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Lifes many ups and downs

The hardships, bullshit, and stuff that seems to go right or wrong in life.

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I'm one of these people that has a natural talent to turn anything around to my advantage. I'm a lot more intelligent than people are lead to believe, I'm clever and can use people to my advantage, some people think this is nasty, but nowadays, it's just the way of the world. Recently I've learned not to put myself down, it only allows others to do so.

I come across as overly confident, arrogant and very big headed, but if you can look past that, you’ll see the little kid hiding in the corner, scared of everything. That’s who I really am. My self-confidence and self-esteem have be demolished by today high standards of “perfect”. Why be “perfect”? What’s the point? To be perfect, is to just be a clone of someone else, make your own perfect. I know I’m not, but some people think I am, but I suppose being perfect, is just being true to yourself, and true to others. It is not being dressed in the latest fashion styles and having surgery until you conform to the stylistic standards of “perfect”. It’s purely about being who you want to be. Now and then, I get insecure from all the pain, I'm so ashamed.

I pushed myself to grow up to fast, and now don't want to be ""Grown Up"" So my advise is, don't bother growing up too quickly. Why do you feel the need to get all dolled up and go to an 18 and over club at the age of 15, you'll have time to do it all when you are 18, but for now live like a 15 year old should.

I don’t have regrets, maybe I regret doing something, or saying what I did at the time, but in the long term I don’t have regrets. It’s the past let it be, if it caused that much offense, then smooth it over with the person you caused offense to. Whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, and also those tiny little regrets however insignificant, make us who we are, each one has molded you into the person you are.

Originality. Ha, what a lie. There is no such thing. People who are all claiming to be original and that I won't find anyone else like them, sorry but that’s a load of crap. Sub-consciously the human mind creates and develops a personality around the people we spend our time with, so basically by saying you are completely original destroys that very fact, no one will ever be 100% original, because all we do is take something else and adapt it, it is near impossible for the human brain to "invent" something brand new. So don't bore me with all this "You will never meet anyone like me" crap.

I've been through a lot, but unlike every other person on here I’m not going to go on and on about it and make you depressed, I’ve been through a lot yes, but I’ve come through it a stronger person than I was before. My family have been the most important to me during these times; they've all helped me through so much. Some people don't believe me, or they think I am exaggerating when I tell them, but I can genuinely say I’m not one tiny bit. I will survive everything this world throws at me; after all, it is all only here to teach us a lesson.

I live in the most boring place it seems at times, like most people, I want to get out of it. I hate having nothing to do, it drives me insane. Thank god I can drive. My advice is get away. Go far away and see the places that are out there - come back when you've seen it, but go away and understand what's out there.

If you haven't noticed already, I type properly. That's because I've been brought up well, with a good education, I'm proud of it. I’m very proud to say I can speak correctly and type how you should. My education is very important to me, so therefore I am proud to show it off.

I've recently realized how many friends I've lost contact with...I cant do much and saying sorry does nothing at the end of it. But, they've made an impact and they'll always be in my mind, in whatever shape or form, some people walk in and out of your life everyday, but friends leave footprints on your heart. There was a very bad stage in my life, but please don't do what I did though; please don’t just zone yourself out for a girl, because at the end of it you'll end up all alone, it was my family that helped me through it.

Discover, Even simple things like staring at the carvings on a wall or reading a new book, discover new things that will create new things within yourself. Lets things flourish from the things that you take for granted, just take a moment to stop and realize they are there, and to appreciate them. Read. Determine and evaluate. I'm not talking about a piece of work, but think about it before you do it. Then you won't get the blame. Think about everything, just take time to think. Put everything into order of relevance or into order of importance, it’ll help.

I spend a lot of time overlooking the lake, and feeling the breeze under the stars. I find that I can get lost in my own little world while I’m there, it makes me forget all the bad things and focus on the good ones. There is a certain ”lil star” in my life and she knows who she is. I’ve also seen a shooting star with one of my best friends, out of a group of eight, we were the only ones to see, makes it that bit more special. I also like to get online and talk with friends just having a laugh and watching the world go by. It makes me think about how important my friends are to me, and how important spending time with them is. Even though some of my friends aren't here, but in other states

Love. Love is ridiculously complicated and hard work, so just let it happen how it wants to, don’t go looking for it, but don’t just expect it to find you. Work at relationships and see how they go, give them chance, if they don’t work, they obviously weren’t supposed to. Everything happens for a reason, so let it happen. Take chances, because if you don't then you won't know they existed. They are made to be made, maybe even destroyed. Don't be afraid of losing everything, picking up the pieces and starting again. It will make you stronger and you will be happier because you've achieved something from nothing. If ever you get depressed, just think about what you have got. You've got good blood, Life, and somewhere out there there's someone who will love you for you and never let you go. If you haven't found them, you will find them - don't let it go to waste. If you let the moment pass and forget it, then you won't get it back and you'll be all alone and depressed by the age of 25.
You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall.

I'm waiting for : "That thing, that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy. And the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person that you are supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment, you get this amazing gift, and you wanna laugh and you wanna cry. Because you feel so lucky that you found it, but so scared that it will go away all at the same time."

It's hard for me to be put second, nobody likes it. Expecially in a relationship. There's still a feeling of rejection When someone says she prefers the company of others To your exclusive company. Thats why I have given up on trying to find that special person. it doesn't matter if you have someone or not, if you don't then you don't, and if you do, than that is a bonus, you don't need anyone.

I still don’t genuinely know who I really am myself, so don’t go trying to get to know the real me, it won’t happen. I have these walls, you won’t get in, you have to be something really special to get it, and I have to be able to trust you with anything. There are only a few who have got in. Don’t ask me how they got in, they weren’t supposed to, but they did. Try, go on have a little go, but push me too far and I’ll snap, I’ll tear you down piece by piece and watch you crumble from the inside.

Take me as I come - embrace me or lock me out.

No matter what, I will survive.

And after everything this world throws at me,
I’d still prefer to be the frightened little misfit I am,
than just another clone like you.


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Nemireth Report | 05/27/2012 10:08 am
razz dun freak out, i had some fun with you avi babe biggrin
if i already told you then dun worry bout this cmnt <3
2 more days lol
Yamagata-Yugi Report | 05/01/2012 2:11 pm
Quixotic Quidam Report | 04/18/2012 8:50 pm
Quixotic Quidam
That is because I get bored super easy with items so I trade things out
Rosabel Sal Report | 04/18/2012 7:24 pm
Rosabel Sal
not really... I'm terrible at games... -__-
Rosabel Sal Report | 04/18/2012 5:54 pm
Rosabel Sal
and no comment on your previous post on my profile ; )
Rosabel Sal Report | 04/18/2012 5:54 pm
Rosabel Sal
unfortunately I don't play zomg. : (
Michi Is Gone Report | 08/15/2011 10:14 pm
Michi Is Gone
i love you baby :3
lets make babies
xXFall_Fast_AsleepXx Report | 06/17/2011 11:18 am
its nice to meet you 2 .we an chat anytime
My Digital Pony Report | 05/22/2011 11:06 pm
My Digital Pony
ShortSkip Report | 02/27/2011 10:29 am
<3 P: i love you this much!
( o )( o ) DD boooobies!

