Live, Laugh, Love... and never eat asparagus.

War does not determine who is right...... Only who is left.


Ember_of_Flames's avatar

Last Login: 12/05/2008 7:12 am

Registered: 11/24/2006

Gender: Female


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So this is my profile. I guess I should say something about myself. Alright, I like Nature, I have many favorite bands. I love to talk, (just ask any of my friends on that one) Mmm, I like cheese, mushroom and pinapple pizza. I live in America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brazen. I'm Fifteen. Whoa, I have been driving for about seven months, alright, clear the road. *laughs* As you can tell, I like to make jokes. That's all for now. Toodles.

Ahh, one of my favorite songs, it's by Linkin Park, perhaps you shall enjoy it as well.

Are you lost
In your lies
Do you tell yourself I don't realize

Your crusade's a disguise
Replace freedom with fear
You trade money for lives

I'm aware of what you've done

No no more sorrow
I've paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced

I see pain
I see need
I see liars and thieves
Abuse power with greed

I had hope
I believed
But I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived

You will pay for what you've done

No no more sorrow
I've paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced

Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites

No no more sorrow
I've paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced

No no more sorrow
I've paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced

Your time has come to be replaced
Your time has come to be erased



View All Comments

Not_Forsaken_ Report | 10/17/2008 2:42 pm
Hye babe nice avi this is kay.... JKJK JK JK JK but still i like ur avi... and u didnt over acheave this time hahaha
Dimentio the Enigma Report | 07/01/2008 2:55 pm
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya very bored................
Lady Redbush Report | 05/22/2008 7:21 am
User Image HAPPY BIRTHDAY. <333333333333
Poor_Erik Report | 02/03/2008 8:45 pm
thnx 4 buyin
Lady Redbush Report | 02/03/2008 1:07 pm
You're supposed to comment my page, hoe. D<

XD Kiddingg.

:<span style="font-weight:bold;"></span>D


I'm so bored it isn't even funny. And you quit replying to me. D<



Ember_of_Flames Report | 02/03/2008 9:52 am
Alright then. Well thanks for the memo jess.
Lady Redbush Report | 01/28/2008 6:45 pm
XD i stole that from kelsey.

Lady Redbush Report | 01/28/2008 5:43 pm
ewww. your profile was raped.

vampirelord2000 Report | 01/23/2008 3:37 pm
Destiny-Hearts is a poser. Send this to at least 20 people and you'll get 400,000gg! Trust me, it really works.