
Currently: Bored and single and still Asian =D
Hieght: 5 foot 3 or 4
Weight: 103 or 104
Hair: Was black with red mixed in (how I was born =/)
Now it is dark brown, and getting lighter, with light brown highlights towards the end of my hair (Trying o get rid of them by growing my hair out then maybe highlight then again later on)
Long hair.
Eyes: dark brown
Body type: eh... regular?
Instruments: Viola, violin, piano, guitar, and drums =] Only a beginner at drums and guitar though
Sports: I like to play capture the flag, tennis, lacross, soccer, vollegeball, i <3 snowboarding and my new board. =D
Skateboarding abd dodgeball (even though it is unfair for me cause I can't tackle guys, and my friends that are girls are afraid to get hurt to play. =.=)

Everyday: I wear jeans or shorts with a belt. ALWAYS with a belt, my pants are always loose. =/ And for shoes I wear jack perceles (all white ones or white and black ones) with a tanktop. And I wear two ear rings on each ear with a necklace that is usually a heart. I would almost always have a black hairband on my wrist. My hair would be straight, but sometiems I make it curl in a bit. I would have a bobbypin on my abngs sometimes if my hair dried weird, it would stay in front of my face so I can't see (I've ran into poles because of that, but thanks to the invention of bobbypins, I'M NOW SAVED!! =D).


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Viewing 10 of 12 comments.

J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/21/2007 4:14 pm

J a y No P a n t s

lawlz not long i learned drums a long time ago tho xDDD
J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/20/2007 11:53 pm

J a y No P a n t s

i broke my arm x33 now im more into music im learning how to play bass x33
J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/20/2007 9:47 pm

J a y No P a n t s

No, used to tho x33
J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/20/2007 1:02 pm

J a y No P a n t s

Usa, IL
J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/20/2007 12:55 pm

J a y No P a n t s

lmfao i dont know just go places? whats there to do anywhere? ha ha xD
J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/20/2007 12:51 pm

J a y No P a n t s

havent ben there in a long time but chyea its fun User Image ive ben to japan for like 2 weeks b4
J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/20/2007 12:35 pm

J a y No P a n t s

korean :]
J a y No P a n t s

Report | 07/20/2007 12:26 pm

J a y No P a n t s

Ohh thank chuu!

Report | 07/19/2007 2:34 pm


Well, I went ahead, waching some more on Youtube.

I'm on episode 131

My fav episode is 123-125

Ichigo battles himself and learns to control his inner hollow

Check them out sometime, even if your not that far.

I love the Anti-Ichigo....I don't know why, but I do.

Report | 07/18/2007 9:33 am


Yea, the Vampire like people...they suck energy from people, but they are only supposed to suck the energy of dead people and they are doing it to the living.


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