Any intentions with me?

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Welcome! Grab a cooke!

I've revamped this place, since the old theme was broken beyond repair.
At least this new theme is going to be made by me, not taken from some random free theme site.
It's Prince of Persia. I really like this game a lot and have been playing it a lot. Mostly because I can't finish it eeeeh...

I'm on Youtube, mom!


ElStupido, they don't get any smarter than that!

ElStupido's avatar

Last Login: 08/24/2024 2:13 pm

Registered: 02/01/2006

Location: Somewhere in Europe

Personal Website

Who is ElStupido? But, more importantly, why is ElStupido?

Oh, my goodness, what is this madness? How long has it been since I actually wiped the dust off this profile? I was in high school, haha mrgreen
And coming back here sure feels like I'm back in my old room, at my old PC, eating macaroni and cheese made by mom, listening to weird music and fishing. Fishing!
I'm older now, I guess. More mature, I suppose. Still me, though. Some things just never change.
But, oh wait, I was a guy here, huh? I guess it's time to come out of the... closet? I'm a dudette. But I'm a tomboy, so eh...
Well, enough about me. I'm off to fish!

PS: If you like my writing, I have more on my blog: The relativity of a corroded mind. There is poetry, prose, all sorts of weirdness.

Journal and makeshift poetry corner

View Journal

It all started almost 20 years ago...

I write stuff. Weird stuff. Some misplaced poetry too. But just like my blog, nobody will read it, except for a couple of kind retired ladies.

"No, no, no, you must talk, talk, talk!"

View All Comments

ElStupido Report | 05/10/2024 11:26 pm
Why do I keep coming back though?. mrgreen
Folkwin Report | 03/29/2023 10:25 am
Still around, bro, hope you'll return one day.
Folkwin Report | 03/10/2023 11:45 am
Best person on Gaia
Genyusai Report | 11/13/2013 7:40 am
You're Active, El Stupido!
lets_play_lockness_rawr Report | 09/21/2013 8:06 am
Thank you for purchasing an item from my shop! whee
A 96 S Report | 09/09/2013 10:43 am
A 96 S
thanks for the buy smile
cheese_girl66 Report | 07/08/2010 4:08 pm
Wow, ahahah, I never commented back to you, like, almost half a year ago xD
I'm sorry, I'm rarely ever on Gaia anymore :c

Do you have msn or anything? c:
(my msn is and my email that I check regularly is ) I can't currently remember my aim or skype accounts xD But I will find them.

Yeah, I'm so glad school is over now xD No more torture!!!

And at the comic store I just handle the till, work on the website, and organize stuff xD It's aight ahah.

And yeah, every site seems to be trying to suck money out of their members. Though I guess they have to run somehow, other than just allowing people to pay to put ads up. lol.

Sorry I'm so fail at replying! Dx
cheese_girl66 Report | 10/07/2009 8:22 pm
Aha yee x3
I wanna get Gaia cash but I was like "Noo can't spend more money xD"
Bugged tickets? O__o;
Oh yeahh, busy with school.
and I agree with you 100%. All my teachers are like "LOL HERE YOU GO HAVE FUN WITH ALL THIS WORK"
and I'm like "O__o; oh.. well then" Busy with my jobs and stuff too.
I still work at a dinky arcade xD and now a comic book store as well :3

cheese_girl66 Report | 10/03/2009 3:05 pm
Aha not too much,
I haven't been on Gaia in so long, once again I find myself attached though xD
Aha, busy busy as always, but really good :]
cheese_girl66 Report | 09/21/2009 7:25 pm

An autograph? You want it where?!

Why not porcupines?


A long time ago, I put my bro's avatar here by my side. Glad to see he's still here.

"El Stupido oficially owns me. hurt my little brother and be bitten..hard..."