emo=emotional lotus= dark lotus and shadow stands for all the darkness i see and despise in this world

Emo-Shadow-Lotus's avatar

Last Login: 03/20/2010 4:10 pm

Registered: 02/11/2007

Gender: Male

Location: *look's at the padded wall's*they wont let me go they say im not quite right but dont worry i dont b

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Gack Vannila=So effing erotic


One! Do not ask me my name i wont give it out you want to know something then earn the right got it?

Two! I'm even more of a hardass then i used to be get the hell over it

Three! I don't tolerate stupidity on any level anymore you wanna talk lets talk outside that kiss my perky white a**

Four! Yes i'm back whoop dee doo bazil! i dont care who you are my memory ******** fails i don't remember people easily

Five! No i do not allow comments because i cant stand the ******** criticism for the s**t i do and who i am if you don't like it or think i'm a fake good for ******** you that's your choice to believe that but not everyone does so respect that

Six! Finaly here's a new rule i am happy to help people with many a thing giving gold is a no getting items another no yes i used to be rich and i still know the tricks for marketplace farming and have learned a few new ones if ur lucky ill teach you how to work things but don't hold your breath also helping does include giving advice im good with that kinda s**t come to me with a prob and i will help k thanks people and have a nice happy go ******** day

who i am

ok yeah im back in action im no longer mia from the pages of gaia and ive changed alot get used to it no for you all to get to know the new me shall we?

1 surprised k i aint christian im wiccan or if you wanna get specific im elemental paganistic meaning i dont believe in a god i believe ina higher power out there somewhere but i dont know what it is so i dont worship that power instead what that power gave to use the elements earth water fire air and spirit these are the five elements that are contained in everything living

2 surprised k i am an artist and i am a poet i love art and i love poetry unfortunatly i have to be at an extremely hightened emotional state in other words i have to be pissed beyond belief happy to the point where youd think i was a flippen care bare or sad to the point of self suicide

3 yes i can be an a*****e and i tend to be but im like that to most everyone most people take it seriosly well dont im from a town where everyone jokes like that i call you a crack head its a compliment its saying your crazy and if you find that an insult dont talk to me i call you a dumbass its saying hahaha i remember hen i did that ok now that thats settled onto the next topic
4: ok yeah i may be kinky but im not a complete whore you want me take some time to get to know me first because while i do have my good days i have my bad as well and few people can handle my bad

5 surprised k people seem to want to know my evils recently well here goes when im truely pissed the truth is i start to fantasize different ways to kill who im pissed at this is why i dont let myself get angry at women because if i fantasize to much one day i may actualy attempt and i couldnt live with myself if i ever even tryed to hit a women let alone try to kill one

6 surprised k this one creeps people out it doesnt happen often but if your talking to me and out of nowhere i do somthing like mention someone who you know in rl and say somthing like he likes you or you should leave him alone understand i dont know how i do this its just at times i do ok one ill never have met you or heard of the guy i just tend to know things that i dont if you dont understand i will explain it in a more moronic way i know things i never learned like i could know your life story without you telling me there me be a few misconstrued details there often is but mostly i tend to be right it scares me and it scares people i have lost people i cared about alot because of this strange thing but ive grown used to it but dont ask me to do it i cant do it at will this is just a prewarning so your ready if it should ever happen to you

7:i get easily atatched to people i fall for them hard and fast its how i am

8:i am a snuggle whore i mean who doeslt love a good snuggle

9:yes i used to be a cutter but i stopped that a long time ago and when people make steriotypical emo comments i will snap faster than you can imagine

ok well thats it i must go lots more s**t to do have a nice day all goodbye*bows lightly to you all before he departs*

i am who i am you can hate me for it or you can accept it
