Welcome, To My Life

EmoEmpress13's avatar

Random things I want to say

Have Faith in Death. Its the only thing you can really count on.
[img:5c3f7b0b73]http://i714.photobucket.com/albums/ww144/KILL_TheDead1st/Decorated images/1218950584415.jpg[/img:5c3f7b0b73]
I just adopted a Neko!
Name: Rafael
Likes: Full moons, reading, chocolate
Doesn't Like: Sunny days, hospitals or dentists
Owner: Jess
You can adopt one too!
Adopt me![/align:5c3f7b0b73]



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Me, Myself and Jess

Hey, Jess here. If you're reading this then you made it to my profile. Welcome one and all! blaugh A little information about myself, I am a thespian mrgreen , I've acted fora t least four years now and I enjoy it greatly 3nodding . I'm finished with high school and have now started college eek . I am an artist and so far anime seems to be my niche 4laugh . I took four years worth of art as well. I will tell you my age if you happen to ask and hopefully I can post a picture up of me so anyone can actually know who they're talking to xp . I have a few favorite movies, Accepted, Rent, Shawshank Redemption and Finding Nemo. I read constantly as long as I can get into the story. right now Sookie Stackhouse novels are my go-to books heart (True Blood if you're confused.) I am very open minded, however, if it grosses me out, don't expect me to talk about it dramallama Music has made my life worth living, honestly, I've been down depression road a few times emo and somehow I manage to get on the music bus back to "normalcy.' sweatdrop I am a fan of more of the alternative bands because the message means more to me than the pop music on the radio, don't get me wrong, I like the radio, just not everything on it... gonk Okay I'm rambling, If you want to talk. I'm listening so, get at me... xd

Beauty and grace, such elegant tastes...