
Hi, (: My name Angie!. 0.o *Im MIxed-- Italian, Mexican, Irish, Indian, White, German & etc. I Believe Thats What Makes Me So Unique & Cute ( : Im Also Lesbian! ;D Im A Pretty.Boy Rocker Stud(: Unique Style- Yes i Have(: Im Short But Very Strong!! I Love Pain- I HAve A Few TAts,- More To Come(: I HAve Piercings- Love em *--* IM A Female That Look LIke A Sexy Dude ;D Ahaha jk Im Adorable Doe, Great Smile, Style, Personality, Sexy Looks wink Im Funny & ;S HAha Ok Im Not Concieted- I just Know Im Cute- lol ;D I LOve MUsic- Very Much♥ I ESCAPE FROM LIFE- IN MY MUSIC! MOST PPL DO.. I ♥ A Variety Of Music(: MAinly Rock, Alternative, R&b, Hiphop- Dance Music, techno, freestyle & etc BAsically Music To MOve To!!! (: I Love Dancing- Very Much *--* iLike Working Out- Makes Me FEel Good About Myself ;D i Lived In CHicago Most My Life, Moved To Wisc. Recently! i Actually traveled To many States- Lived In texas As Well.. But I Love NewYOrk & CAlifornia The Most(: Im A Down Town-City Girl LOl LOve The City Lights- PArties All Night & Day, Romantic Walks on The BEach At Night, LAying Out Looking At The Stars(: I Love Going Out & Experiencing The World- im VEry Adventuruos As Well, Funny, Cute, MAinly Romantic When Im With A True girl(: Dat A Keeper<33 I Just Love BEing All Lovey Dovey- But If Not I Love HAving Fun! I MAke Sure I Look Good Er Day! - I just Do, If U HAve JEalousy OR A PRoblem With My Concern On LOoking My BEst- GEt The ******** Out Of Here Wid YO HAtin a** ;D NAh But Foreal Im A Lover, But IF A b***h Comes up on Me- Im Not Skared To Throw Dwn.. I Dnt Work Out For Nothing.. ;D I loVE BEing The Dominit One In A Relationship.. I Dress & LOok LIke A Pretty.BOY lol I Love It♥ HMM!?!?! - Im Saying Too Much.. Oh YEa I Forgot I LOve To TAlk & BE A goof, But IN & At The RIght MOment I KNow HOW & When To BE Serious!- Im MAture BUT Also A Fun-Oriented PErson,. Just So Awesome lol ;D- Ok Well Just Hit ME UP!- IF U Wanna TAlk Or Whatevr(: Im Dwn TO Meet New PPL(: x.....c

Epic Peach Blunt

Epic Peach Blunt's avatar

Birthday: 01/04

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View All Comments

AmberLove4444 Report | 01/04/2015 3:57 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! emotion_awesome
AmberLove4444 Report | 01/16/2013 9:29 pm
lol haha for a minute i was why is she thanking me then i remembered. lol you are so very welcome it was my pleasure to wish you a happy birthday smile
AmberLove4444 Report | 01/09/2013 10:29 pm
I am super late on saying this but HAPPY BIRTHDAY smile i hope u had a great one
Valrora Wyngaard Report | 12/01/2012 7:10 pm
Valrora Wyngaard
heart Angieeeeeee heart
ii_XAngieX_ii Report | 09/15/2012 11:22 am
how u been??
ii_XAngieX_ii Report | 09/09/2012 12:26 am
Hey biggrin
Ahlyce Silverheart Report | 07/23/2012 4:54 pm
Ahlyce Silverheart
Nice profile. :3
nora_q8 Report | 07/11/2012 12:45 am
ewwwwwwwwwwwww evil why add me
XCuttieLawliet Report | 07/10/2012 10:03 pm
BOO :3
Kawaii-MadiBoo-Kawaii Report | 07/05/2012 8:41 pm
I Feel Loved Nw




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Epic Peach Blunt
x-Awkz Tortuga
Snow The Pure
Valrora Wyngaard
Beware Of Artist
Conspiracy Smoking

KB.... love ya girl c....x

KB's gf aka rave girl

random girl aka idk yet lol

im angie im not emo im not a hater im not a b***h im just me lol. i might be one the coolest ppl you'll ever meet.im a GIRl get it right ppl.im a stud not a dike i dont like to be called a dike. LOVE to party i party almost everyday lol. i work at speed way love it there i get pain really good lol.im 19 i like older girls but ill go for some younger girls 17 is my youngest but i guess 16 isnt bad either just depends who you are i guess lol.and like my username says haters are my motivators lol.

at the lagoon lol

peach blunt lol

my asian buddy <3

awesome friend

my two awesome friends very lucky to have them as my friends :)

my vamp friends they're awesome

my very awsome friend :) if anyone decides to hurt her ill go mexican on you lol but no really dont hurt this girl shes great and doesnt deserve to get hurt

my sister

this is my slave o.o tf im kidding no....shes not my slave but... she is my girlfriend so ppls NO TOUCHY I WILL BITE lol