ElenaUnpredictableGilbert's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/22

Occupation: Multi Role-Player


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She is an 18 year old vampire who was recently turned with Damon's blood. She lives in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, in the Salvatore Boarding House with her new boyfriend, Damon Salvatore. She was living with her adoptive brother and biological cousin, Jeremy at 2104 Maple Street but due of his hunter issues she had to move out. She is best friends with Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett. Elena had an on-and-off romantic relationship with Stefan Salvatore, a 165 year old vampire until losing him when he gave himself over to Klaus in exchange for the cure to a werewolf bite, hybrid blood, to save Damon Salvatore, his brother.

However she is now in a romantic relationship with Stefan's older vampire brother, Damon, who is both dangerous and seductive. He is in love with her and ever since becoming a vampire, her feelings for him have grown stronger. She attends Mystic Falls High School, where she is a former cheerleader, honor student, and one of the most popular girls in the school. Elena wants to become a great writer; she stated this in a conversation with Stefan, and she has a diary in which she writes everything that happens in her life. She was originally turned in this direction by her mother. She was given her first diary by her.

Elena has to deal with trying to lead a normal life ever since her adoptive parents died in a car accident. Even if she had never met the Salvatore brothers, or fallen in love with them, she would be in danger due to her being the second Petrova doppelgänger. Stefan unexpectedly saved Elena's life on May 23, 2009 when her adoptive parents' car went off Wickery Bridge. He tried to save her father Grayson, insisted that he save Elena first.

When Stefan pulled Elena out of the car, he was shocked and taken back when he saw that Elena looked like Katherine; he could not believe the uncanny resemblance between the two. Stefan then took Elena to the Mystic Falls Hospital, and had been watching her ever since for about four months, and learning about her to make sure that she is safe and not at all Katherine Pierce, or even mildly like her. Elena said that it was a "miracle" that she had survived such a horrific and tragic car accident and she questioned how it was in any way possible that she survived and made it out of the car. After discovering what a pure heart she had, Stefan realized he could not leave Mystic Falls without knowing her, so began at her school.

After she discovers the secret of the Salvatore brothers, Elena has to deal with the murders and lies in her life as well as supernatural events and characters. She is described as a star student. She is popular, sporty, smart, kindhearted, compassionate, selfless, empathetic, caring, and nice. She can be rather vulnerable and a damsel in distress, although she does possess a strong-willed, determined, passionate and fiery streak.

Elena Gilbert was born on June 22, 1992 in Mystic Falls, Virginia, to John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming, who fled a few days after giving birth with the help of John's brother, Grayson. He and his wife Miranda Gilbert adopted the baby girl. It was easy to arrange since Grayson was a doctor and put himself and Miranda on Elena's birth certificate so as not to arouse suspicion. Elena later learned that she was a descendant of Katherine Pierce, the vampire that caused the feud between Damon and Stefan Salvatore back in 1864 and turned both men into vampires.

In sophomore year, Elena was dating Matt Donovan, her oldest friend with whom she had formerly shared a crib with. At a bonfire, the two of them got into an argument where, afterwards, she called her parents to pick her up. There she met Damon who confused her with Katherine, not yet knowing of doppelgängers. After talking, Damon compelled her to forget him. Elena's parents turned up to take her home in their car, and she then had no recollection of meeting him.

After leaving with her parents, their car unexpectedly drove off of Wickery Bridge. Elena somehow miraculously ended up in the hospital, alive, whilst her parents died. It was later revealed that Stefan arrived at the scene during one of his visits to Zach and, after hearing the events, he tried to save Grayson, who was still conscious, but he told Stefan to save Elena first. Stefan therefore took Elena to safety and she survived the accident, but unfortunately, her adoptive parents died before Stefan could save them, too. It was later revealed that John, her supposed uncle, was actually her biological father due to a relationship with Isobel in their teenage years.



As a human, she was the sociable, popular girl in school who was the girl next door. She’s compassionate, caring, empathetic, kind, smart, beautiful, friendly and easy to get along with. Elena is also athletic and was a cheerleader on the cheerleading squad. Elena's favourite hobby was writing in her journal. Elena has said that she had always wanted to be a writer. Elena's problems were your typical, everyday life quirks befitting of a teenager. There's also stubbornness and a fiery aspect to her personality underneath the everyday quiet and caring exterior. Elena is fiercely loyal and very protective. She will fight for those she loves most and she will fight for what she believes to be right and just. She won't think twice about telling it like it is, even if the truth isn't necessarily pleasant. As Caroline once aptly put it, Elena's a mothering type who is highly protective and nurturing.


As a vampire, it is assumed that Elena will be a "good" or moral vampire, similar to Stefan Salvatore, Caroline Forbes, Elijah Mikaelson or Lexi Branson. Elena's personality is heightened due to her immortality. Since waking up from drowning in Matt's four wheel drive truck in the same lake that her parents died in, she successfully transitioned into a vampire. She stopped Damon from killing Matt, to seek revenge (due to Damon didn't want Elena to be like him). Elena remembered all of the things that Damon had compelled her to forget. She’s warm, compassionate, caring, empathetic, kind, protective, smart, friendly and easy to get along with; all of her basic personality traits have been heightened and magnified due to her vampirism. In terms of her personality, Elena is the opposite of Katherine. Whereas Katherine wanted vampirism, Elena never wanted vampirism and wanted to stay human. Like Stefan, Elena was turned into a vampire against her will and by accident. She has also become much stronger physically due to her standard vampire abilities. Stefan had recalled that as Elena's Achilles heel as she settles into her transition as being a vampire, she has to go through "vampire puberty" as they call it. In terms of blood consumption, Elena seems to want prefer an animal blood diet (like Stefan) over drinking human blood bags (like Caroline) or feeding directly from humans (like Damon). Elena's vampire personality has just begun to be revealed, therefore, there is still more to learn about Elena's vampire personality and more to be revealed later in the series. Damon, who is a reckless, spirited, wild, vampire without a care in the world is going to be a very alluring (but dangerous) influence for the reckless, impulsive side of newborn vampire Elena, and there will be not one but several moments in the first few episodes that will have Elena walking a little bit too close to the fire in regards to feeding and her blood lust. As she spends more time with Damon, she will be leaning more towards his way of feeding, much to Stefan's and everyone else's strong disapproval. Elena is still going to grapple with her choice, though. Now that Elena is a vampire, her feelings are magnified, including her feelings for Damon, and they're much harder for her to ignore and push aside. She's hungry, she's anxious, she's unpredictable, she's confused, she's angry, she's changing. As she's learning to live as a vampire, she'll find that she has more in common with Damon than she does with Stefan, and that scares her, but it also makes things more exciting and opens her eyes a bit.

Physical appearance

Physically, Elena is a very beautiful young woman with an oval face, light olive complexion, almond-shaped brown eyes which are sometimes mistaken as doe-eyes, and smooth, long, straight dark brown hair. Her height is about 5'5" to 5'6" and she has a slim, slightly athletic physique. Elena has an uncanny physical resemblance to her ancestor and her doppelganger, Katherine Pierce, who often poses as Elena in order to trick others, mainly Stefan and Damon. However, even though Elena and Katherine look exactly the same in terms of physical appearance as a result of being Petrova doppelgängers, there are some slight differences between the two girls in terms of fashion and style, and especially personality. Elena physically resembles the original Petrova Doppelganger, Tatia, who is Katherine's doppelgänger.

In terms of fashion sense, Elena is much more casual, sporty and "girl next door" and doesn't wear a lot of make-up or favor fashionable clothing (unless attending a formal event). Elena favors wearing dark blue jeans with T-shirts of various colors and Converse sneakers. Elena primarily wears fashionable clothing or dresses up for special occasions or formal events. Katherine's fashion sense or style, on the other hand, is much more high maintenance, expensive and trendy. Katherine favors wearing tighter clothing, both shirts and pants (mostly in the color black), and often wears high heels (mostly spike heels). Another distinct difference between Elena and Katherine's physical appearance is that Elena always wears her hair flat and straight, which Katherine does not like, while Katherine wears her hair curly. However, Katherine often straightens her hair in order to fool people when she's posing as Elena. Elena wore a special necklace containing the herb vervain in it as a human, which is really the Original witch Esther's talisman which cannot be destroyed; it was given to her by Stefan Salvatore. It protects her from vampire compulsion. Elena also has a scar on the left side of her neck from when Rebekah and Stefan bit her. Now that Elena is a newly turned vampire, Elena is currently wearing a small lapis lazuli daylight ring, made by Bonnie and given to her by Stefan, in order to protect her from the sunlight. Elena’s appetite isn’t the only thing changing now that she’s a vampire. Her wardrobe is going through a transition too. Elena will have a slightly more sophisticated look and will be trading in her usual jeans-and-T-shirt ensembles for more dresses and boots on season 4 of the supernatural series. And since Elena now has the freedom to accessorize, she’ll be dipping into her jewelry box more often. We’ll be seeing Elena in more chain necklaces this season.

■Super Strength - Vampires are much stronger than humans and grow stronger with time. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss a fully grown human across a room with great speed and force. Their strength is also greater than the strength that werewolves that are not in wolf form possess.
■Super Speed - Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion. THis ability grows stronger with time.
■Super Durability - Vampires are resistant to physical damage as well as pain induced by conventional means and never experience fatigue.
■Emotional Control - The supernatural ability to control and manipulate all of the person's own emotions.
■Dream Manipulation - Vampires can control dreams and influence the subconscious. Vampires can produce and modify dreams and induce nightmares or lucid dreaming.
■Heightened Senses - They can hear whispered conversations from a distance, smell blood from afar, taste trace amounts of things, see in near complete darkness and feel with much greater precision. In addition their reaction speed is also greatly enhanced.
■Mind Compulsion - Vampires have the ability to control minds, plague people's dreams, and alter/erase human memories.
■Immortality - A vampire stops aging once turned and becomes immune to all conventional illness, disease, virus and infection. The only known condition that can kill a vampire is a werewolf bite.
■Healing Factor - Vampires can snap their finger bones back into place after being broken, heal minor wounds in seconds and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement.
■Lapis Lazuli - She possesses a Lapis Lazuli ring that enables her to walk in daylight without being harmed.

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Elena Diaries

Elena has been writing in her Diary since she was nine years old. When her mother gave her, her first journal to write in. Will be writing a diary entry everyday.



~ Elena Unpredictable Gilbert


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