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I'm going to be on and off. So I can't really say that I'm "officially" back on Gaia. I will lurk around at my clan's thread, but other than that, I'm no where else, so the only way you can really talk to me is through PMs, Comments, or if you're in any of the threads I'll consider lurking.

[ n a m e ] Elizabeth R. Elegance
[ n i c k n a m e s ] Ellie, Elle, (I've been gone so long I forgot the others)
[ b i r t h d a t e ] April 19, 1993.
[ a g e ] 16 // no duh.
[ r a c e ] Asian// Filipino & Italian
[ c u r r e n t f a v o r i t e s o n g ] I Decided Part 2- Solange Knowles
[ f a v o r i t e c o l o r s ] Any kind of blue, purple, red, black, white, sometimes pink.
[ l i k e s ] being with people, writing, anime, manga, pocky, texting, music, animals, video games, dvds, meeting new people, learning new things, cooking, watching sports
[ d i s l i k e s ] racists, blood, constant hypocrites, people who are picky with grammar but cannot spell grammar correctly, cheaters, animal abuse, being sad, being alone, needles, people who judge others too quickly.
[ e x t r a i n f o ] I completely and totally hate people who will judge people just because they dress a certain way, aren't physically appealing to certain people, act in unique ways that would probably make others avoid them, or just because that person did something that made so-and-so angry. People need to grow up, really... People aren't perfect, and sure as hell, neither are you. Believe it or not, you may be beautiful in this country, but somewhere else, you could be treated just the same way you treat those so-called "losers". Get your head out of your a** and grasp the truth, no one cares if you were voted the hottest guy/girl in high school. No one cares if you won homecoming king/queen or prom king/queen. None of that will help you through the workforce, and neither will all those stupid fights about stupid little drama on how he said, she said bull crap. Stop making fun of others, stop acting like Mr./Ms. I-could-make-your-life-hell-for-your-whole-school-life, cause you know what, even if you did make their life hell. Once your high school career ends, they could end up being the ones making your life hell. So stop judging others and hurting them, cause you'll only end up regretting it in the future, but hey, what do I know? Most of you who would read this will probably think I'm one of those losers who has to rant about how much my life sucks in real life that I have to say it on the Internet. Well you know what, I love my life how it is, I love my family and I feel blessed to have what I do. Most people don't appreciate what their family puts up with for them, but it doesn't matter, cause one day, you'll know how they feel. So go ahead and make everyone around you miserable, cause they'll be happy once you realize how stupid you are.
-end rant-

Back to dealing with life...