have I [i]not[/i] known as a hypocrite? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: *Stubbornly* You should [i]still[/i] have some kind of shame. I think.

Well, ******** off, I don't give a bloody s**t. ,,|,, -.- ,,|,,

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise [IMG]http://s.ga
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/10/2007 8:08 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Aw, thanks! User Image 600 comments, eh? A real feat it is...

And it's nice of you to celebrate it for me! My celebrating everyone's hundredth comments must be rubbing off on you...User Image

You just found out what condescending means? And you're smarter than me, too! User Image


I'm accusing my aunt and cousin. User Image To tell you the truth, the only person who tries to stick up for me is my aunt (Aunt Ruby User Image), but even then she laughs about the joke. That's the same as not standing up for me. Everyone else just sits there and laughs at me.

I can't tell you how awful it is to act your normal self and then make one little "slip-up" and then have everyone burst into loud, mocking, and derisive laughter directed straight at you--and they don't bother with subtlety or discretion, either, they just laugh right in your face. It really ******** hurts, but what do they care? For all I know, I'm probably put here just so others can have someone to bully and mock and insult and laugh at with impunity. In other words, I'm a ******** SCAPEGOAT!!! User Image

*Starts ranting and raving again*

Gaara: I think you've had enough...User Image

*Sighs* Oh, all right, fine...*Takes several deep breaths*

Man, sometimes I feel like such a friggin' outcast at home...I wish I were an orphan, at least I'd fit in with myself at home...User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/10/2007 5:19 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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You agree, eh?

The reason why it angers me so much, however, is because of the hypocrisy of the entire situation. I don't even think of taunting their not-so-fluent English (my mom can speak some English, but my aunt and cousin, being new arrivals, do not know a single word of English), and even if I did make fun of them I wouldn't do so in front of them, yet they enjoy poking what seems to them constitutes "gentle" fun at my mistakes when I attempt to speak in Cantonese! Sure, I know hardly any Cantonese (and sometimes my meager knowledge turns up the occasional literary gem that has such a surprised reaction that it's condescending), but that doesn't mean that you, being infinitely more knowledgeable than me in the language, actually possess the right to hurt my feelings in such a cynical way! How would they feel if I started to laugh at their English? Wouldn't you agree that they would definitely feel very hurt and angry enough to hit me? Why don't they ever think about how I feel when they utter such horrid things?

That's just not fair! I mean, Ebele says it's good enough that I already know a little bit of my native language, but is that ever good enough for them? Noooooooo! It's never good enough for them, because they just love having a little scapegoat around to tease and taunt and generally make a total, complete, and utter fool out of! I hate that!

*Ranting and raving* User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

...All right, I must be creeping you out by now, and if I haven't already then I might've chased away some other innocent visitors to your page. User Image I'll calm down right...now. *Takes a deep breath* Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...in...out...in...out...*Repeats this pattern for a few minutes*

Okay, I'm all calm now. But what do you think is the best way to deal with my family's incessant teasing? Should I whup the crap out of them verbally (just kidding about that User Image), attempt to reason with them, or just ignore it and pretend that nothing happened?

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/09/2007 6:37 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Aw, really? I'm glad that you like my comments, that makes me feel better. User Image

Let me ask you a question: read the paragraph below and tell me if you agree with me or not?

The Spanish textbook says that if you don't know the word for something in Spanish then you should try to describe it using Spanish words you already know. Apparently that doesn't work with Chinese; you not only end up sounding even dumber than you already are, you are also subject to the harsh ridicule of others more knowledgeable than you and you instantly become the butt of almost all jokes. At least, that's the way it's always been for me. I have never been fluent in any language other than English (and to tell you the truth, if I didn't learn English in elementary school I wouldn't have had any language to speak), but it is starting to get ridiculous, especially since they have arrived and are here to stay. This makes me feel even angrier than before. If you expect me to learn to speak even halfway fluent Cantonese, should you not teach me and correct my mistakes instead of enlarging them for the sole purpose of taunting and ridiculing me? Should you not help me learn from my mistakes instead of whipping them out and turning me into the butt of jokes when conversing with others, particularly those who speak Cantonese fluently? It's bad enough that I'm Chinese-American (and I don't like to admit it, it angers me so) and have no talents to speak of, but must I be subject to others' cruel jokes? Is it not fair for me to be able to protest against this? Therefore, shouldn't I be allowed the same respect that foreign-language students deserve?

("They" refers to my aunt and cousin.)

Do you think that my family's teasing is justified, or do you find it unfair and unjust?

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/09/2007 4:35 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Nah, it's all right. User Image To tell you the truth, I feel guilty since I'm almost always commenting you guys every single day, no matter whether or not I'm tired or have nothing to say or in a bad mood, and it's almost as if I actually expect for you guys to reply back. I don't, of course. But it makes me feel guilty all the same. User Image

As long as you read my comments, even if you don't reply to them at all, I wouldn't care as long as you read them! User Image

Hell, I'll even be very glad if anyone even thought that my comments were funny and helped relieve them of some of the day's stress! *Laughs nervously* User Image User Image But of course that isn't true, I bet my constant commenting must be a real nuisance to some, if not all, of the people out there! User Image

Funny, yesterday I was looking for a particular password-protected document that had the (complex) passwords to another document that I wanted to access, but I never found it. I have no clue where it is; I probably accidentally deleted it. User Image *Sighs* Oh well...I guess that means that I'll simply have to delete the password-protected document and make another one...User Image And this time I'm going to put it somewhere that I'll actually be able to find it! User Image

Or maybe I'll just try looking for it again today...

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/08/2007 3:04 pm

Ame no Yanagi

[COLOR=red][SIZE=9][IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG]

Temari: *Anxiously* I hope this goes well...

Gaara: ...

Kankuro: *Silently and secretly counting the funny Naruto pictures he has* ...

*One stagelight goes on as I walk to the middle of the stage*

*Seriously* This is the story of two young lovers who--

Kankuro: *Holding up a picture of eighteen-year-old Sasuke wearing ANBU attire while poking a Hokage-attire-clad eighteen-year-old Naruto, both looking very annoyed*

*Starts twitching with silent laughter* ...

Temari: *Steps down hard on Kankuro's foot*

Kankuro: *Eyes widen in pain and drops picture*

*Calms down* Anyway...

Kankuro: *Holding up a picture of Sakura gambling at a casino, a [i]very[/i] crazed look on her face*

*Starts laughing again*

Audience: *[i]Clearly[/i] unimpressed* ...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_neutral.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: *Death-glaring at Kankuro* ...

Kankuro: *Wilting, dropping picture* ...[IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/IMG]

*Calming down and clearing throat* All right, anyway...

Kankuro: *Holding up a picture of Itachi flipping people off while saying "I can kill whomever I want. Stop complaining." while Kisame has one hand raised and the other over his heart while saying "Raise your fin and repeat after him: 'I'm a nice shark, not a mindless eatin'-machine. Fish are friends, not food.'"*

*Sees picture and bursts into laughter* [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG]!!!

Gaara, Temari: *Facepalm* ...

*Rolling on the stage and laughing like crazy* HAHAHA!!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG]

Audience: *[i]Very[/i] annoyed* ...

*Still laughing* [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_rofl.gif[/IMG]

Tenten: *Walking onto stage and apologizing* Uh, I'm really sorry about this, it seems our narrator has a...[i]technical difficulty[/i] and will need to come offstage for a break. *Tsunade is heard screaming several [i]choice[/i] words backstage, but Tenten ignores them* Please stay seated while we find a new narrator, or better yet, determine the cause of our current narrator's problem. *Kankuro is heard gulping as Tenten pulls me up* C'mon, off the stage you go...*Ushes me off the stage as audience boos*

Temari: *Whipping around to give Kankuro a nasty death glare* Thanks a lot, Kankuro. You just put our skins up on the chopping block! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_stare.gif[/IMG]

Kankuro: *Squeakily* I-I'm sorry...*Visibly shrinking*

Gaara: *Growling* I swear, Kankuro, if I [i]ever[/i] make it out alive you are going to be our dinner tonight!

Kankuro: *Gulping nervously* U-Um...

Temari: *Impatiently* Well?!

Kankuro: *Screaming and throwing himself at Temari and Gaara's feet, sobbing wildly* I-I'm s-s-so [i]s-s-s-s-sorry[/i]!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG]


*Complaining* I swear it wasn't me! It was [i]Kankuro[/i]!!! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_gonk.gif[/IMG]

Neji: *Glaring* Yeah, sure, and pigs can fly when we're not looking. *Ino is heard shouting "HEY!" in the makeup section, but Neji ignores her* Tell the truth, dammit!

*Shouting* I [i]am[/i] telling the t
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/07/2007 6:51 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Today I don't actually have anything to say...User Image

I'm not in a very good mood right now because my connection is acting funny, that's why I'm so annoyed right now. User Image User Image

This is a pointless comment. Feel free to delete it if you wish. User Image

Gee, it must be boring always having to read comments that come from just one single person every single day, huh? User Image User Image User Image

I'll leave you alone now. *Raises hands into the air dully* Whee. User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/06/2007 6:30 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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You wanna know something sad?

I lost that keychain I had hanging from my backpack on Monday, and since then I've never found it. User Image

I feel really sad about losing it, too, because I bought it in Japan and everything...and now it's gone!!! Wah! User Image

Oh, I'm talking about that one with the bell, the black egg, and the shoe. I only have the golden strings now. User Image

If it's been found by someone, I hope that they take good care of it, and if it's been destroyed, then I guess I'll just give up. But there's nothing to do about it now. User Image

By the way, did you ever see anything like my keychain, or not?

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/05/2007 7:01 pm

Ame no Yanagi

If you're not going to eat it...

I already know that you've seen this format before; I just checked. User Image

I want to make my formats as fancy as some of the formats I've seen in the forums on Gaia. But how?

I have no art/graphic creation skills, I don't know any cool phrases, and I can't choose a color that could go along with most people and still be easy to read and nice to look at. Eeeeeeeeeep!

Oh yeah, and you know what's a drama you should try (even if it's not exactly likable, in my opinion)? Jigoku Shoujo Live Action! You probably should watch the anime first, though. User Image

Oh, and Hana-Kimi (both Taiwanese and Japanese versions)! It's hilarious, although neither are super-close to the storyline (especially the Japanese version, for that one they've taken a lot of creative liberties...). User Image

Well, I'm probably boring you with my talk of dramas, huh? User Image User Image

...then why did you bother cooking it?
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/05/2007 6:57 pm

Ame no Yanagi

Yonda deshou?

Hey hey!

I'm testing out this new commenting format, so tell me if you like it or not, okay?

Oh, wait, you've seen the other commenting format, right?

Yeah, I think you have...

Never mind about the other one, then! User Image

Oh yeah, I bet you probably have quite a few manga/anime/book series lined up, but could you hold them for until Christmas break? Turns out my parents do know that I'm watching J-Dramas, T-Dramas, and anime while doing homework, and they were pretty damn pissed, to say the least. You can tell me about any book series (besides Twilight, I'll go check that one out later) you think I should read, but hold on to the manga/anime series for now. You can write them down if you want, or just wait.

And do you think I should keep on drawing? Every time I look at the Naruto fanarts I have saved to my hard disk I always feel kinda...awkward. Ehehe...

It happens when I look at my wallpaper, too. I chose it because I liked it, but now that I've actually tried to draw something I feel kind of silly. Perfectionist much? User Image

Actually, I like drawing, but at the same time I don't really want to do it. How weird is that?

Watashi ha Enma Ai.
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 12/03/2007 5:28 pm

Ame no Yanagi

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Today is not my lucky day...

I lost the geta (Japanese clog), kurotamago (black egg), and suzu (bell) that I had tied to my backpack with a golden string. I have no clue where they are now, but I tried looking for them after school. No luck.

*Sniffles* I really miss them...I bought them in Japan, and what's worse is I might never be able to go to Japan again. I have no opportunities of that ever happening. User Image

I wish I hadn't lost them, because then I wouldn't have my outburst at my cousin blamed on my losing something so "trivial". User Image

*Hitting head* Gah! I never do anything right! I can't even get some peace without yelling at someone! If it weren't for me my parents wouldn't have such a hard life and such a strained relationship! God, I wish I were dead! Not like anyone'd suffer from that, anyway! User Image

"Roll with the punches"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

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