
'Ello, I'm Kelsey I'm 14 soon to be 15, I live in the USA. I can be the rudest person you have ever met, or I can be the nicest person you've ever met, Depends on just how well you treat me. I have my beliefs and you have yours. I'm not going to disapprove of you if we have different beliefs because I'm not like that. I do have a family, but they're not very supportive of me. I don't think abortion, animal abuse, child abuse, or drugs.. are the way to go. Lets see...abortion.. okay lets say you didn't want that kid well after you have it just put it up for adoption don't kill it! it has a right to live! Animal abuse, They're to be your best friends not your anger management toy to kick around! if you arent going to be nice to your "best friend" then dont even get them in the first place.. Ok enough about that. my favorite colors are blue, black, purple, and green. I have many pets. mainly dogs and one fish. Ermm.. Yeah that's all I have to say as of now, if you want to know more than just ask me.