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Ok then, what shall I say about me then. Ok this may be a little pointless, vauge and rambling however here goes.

I'm twenty years of age and dwell within the land that is known by folk today as England. That's right i'm british with the irritating dry British wit to boot. However I am not a Patriot, detest imperilism, loathe tea and think football (soccer) is the dullest game in the world.

Ok in a nutshell i am what could be called a Nerd and like to think of myself as a writer (though scribbler would be more accurate since my handwriting is illegiable and i just write for fun, i do not do it for a living). I am quite strange and could be classed as eccentric if you're feeling charitable and down right nuts if your feeling truthful.

Just take me as you find me, i can be a misreble, nasty, anti-social person who is moody and acts on whims, but get past all of that and i'm not such a bad guy.

Hope that gave you a little insight into the Entropic one.


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Az Shadowpaw Report | 04/01/2008 8:02 pm
Yes, I most agree!

To the RolePlay, Robin! might not get my Batman joke...


Entropic_Angel Report | 07/22/2007 4:33 am
Nice to talk to you again, sorry i not spoken to you in ages, life got in the way of stuff (annoying habit it has there).

Yeah we should do some roleplaying together at some point, would be fun
Kaikaku Report | 07/20/2007 10:34 am
Red hair? No... Sorry. Brown and always brown.


Nice to talk to you again by the way.

We should role play sometime.
Sceadu Phoenix Report | 06/09/2007 11:45 pm
Egads, your flow of profile commentary seems to have slowed to a gentle ooze.
Fledge Report | 06/05/2007 2:28 pm
What? No jingoistic leanings? Ah, curse you and your lack of visible philosophical ramblings. I need some form of basic belief to shatter today. ^^.
Traara Report | 01/20/2007 12:18 pm
I love your avi.
COSMIC ACTORS Report | 12/30/2006 4:56 pm
Nice avi!
Botamo Report | 11/25/2006 10:19 am
get a theme!!!!
Sceadu Phoenix Report | 11/22/2006 8:21 am
New profile! ^_^
Kaikaku Report | 11/06/2006 8:38 pm
You should have somebody design you a profile. ^^
Something.... dark yet noble.


So tell me if your really a Goth where were you when we sacked Rome?