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Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/24/2007 5:35 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Great! User Image

And I'm glad you liked my awesome new <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">fan
umbrella so much! It's got an awesome pattern, huh? User Image And you can still see the first fan I'm holding, but barely. User Image

I put my second Ubi Fan in my storage locker for safekeeping. User Image

Do you think my avatar's gonna live through winter? The kimono's pretty thick, from the looks of it...User Image And I'm wearing a hat, too. User Image

Seems your mind really has gone off to lala land! User Image Don't worry, though; mine's been doing that a lot lately too. In fact, it still hasn't come back...User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image</span>
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/23/2007 8:55 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Hehehe, really? User Image

I doubt others will say that, though. User Image

But I'm glad that you heard me and appreciated my cheering! User Image It makes me feel so much better knowing somebody out there likes having support! User Image

And I've left my fan in my storage locker in exchange for a cool new parasol (more like umbrella)! User Image Isn't it cool? User Image

I especially like how it has a swirly, almost Rasengan-like pattern on it. User Image

Don't worry, though; I still have my fan; it's just hidden by my umbrella! User Image

And, on top of that, the umbrella can be used during rainy days, isn't that cool? User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/22/2007 3:40 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

I don't mind the late reply just as long as you reply sometime! User Image

You heard me? Thank goodness! I was afraid I wasn't loud or enthusiastic enough! User Image User Image

I'll always cheer for you! User Image

I'll always support you no matter what you do (unless it's got a potential for damage, then I'll stop you every chance I get)! User Image User Image

Oh, oh, and didja notice my two cool fans? User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/20/2007 12:29 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image


This is a pointless comment. User Image

Feel free to delete it if you wish.

*Raises hands into the air dully* Whee. User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/19/2007 4:53 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Heya! User Image

Didja hear my enthusiastic cheer for you while you were playing softball today during PE? User Image User Image

I know you did! I made sure to make it as loud as I could without being weird! User Image

Aren't ya simply proud to have me as a friend? User Image User Image User Image User Image

Goooooooo Emily!!! User Image User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/18/2007 5:13 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image


I'm too depressed right now to give you a happy and silly (albeit annoying) comment, sorry.

I'll do that tomorrow.

Sorry for being depressed.

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/17/2007 4:54 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Oh my...well, while that's a very good thing for you, it's kind of bad for me because I'm not really doing my homework either. User Image User Image And I wonder how I'm even going to pass Geometry...User Image

Well, just you wait, someday in the future I'm gonna learn HTML and CSS and image manipulation someday, I swear to god that I will! And I'll make them awesome and kick-a**! That is, in the future. I can only keep hoping right now. User Image User Image

Gaara: *Twitching* ...User Image...

Uh, Gaara, she didn't mean it, honest! You're not insane--

*Gaara whips around*

Gaara: *Screaming* SHADDUP! IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M GOING NUTS! IT'S SHUKAKU, DAMMIT! ******** SHUKAKU!!! User Image User Image

...User Image *Staring at Gaara with an open mouth*

Er, let's back away from Gaara, shall we...? User Image

Oh, and Christine wasn't mad at me, strangely; she even made a simply hilarious WeeMee for me on AIM! You should see it; it's just downright hilarious! User Image I howled with laughter when I saw it! User Image

But I do miss my old buddy icon. Sakura may not be one of my top favorite characters (in fact, Temari and Tenten beat her for the top spots), but that buddy icon was still really pretty. User Image

But thanks for forgiving me. I'm so glad to know so many forgiving people! User Image (Not like Temari; she holds grudges and holds them against people in a very gruesome way. User Image User Image)

Temari: *Snapping* Hey! I heard that! Stinking brat!

Aw, shut up, Tessen.

Temari: *Irritated* I told you a million times my name is not "Tessen"! Who'd wanna name their kid after a war fan, anyway?! User Image

Dunno, maybe the same person who named their daughter after a toy ball? User Image

Temari: WHY YOU...! THAT'S IT!!! User Image *Starts chasing me*

Eeep! *Runs away*

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/16/2007 6:29 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

(Huh, funny thing, in Firefox the comments on your page are actually normal-sized...! User Image User Image)

At least...Uh oh. I'm falling into that habit of not doing my math homework...User Image

Bad Diana! Do your homework! User Image User Image

Uh, sorry about that. Anyway...

Aw, no, you flatter me. User Image I know hardly anything! I don't even know HTML or CSS or anything! There are millions (okay, maybe not that many User Image) of people out there who are a million times more knowledgeable than me! I only know basic things that everyone should know, how pathetic. User Image

Gaara: HEY! I heard that! User Image

Nyaaaaaah, so what? Nyaaaaaah! *Makes a face at Gaara* User Image


Uh oh. RUN!!!!!!!! *Runs as far away from Gaara as I can, screaming*

Aw, well, at least you'll finish it, right? Right?? User Image

And I'm really, really, REALLY sorry for yelling at you on AIM, honest! I always yell at people when I'm angry; it's a horrible habit and I know that, but I don't know why I keep on doing it! User Image I'm so sorry! Forgive me! User Image

*Waves byebye* Bye bye! *Not actually as cheerful as I seem*

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/15/2007 3:35 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Well, I finally finished it...but since I kept on slacking off I ended up staying up late at night and almost missed dinner! User Image User Image Mom wasn't too happy about that. User Image

And indeed we will! User Image We'll venture through the jungles of the Internet with our faithful friends (and music, of course) by our side! User Image

Gaara: There you go again, blabbing about stuff that makes as much sense as winning a penny in a lottery! User Image

Oh, shut up. An inch of snow is like winning ten cents in a lottery, right, Gaara?

Gaara: What? That made no sense whatsoever! User Image

Oh, forget you. User Image

Weeeeeell...I'm not good with computers either, really. User Image I do know that you should always have an active antivirus, firewall, and antispy program at all times (and I don't have the antispy; none of the good ones are free and the ones I have don't start automatically, dammit!), and I kind of know what to do when I encounter spyware or viruses, but that's as far as my technological knowledge goes. User Image When in doubt, consult the Virus/Malware/Slow Computer sticky in the Computers and Technology forum; they have more info there. User Image

But I'm glad you appreciate my tips; I was thinking they were maybe too vague and a bit too confusing! User Image (I can rewrite them in a list of you'd like; just say the word and I'll get to work on it. User Image)

And you like my siggy? Thanks! I'm thinking of changing it, though. User Image It's kinda...tacky. User Image User Image I wanna change my comment code, too. I wanna make it all fancy and pretty like some of the people on Gaia! User Image

But that requires a LOT of coding. Oh dear. User Image

Oh well! I'll plan it out later! User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/14/2007 11:45 am

Ame no Yanagi

[COLOR=red][SIZE=9][IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_ninja.gif[/IMG]

Aw, shucks, thankies. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_blaugh.gif[/IMG]

And no, the math homework is as difficult as ever! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_crying.gif[/IMG]

I gave up yesterday after just leaving the textbook and notebook sitting there on my desk. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sweatdrop.gif[/IMG]

So [i]that's[/i] why you've been staying up so late at night! You start [i]waaaaaaay[/i] too late on homework, my dear. I can understand if you just want to take a little break after school because you're exhausted after a whole day at school, but the latest you should start on homework should probably be 5:00 PM! You have to start on homework earlier or else your current habit of starting at 6:00 to 8:00 PM will become much worse!

Aha! Another fellow student who, like me, also cannot live without music as she ventures through the jungle of the Internet! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_xd.gif[/IMG]

Gaara: What...the...hell...?

Ehehe, my bad. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sweatdrop.gif[/IMG]

But yeah, it feels really awkward surfing the web without music. I'm too used to listening to music as I surf the net. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sweatdrop.gif[/IMG]

(I actually started getting into this habit when I was in sixth grade. Before sixth grade I didn't listen to music as I surfed the web--no CDs at the time. [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_redface.gif[/IMG])

And to tell you the truth, I was about to panic, too! I tried restarting my computer several times (which didn't work), asking for help on Gaia, updating my sound card's driver (which [i]also[/i] didn't work), installing a hotfix from Microsoft (that merely put back the Sound Effects manager onto my computer and did nothing to bring my sound card back to life), and finally, after a kind soul's suggestion that I go to Realtek's site and download a new audio driver, I had to install a new audio driver over my old one. I was almost thinking that, since my sound card had a pretty vague name ("Realtek High Definition Audio" [i]is[/i] a pretty vague name, no?), I couldn't fix it. I'm not sorry that I installed the new audio driver, though; the sound quality took some time to get used to but it made my music-listening experience so much better, because now I can hear so much more detail at a lower volume! [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_4laugh.gif[/IMG]

A tip: if you ever run into computer problems, head to the Computers and Technology forum on Gaia. You might have to be literate and bear with the natives'...[i]sharpness[/i] of tongue, but if you give enough details on the problem, provide information such as your computer brand, model, and operating system, and you wait patiently and don't bump (which also means you can't keep posting, "Can someone help? Please? [IMG]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/common/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/IMG]"; I've seen it happen and the natives get pretty damn pissed when you do that.), you'll get help from an expert fairly soon.

For example, for my sound card problem I posted [i]exactly[/i] what I was doing up until the problem hit, any error messages that popped up (you should [i]always[/i] write down error messages, or if you can't write it down but can remember it clearly, describe it), and my computer's brand, OS (operating system), the sound card's brand, model, and digital signature. A note, though: if you just go [i]straight[/i
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/13/2007 5:21 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image


*Sobs* YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD FRIEND, EMILY!!!!! User Image *Crying tears of joy*

...Just kidding. But you're a really good friend! I didn't expect you to actually accept it, either! User Image

And I'll do something about my homework. Hell, I'm doing my math homework right now! User Image

But it's not that you're finishing too late, it may have something to do with the time at which you start on your homework. I start some time after school and I sometimes still end up having to stay up late (mostly because I'm a total slacker User Image), but I haven't had to stay up until 12:00 AM or such a time. What time do you usually start on homework, and what time do you usually finish (or give up)?

Sorry for replying so late; I was going to reply to your comment yesterday but my computer's sound card died so I didn't have any sound on my computer at all. I was actually on Gaia for a short time yesterday, but I was only at the Computer and Technology forum, surfing about for an answer to my sound card problem. But don't worry about it; it's all good now. User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/10/2007 5:54 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

You weren't angry that I said I'd very much like to leave this place? Really?

Now I feel guilty for saying that, since I hadn't exactly expected you to say something along the lines of "Whatever makes you happy, even if it stings for me..." User Image

Well, thanks for the sympathy anyway. User Image

But I won't scream at you, no way. I don't wanna vent my spleen out on ya in such a mean manner, no way.

But I suppose I'll have to lay off on the homework for now, even though my school grades are in jeopardy, no thanks to that one stupid little absence. User Image

God damn it! My grades have ALWAYS been s**t, but this time it's bulls**t, not just "s**t"! Sometimes I wish I were dead instead! User Image User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/09/2007 5:02 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

You think it's normal? *Lets out a sigh of relief* Whew, thank god at least one person thinks it's normal too! Nothing sucks more than having others say "no, I'm afraid that's weird" when you just can't help it...

So I guess I'm not a weirdo after all? Thank goodness!

On the other hand, I'm afraid that I might soon be moving somewhere else, because today I tripped over a wet and muddy hole (and made some passing people snicker) while walking to "Dad's" van (oh yes, I call him "Dad" now since he isn't my dad anymore) and instead of asking "what's wrong?" or just keeping his big fat mouth shut, he had to keep on poking fun at me since my feelings don't matter to him and I just flat-out snapped--not as bad as some of the times I've gotten pissed off before, but bad enough all the same. I scared the dogs shitless and ended up making Mom and Dad fight, and Mom was so appalled with "Dad's" tactlessness that she said something about "divorce" and "moving". I'm not sorry for this, because 1) the sticking, bleedin' b*****d deserved this anyway; and 2) I won't be sorry to leave this hellhole, because it's given me more pain and sorrow than I need or want. User Image

Ugh! I have SHITLOADS of math homework, but no thanks to my stupid little fight with that stinkin' b*****d, all I feel like doing now is just downright scream at someone! User Image User Image User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/08/2007 3:48 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Well, never mind the truancy thing, it's cleared up now.

Uh oh...is it normal to worry about a mere pencil grip that one loses, even if it's my favorite? User Image

*Sigh*...I really liked that dark blue, gooshy grip too...User Image

Wah! User Image

Gaara: Who cares? Just buy a new pack. User Image

B-But...I still have a lot! It's just that one that I miss so much!!! User Image

Gaara: Weirdo. User Image

*Sniffles* User Image

Well, enough of that. Did you read the announcement for the Item Contest finalists? I didn't like any of them except for the Kiki Hoodie, so I hope that the Kiki Hoodie gets made into an item on Gaia. User Image

I actually would've voted for the Demonic/Demi backpack too, but I've seen a petition for a similar item ("Winged Backpacks", and the idea in that petition is to have a white backpack with white wings) and I feel it's not very original. User Image

You should go check the item ideas out; there might be some ones that you like! User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/07/2007 4:32 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Ugh! My glasses broke again! ¡Qué horrible! User Image

Today I had to visit the optometrist in Oakland to get a new frame, and while the lady said that the new frame is made of higher quality plastic I still can't help thinking that the frame will break again, since I'm much too rough with everything (and often tend to break things or cause them to break). User Image

And then there's the damn school, which called me on Friday saying that I hadn't called them to report my absence! I called the damn office (well, IGCG's office anyway, since my teachers at IGCG kept telling us to call the IGCG office for absences and the like during that time we went over the stupid handbook) and the lady said that she'd notify WHS of my absence, but noooo, WHS has to say "Your son or daughter may have been truant. Please call the office at blahblahblah or send a note with your student with his/her name, etc. etc."! User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/06/2007 12:44 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

To Everyone:

To clear things up, I am not in any immediate danger as of the current time. However, when the time comes that I have encountered any problems and have to leave the house, don't panic. I will try to contact you as soon and quickly as possible if I am in deep s**t.


Mmm...I don't want anyone to worry, so don't bother worrying. Worry only if I've been gone for more than three months and/or haven't had any human contact whatsoever.

On the other hand, I broke my glasses Thursday evening (damn plastic frame! User Image) and just got them fixed, so now everything hurts my eyes. @_@;;; It's kind of hard adjusting to my current glasses when I've gone an entire two days wearing my older ones...User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/05/2007 11:14 am

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

I want you to know...

If I don't reply to any of your comments, don't comment/visit your page or anything like that, haven't been on Gaia for a while, and don't reply to any emails/IMs that you send me, that means I'm in trouble and something has happened. If that happens, I don't want you to panic. I'll tell you beforehand if I have to leave or whatever, but if I suddenly stop coming on Gaia or replying to emails/IMs that means that something's happened and I have to leave the house for a while.

Don't be scared if this happens; I'm just telling you so you'll know.

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/03/2007 6:43 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

I see that you've changed your profile theme to "Sweet Poison"...

*Gives you a thumbs-up* Nice. User Image

It's so weird, though! The comments start out all squiiiiiiiiiished skinny, but when I mouse over "add comment" or "view all comments" they expand! How strange is that? User Image

Oh yeah, your multimedia won't show up in this theme. I forgot to tell you that. User Image

And I suppose my last comment pretty much closed up our conversation? User Image

Darn. I was hoping that it'd go on longer. User Image

Oh, thanks for waiting for me today at lunch. I really appreciate it and I swear I'll pay you back someday, honest! User Image User Image User Image User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/02/2007 5:26 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Nah, it's just a moment's confusion is all! User Image

Hehe, really? Yokata ne yo! User Image

But sometimes that annoying b***h in my head keeps on calling me a friggin' HYPOCRITE! User Image It's nothing you should know, I'm afraid my description of that annoying little voice in my head is EXTREMELY rude. User Image

And I still think you should go with that profile theme! It'd look awesome on your page!!! User Image

Oh, and yesterday I found a new profile theme on tektek that I absolutely love!!! User Image It's based around the Disney movie Spirited Away, have you ever seen it before? It's AWESOME!!! It's one of my favorite movies ever, and I love that profile theme so much that I actually might use it. User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Ame no Yanagi's avatar

Report | 10/01/2007 4:05 pm

Ame no Yanagi

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image

Ya think? User Image

Well, it's a common mistake--I remember quite vividly that I once used to write S.H.E as "S. H. E."! User Image I've wised up over time, but I don't suppose I have the right to correct you, huh? User Image User Image

And I know you've heard this from me MILLIONS of times already, but...


...Yeah. Gomen. User Image

This is the one I'm talking about: tektek.org Profile Themes: Sweet Poison by HyperTextML

And here's the preview: tektek.org Profile Themes: Sweet Poison by HyperTextML (Full Preview)

I remember that out of all the profile themes that I showed you from tektek, this one was the one you liked the most. I think it suits you all right. User Image

And I guess it was, huh? User Image And even I don't know what we're talking about! User Image User Image

Oh, and your comment was a bit vague, I'm afraid. User Image I had to check your page and my page constantly when replying. User Image User Image I'm not mad, though! Just kind of confused. User Image

"Roll with the punches!"

-楽園の詩 Rakuen no Uta - Song of Paradise User Image

User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
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